• Show Date: 02/02/2025
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: J J Pretty Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 06/02/2025

Isle Of Ely Canine Society

Thank you to the committee for asking me to judge toy poodle, miniature poodle and standards poodle. Thank you to my stewards on the day that did a great job. 

Toy poodles


1st Dr D Petyaeva Dikatanya Zing Zara. 7 months Red, bitch. Sweet  Expression, Correct scissor bite, under the Measure, short in loin. Not very happy on the move but once Settled moved ok. Best puppy


1st Miss J Fletcher Marmalade Sky of Goldselenite, Red bitch with a quality head, carrect scissor bite, dark eyes backskull, well off for length of neck. Correct in body, coat harsh and dense, Excellently presented. Under the measure. Moved with drive, Best of breed

Post graduate 

1st Dr D Petyaeva Dikatanya water lily, Red poodle with pretty head and nice eye shape. Good enough front and giving an overall outline. Under the measure. Moved OK,  not really enjoying her day today. Res Best of breed

Miniature poodles


1st Miss Y Dumot Raeannes Mai Tai for Sirensong Very pretty & feminine 7 month old black bitch with correct scissor bite, lovely head and eye. good hind angulation, enabled her to move well and with purpose, under the Measure, moved well around the ring with drive. She is one to watch Best puppy and res best of breed

2nd Mrs A H Walker Raeannes Black Velvet litter brother to 1st. Black boy up to size,  Masculine head and expression, dark eyes, short in loin. Well angulated hindquarters. Moved well around the ring. 

3rd Mrs A O'malley

Post Graduate

1st Dr D Petyaeva Dikatanya sweet surprise, Moved well, a little long in loin which affected her overall balance. Nice head, with dark, well set eyes. 


1st Mrs A H Walker, Raeannes hidden liaison, Upto size, nicely constructed black male with everything as it should be has a pleasing head and eye adequate reach of neck what one woud call an honest dog moved well. Best of breed

2nd Mr & Mrs C J & J E Smith Dorian Gray's young buck at Threearewild, Sliver dog with correct scissor bite, dark eyes and  Handsome expression, reach of neck, short loin, under the Measure. I just perfer the coat and movement of 1st. 

3rd Mrs J Talbot Host Skyz Da Limit at Ysabelkid

Standard poodles


1st Ms K & Mr B Foster & Irving Kamarri smart alec 10 month-old black dog, short backed. Good length of head, with a lovely expression. Well set ear leathers. Standing on good feet, good front and rear angles. Good reach of neck, well bodied and spring of rib. Moved and carried himself well. Beautifully presented and handled. Best puppy in breed

2nd Mrs G & Mr R Coates Afterglow Luminary 7 months old white bitch, sweet head, correct scissor bite, dark eyes. Good length of neck, well boned, short loin. Well angulated hindquarters. Moved OK just need time to  Settle

Post graduate 

1st Miss M Cotton Sachemic's you're a wizard Black dog in continental. Masculine head, chin well defined. Sound in construction with good front and rear. Short in back. Well bodied. Well balanced. Beautifully presented. Moved with style keeping his top line at all times. Well handled. Res Best of breed 

2nd Miss G Penkethman Viadua virtue of triton, Black dog in continental, ok expression dark eyes, correct bite, length of neck into good shoulders, spring of ribs, well bodied. Moved ok just prefer the drive on 1st 

3rd Miss L Clark Ophelia Emilia


1st Mrs G Coats Jaspalie Ghost white dog in continental, dark eye and the correct bite, strong muzzle, long strong neck, topline correct, deep chest and a well sprung ribcage. Strong rear quarters and well bent stifles, he moved soundly with reach and drive best of breed.