• Show Date: 26/01/2025
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Stephanie Twigg Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 26/01/2025

Wellingborough & District Canine Society

Breed: Kooikerhondje
Wellingborough 26/01/2025 Kooikerhondje Puppy (3:0) Marsden’s Gladsheim Opening Gambit. 8 month old dog. Masculine head with correct stop and ear set. Forechest and ribs developing nicely, sufficient bone and moderate feathering. Correct tail set that is carried well. Good extension and rear drive on the move. One to watch. Best Puppy. Williams’ Gladsheim Phoenix Rising. Litter sister to first. Feminine head with beautiful almond shaped eyes. Earrings coming in nicely. Well-laid shoulders with chest reaching elbows. Preferred topline and movement of first today. Guy’s Middanwinter War Horse at Kerelkoor. Post Graduate (6:2) Davies’ Twybrook Barenhauter. 18 month old dog. Head proportions equal with correct wedge shape. Correct scissor bite. Well muscled hindquarters and well let down hocks. Moved with extension and drive from behind. Purser‘s Twybrook Charming Prince. 2 3/4 year old masculine, well marked dog with lovely earrings. Flowing movement and presented in tiptop condition, lovely white plumed tail. Preferred the size of first. Marsden’s Gladsheim Opening Gambit. Limit Dog (2:0) Harvey’s Kerfkooiker Gynn at Folkshire. Almost 2 and a half year old dog with wedge shaped head, correct ear set and fantastic earrings. Slightly longer in body than high with correct coat texture and length. Handled beautifully. Gutteridge’s Benitin Trojan of Geduld. 5 year old alert dog, another with plenty of earrings. Neck well muscled and of moderate length. Good proportions and correct level topline, just a little distracted on the move today. Limit Bitch (1:1) Open Dog (5:0) Williams’ Cairnbraid Onwaba Lukimbi of Gladsheim (IMP BEL). 9 and a half year old dog. Lovely outline showing off his level topline and correct tailset. Good turn of stifle, correct bone and standing on small, compact slightly oval feet. Moved well around the ring. Pushed hard in the challenge. Reserve Best of Breed. Wallis’ Gladsheim Veritas. 3 and a half year old confident dog. Good amount of earrings. Moderate neck with plenty of feathering. Elbows close and legs straight. Moderate turn of stifle and well plumed tail. Moved well and pushed first hard. Davis’ Millhanger Kemboy. Open Bitch (2:1) Guy’s Cirtaps Princes Bynton Ida Rose MK (IMP SWE). Feminine 10 year old bitch who is not showing her age. Alert expression with well pigmented, oval eyes. Correct forchest, tuck up, topline and tailset. Straight legs of sufficient bone all round and neat, slightly oval feet. Free flowing, springy movement with excellent head carriage, front extension and rear drive, this girl could go all day! Best of Breed. Stef Twigg (Teffys)