• Show Date: 16/03/2025
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Nicole Coe Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 17/03/2025

Woolwich Bexley & District Canine Association

Breed: Welsh Springer, Golden Retriever, Flat Coated Retriever

Woolwich, Bexley & District Canine Association


Welsh Springer Spaniel

PGrad 1:0

1st Barkley Jacranella Galahad Of Cherryheath (AI) JW 2yr old male he stood alone but was a worthy winner he had a masculine head with correct eye shape and colour, his ears were set low, he had a long muscular neck that led to sloping shoulders, his brisket was deep and his ribs well sprung, he stood on good bone and was well muscled. He had a smooth gait that covered the ground. BOB pleased to see him take G2 well done.

Golen Retriever

Puppy 2:0

1st Morrss & Monteverde Oppenheimer Oligarchia 8mth male who was really enjoying his day out , he had a masculine head with a broad skull, his eyes were dark, and ear set correct, he had a muscular neck that lead to well laid back shoulders, he had a good depth to his chest with a good spring to his rib, he stood on tight feet with good bone and well bent stifles, his tail was carried level with his back, he has a dense coat, on the move he held his topline and covered the ground freely. BPIB pleased to see him take PG2 well done.

2nd Dean Pearlbarn Pink Diamond 9mth bitch, she had a broad skull with correct eyes and ear set, her topline was level she had a good depth to her chest and ribs well sprung. Another with a dense coat, she moved freely.

Junior 1:0

1st Linfield Tonara Yellowstone 15mth male, he was masculine but not overdone, he had a broad skull with a deep muzzle, his eyes were dark, and his ear set was correct. He had a strong neck, he had a deep ribcage, he had good bone, his stifles well bent, another with a dense coat, He moved well covering the ground freely.

PGrad 5:1

1st Phipps-Baker & Baker Maddouse Must Be Trouble 2yr Bitch with lots to like, she was feminine throughout, her skull was broad and her head well set on her neck, she had a deep muzzle, her eyes were dark with an intelligent expression, her ears were set level with her eyes, her neck was of good length well-muscled and led into well laid back shoulders, she stood on straight legs with good bone, her ribs were deep and well sprung, she was short coupled and had a level topline, she had well bent stifles and well-muscled second thighs, she moved freely with power and drive and shouted pick me BOB.

2nd Linfield Tonara Yellowstone

3rd Morrss &Monteverde Olvinglay Gan Amhras JW

Open 4:0

1st Phipps-Baker & Baker Maddouse Tail Spinner SGWC 7yr Bitch Another with a lot I liked, again she was feminine throughout, broad skull with correct eye and ear set, she had a good length of neck which was muscular and led to well laid back shoulders, she had a deep ribs and well sprung rib cage, her topline level, she stood on straight legs with good bone. She had well bent stifles, another who moved freely with power and drive. RBOB

2ND Pett Rumwood Three Times A Lady 6yr Bitch, another that was feminine with correct head, strong neck that led into well laid back shoulders, her topline was level, her chest was deep and her ribs well sprung, she had a good bent of stifle and stood on good bone, she moved with drive freely.

3rd Stallard MapleroseAll Tuckered Out.

Flat coated Retriever

Puppy 4;2

1st Phipps-Baker & Baker 9mth Bitch she was feminine throughout, her head was nicely moulded with a slight stop, she had a nice nose with open nostrils, her eyes were dark with an intelligent expression, her ears correct, her head was well set into her neck which was long and ran well into her back, she had a well-defined brisket and a deep chest her ribs had a gradual spring, she had a level topline, she stood on well arched feet and has good bone, she has correct bend to stifle, hair tail set was correct and she held it level with her topline at all times. She had a dense coat and moved freely around the ring BOB &BP

2nd Young Gemswin Just Like Heaven At Larksburn 6mth Bitch, another puppy with lots to like, she was feminine throughout, her head was correct and well set into her neck, which flowed into her back, she had a good depth to her chest with a gradual spring, she stood on tight feet and has good bone, her topline level and tail carriage correct, she moved well for one so young.

Junior 1:0

1st Balderston & Buckley Aylawbrook Wish On A Star 1yr Bitch another feminine bitch, nicely moulded head and good eye, her ear set correct, her neck flowed into her back and her topline was level, she stood on good feet and had good bone, her tail set was correct and she carried her tail well, Moved ok, handler just needs to move a little faster.

PGrad 3:0

1st Broadbent Gemswin I Am Sailing JW 2yr male masculine throughout, his head nicely moulded, his eyes dark with an intelligent expression, his ears correct, his head was well set into his neck which flowed into his back, his chest is deep with a gradual spring, He had a well defined brisket, he stood on straight legs with good bone, he had a moderate bend to his stifle. He moved freely.

2nd Smith Esined Double Delight 4yr Bitch she had a well moulded skull with an intelligent expression, her neck flowed into her back, she stood on straight legs with good bone, her topline level and tail set correct, Moved well.

3rd Balderston & Buckley Aylawbrook Wish On A Star

Open 2:0

1st Bellamy Moontorn Better Half Of Me JW ShCEx OSW 4 yr Bitch, feminine throughout, nicely moulded head with a dark eye and intelligent expression, her ear set correct, her head well set into her neck which flowed well into her back, she had a defined brisket and a deep chest which had a gradual spring, she stood on straight leg with tight feet and had good bone, she had a moderate bend to her stifle , her topline was level with a correct tail set. She moved freely and with power unfortunately she was out of coat today. RBOB

2nd Balderston & Buckley Aylawbrook Wish On A Star

Judge Nicole Coe