• Show Date: 25/01/2025
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Jan Reynolds Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 26/01/2025

Redditch & District Canine Society

Breed: Golden Retriever Dogs & Flatcoated Retrievers

REDDITCH & DCS – 25/01/25

I would like to thank the committee for their kind invitation to judge & the exhibitors for their sporting acceptance of my placings.


I was looking for a well-balanced exhibit with ample bone but not overdone, nor too fine! Mouths were good but I found too many exhibits moving far too close behind. Feet should be ‘cat like’ & many were long toed & flat. Please watch those flying tails, it really spoils the overall picture on the move - these were my deciding factors today.

PD (I,1abs).

JD (5,1abs) 1st Rileys’ Wylloh Paddington Bear, pale gold, just out of puppy, masculine head without coarseness, kind dark eyes, correct earset & scissor bite, good length of neck leading into a decent front assembly, legs well under & stood on the best of feet, good spring of rib, level topline with correct set tail, well-muscled hind quarters which he used to advantage on the move, easy on the eye, a promising youngster. 2nd Wedges’ Putjade Pit Stop At Riverscharm NAF, 4 days out of puppy, heavier frame than 1, loved his rich gold coat of good quality, pleasant head, good angles fore & aft, moved ok, preferred the overall balance of my winner. 3rd Moores’ Tenfield Klipspringer With Auryngra.

PGD (8,1abs) 1st Rileys’ Wylloh Paddington Bear. 2nd Swaines’ Ohanagold Apollo, mid gold lad with a beautiful head, I liked him for his overall balance, lovely topline & correct length of tail, stood four-square on good feet, not quite the driving movement of my winner today. 3rd Wedges’ Putjade Pit Stop At Riverscharm NAF

LD (6,1abs) 1st Archers’ Haydengold Just A Rumour At Sunandair JW, well-presented mid gold lad shown in profuse coat, super head with good chiselling & a melting expression, strong neck leading into good layback of shoulders, super forechest with legs well under, tight at elbow, well sprung at ribs, correct tight ‘catlike’ feet, level topline & correct length of tail held well on the move, covered the ground effortlessly showing good reach & drive, accurate footfall away & back, a lovely boy with a happy wagging tail, RBOB & BOS well done. 2nd Rileys’ Wylloh Paddington Bear, 3rd Fleet & Webbs’ Waterbabies Sonic Boom To Eastbury And Hectson (Imp Ita).

OD (8,1abs) 1st Wallingtons’ Wynrita School Daze, well coated & mid gold, pleasant head with kindly expression, correct bite, another lad of good overall balance & proportions, good topline & tail held well on the move, well boned, & stood on good feet, moved well, a little heavy over the shoulder for me which was the deciding factor in the challenge. 2nd Swaines’ Kallixel Caramel Delight loved his head, an honest old-fashioned lad with the best of feet & the most accurate mover of the day, not shown in his best bib & tucker but deserved his place today. 3rd Rileys’ Wylloh Paddington Bear.


Only blacks shown today & without exception all had superb temperaments, a credit to you all.

P (7,4abs) 7 month old litter mates headed this class, 1st & BP Pierces’ Wychwizard Forester, pleasant head of good length with kind dark eyes, correct bite, clean in neck with a good front assembly, deep in chest, good length of rib & short in the loin, hind quarters beginning to muscle up nicely, stood square on good feet, a happy lad with a wagging tail, just beginning to come together, moved well with enthusiasm. 2nd Leavys’ Wychwizard Painted Lady, litter sister to 1, similar remarks apply, not quite as outgoing as her brother today. 3rd Griffin & Griersons’ Lamesbella Elliot.

J (3,1abs) Repeat.

PG (7,0abs) 1st Pingrees’ Telurn Final Attraction Among Heatheridge, 3-year-old male of good size, typical head with good moulding & intelligent expression, small ears set close, strong jaw with correct bite, good length of neck set into a good front assembly, good depth of chest & length of rib, strong well-muscled hindquarters, good free movement with reach & drive, shown in gleaming coat, pushed hard for top honours, RBOB. 2nd Hollidays’ Shashrox Raise Your Glass SGWC, lots to like here, a lovely feminine bitch of good balance throughout, liked her rib length & short loin, stood on good feet & moved well, not quite the maturity of my winner. 3rd Lewins’ Ultimate Choice.

O (6,4abs) 1st Salts’ Levelmoor Acorn Antiques Via Wetnoses, a happy showgirl with the best of heads, she has a naughty glint in her expressive dark eyes, small ears close to her head, good strong jaw with good scissor bite, lovely clean neck which flows into her topline, deep chest & well defined brisket, tight fitting elbows, good bend of stifle & well let down hocks, stood square on tight well-padded feet & has super balance from any angle, powered around the ring with super reach & showing good driving action from the rear, very easy on the eye with her ever wagging tail & pulled out all the stops to clinch BOB. 2nd Lewins’ Vynesbrook Deja Bleu, another happy feminine girl with a lovely head & expression, nice length of neck leading into a good front assembly, she presents a lovely balance outline throughout & has similar qualities, another good accurate mover, unlucky to meet 1 in top form. 3rd Pingrees’ Calzeat Gentleman’s Agreement To Heatheridge JW ShCEx (Imp Swe).

Judge: Jan Reynolds (Benoveor)