• Show Date: 26/01/2025
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Natasha Walker Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 31/01/2025

Wellingborough & District Canine Society

Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Wellingborough & District Canine Society Open Show

Sunday 26th January 2025

First and foremost, I want to thank the society for inviting me to judge at their centenary show, their hospitality was wonderful and the show ran so well. To my two stewards who effortless went breed to breed and ushered me in smoothly, your hard work did not go unnoticed and a good steward is worth their weight in gold so thank you.

Staffordshire Bull Terriers –

Judge: Natasha Walker (TESHLEYSTAF)

Puppy (4,2)

1. 496- Moult’s- Kamaristaffs Royal Legend at Moultstaffs

Black brindle dog at the end of his puppy career, mature for his age. Strong, masculine head with correct ear carriage and distinct stop, well pronounced cheek muscles, correct bite, beneath a tight lip. His neck is strong and leads down into a wide front and straight legs. His body showed good rib. His rear development showed good angulation, with correct bend of stifle. When setting off he went off full speed but his handler managed to settle him and he moved well to show the desired movement. I imagine as he gets older and matures this will settle more. As he matures a harder condition will finish his picture nicely. Won his class on his strength for size and parallel movement, and pleased to award him Best Puppy in Breed.

2. 502-Watson’s- Sparkstaff Silent Mary

White and brindle pied bitch. So, unfortunate to meet 1 today as his mature physique highlighted her femininity, not in a bad way but making her appear so innocent in comparison. The prettiest of girls, with a neat clean head, dark eyes. Her front is straight and has adequate width for her size. This girl’s profile is her virtue, looking at her from this side is where she excels, close coupled and enough rib whilst holding her topline level. Her angulations finish off this look and her tail set is correct. She moved okay, just preferred the parallel movement of one. I think time will finish her off and she is just a baby so has plenty of it on her side.

Junior (4,1)

1. 500- Waltham’s – Dringshaw Strobe

14-month-old white dog with red patch on ear, a dog I have judged previously at a much more tender age. He is maturing in just the right ways! A strong head with half pricked yet neat ears, his pigmentation is incredible and make his dark large round eyes just pop. Pronounced cheek muscles, clean tight lips, huge white teeth and correct scissor bite, and a good depth to underjaw. His feet are neat and tidy on straight well boned legs. He has the desired strength for size, plenty of forechest, brisket, and spring of rib. His topline remained level stacked and on the move. He is balanced and developing his second thigh muscles nicely for his age, which allowed him to show off his angulation nicely. His handler and him moved effortless around the ring with economy of effort. He is in good hard condition for his age. He pushed really hard for BOB, and lost out as I would have liked him to just be a tad more animated in the ring, which couldn’t match the open winner on this occasion however, I took no hesitation in awarding him Reserve Best of Breed. I will watch him with great intent as I think he has a very exciting future ahead.

2. 493- Heron’s – Dilirystaff Fangtastic

Brindle bitch with white forechest and socks. I wrote in my notes what a little rocket as she was ready to go at any moment, buzzing with energy in a good way, she is quite the package. I liked her very much, shes unfortunate to meet 1 today. She’s feminine yet poses enough strength for her size. Her head was balanced, housed by neat ears, dark eyes, shes tight lipped with a good bite and correct underjaw. Her front is straight and her feet neat, on tight pasterns, and well padded. Her body, close coupled showing she has a good spring of rib. She held her topline level, and she is fit as you’d want her to be at this age. At 15 months she is maturing slow and steady, just how they should. She really is a lovely package. She just couldn’t quite match one on the free-flowing movement today as she was a tad unsettled going.

3. 497- Robinson, Robinson-Cox & Cox’s – Hamason Sweet Little Mystry

Post Graduate (2,0)

1. 500- Waltham’s – Dringshaw Strobe

See 1st Junior Dog

2. 490- Gutierrez Gonzalez & Hirst – Dringshaw Sugar Moon at Maskalon

Fawn and white pied, bitch of just shy of 2 years. What a pretty girl, who made me smile. If I could award a happiest dog, it would be this girl. Stunning headpiece, with neat tidy ears in the right place, with incredible pigmentation which seems to be the norm from this kennel. Her head clean as a whistle with good proportion, dark eyes, correct bite and a tight lip. She has enough width to her front for her size, straight legs of good bone on neat feet and tight pasterns. She moved effortlessly around the ring, showing correct movement coming and going and the correct tail set. To finish her off I would like her to be in a fitter condition for her physique. She was handled very well.

Open (5,3)

1. 499- Thomas’ & Griffiths’- CH Gazstaff Black Magic

Black brindle dog of 6 years. Having judged this dog previously I spoke about how I found him very much breed type, and today I agreed. He is just that, I couldn’t see past that in him again, not that he let me. His big round eyes did not take their eyes off me the whole way around the ring, and his whole presence was felt, he takes bold to a new level. He is the correct blend of bull and terrier, with a clean head, neat rose ears, well pronounced cheek muscles, correct bite with large teeth and good depth of underjaw. He is well boned, with a straight front and neat feet. His body is very well balanced, he has good rib, and a sufficiently angulated rear. This dog had his eyes on the prize in the ring, while setting off he was like a powerhouse, he excelled with drive and power down the ring, showing the desired reach and drive as he moves his way around the ring all while holding his topline level. His tail set correct and carried well throughout his whole time in the ring. While today he was still in a good well-muscled condition, I feel a more defined inner thigh and rear would finish the overall appearance of him off. He won his class on his virtues, breed type and his bold and fearless expression, which later sealed him the deal in awarding him Best of Breed.

2. 501- Watson’s – Dringshaw Masterpiece at Sparkstaff

Almost 2 years old, red and white pied dog, and cheeky chappy he is, with expression to match. His markings can really capture you and his expression harnesses that. He has a more athletic style to him than one, which demonstrated his good hard fit condition that is for sure. His head showed off his dark round eyes, and his neat ears, he has tight lips with correct bite. He is well boned on straight legs, on tight pasterns. His longer cast in his body, but vital for his balance. His ribs are well sprung for his size and had good depth to his brisket. His rear is well developed. He moved well around the ring, showing a free-flowing range of movement. Handled well, with his handler getting the best out of him at all moments. His condition is definitely something many can aspire to. Unfortunate to meet 1 today, as one just fitted the standard a bit closer.