- Show Date: 16/03/2025
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Ian Sexton Contact Judge
- Published Date: 22/03/2025
Retford Canine Society
Retford Canine Society
Judge-Ian Sexton
I would like to thank the Secretary and the committee of this very well run Society for inviting me to judge at their show, thanks to the exhibitors for entering especially the Dachshund exhibitors for a great entry and there were some lovely examples in all varieties of the breed shown under me today, a lot of the exhibits seemed a little unsettled due to excessive noise around the ring and thanks to my very capable stewards for keeping the ring running smoothly.
Shetland Sheepdogs
Junior (2)1
1st. Ms J Rutherfords Myter Black Tarquin At Stormhead JW.
A 17 month old male, and he was well constructed throughout, being balanced and in proportion, his head was refined and of the correct shape, ears well set, dark eyes, correct length of neck, well laid shoulders, and upper arms, deep chest, well sprung ribcage, level back and hocks well let down, he moved briskly showing reach and drive, pleased to award him BOB.
PG (2)
1st. Mr J & Mrs F Durrant’s Borderpride Viva Las Vegas at Lodurr.
A 5 year old male, masculine throughout and nicely angulated front and rear quarters, masculine head, correct ears set, dark eyes and the correct bite. Level topline deep chest and correct spring of rib, he moved positively showing reach and drive.
2nd. Mr D Mrs H & Miss I Allsopps-Grandgenes She Has The Look.
A 20 month old bitch, although she is small and graceful throughout, I would have preferred a little more substance, head of the correct proportions, ears correct , dark eye and the correct bite and dentition. Elegant neck, well laid shoulders and a deep chest, ribs carried well back, level topline and nicely angulated rear quarters, she moved well showing reach and drive in profile.
Limit (2)
1st. Mrs M F Deveson’s Milesend Sea Pearl.
An 8 year old bitch and looking fit and well on the day, head of the correct proportions, dark eyes and the correct bite, ears well set on, correct length of neck, I would have preferred more layback of shoulder, deep chest, ribs carried well back, strong loin. Nicely angulated rear quarters and she moved steadily showing good reach in front and drive from behind.
2nd. Ms J Rutherford’s Kelgrove Midsummer Blue At Stormhead.
A 6 year old male, approaching veteran and in good condition, head of the correct proportions, dark eye and ears well set on, correct bite, neck of sufficient length, shoulders a little upright, level back and a deep brisket, well angulated rear quarters and low set hocks, he moved well.
Open (6)3
1st. Mesdames D & G & John Bastiani’s Rannerdale She’s A Lady Of Auberswell.
A 2 year old bitch, showing a typical overall shape for the breed being balanced and in proportion, head refined and elegant, dark eyes, correct ears and the correct bite. Elegant neck leading into well laid shoulders, deep chest, ribs carried well back, level topline, nicely angulated rear quarters and she moved well, pleased to award her RBOB.
2nd. Mrs M F Deveson’s-Janetstown Je Suis JW ShCM VW.
A 10 year old bitch and in great condition for her age, balanced throughout without exaggeration, head of the correct proportions, dark eye, correct bite, deep chest, correct spring of rib and a level topline. Nicely angulated rear quarters, she was sound in movement showing an efficient stride when moving around the ring.
Puppy (3)2
1st. Mrs A Toft’s Jarrowley Pandora.
A 9m old tri colour bitch, sturdy and compact, head of the correct proportions with a feminine expression, ears of the correct length, dark eyes and the correct bite and dentition. Neck of the correct length well laid back shoulders, deep chest, level topline, strong loin and well bent stifles, correct feet, she moved very soundly showing reach and drive, very pleased to award her Best Puppy.
2nd. Miss C Rushforth’s Charterwood Icon Of Campionfield.
A 10 month old male, lovely type being balanced and in proportion, strong head and muzzle, dark eyes and the correct bite, ears well set on. Neck of sufficient length, well laid shoulders, deep chest and well sprung ribcage, ribs carried well back, level topline, nicely angulated rear quarters and he moved steadily around the ring, unfortunately he seemed to be favouring his rear back foot and not putting weight on it.
Junior (3)1
1st. Mrs M A & Mr P R Henningsson-Dundas’s Julemark Calamity.
A 15m old bitch, with feminine head proportions and a gentle expression, ears set on correctly, dark eyes and a strong muzzle, neck of the correct length, well laid shoulders and a deep chest, ribs well sprung and carried well back with a strong loin. Nicely bent stifles, hocks well let down, although her movement was sound it was a little erratic today.
PG (1)
1st. Miss C Rushforth’s Charterwood Spangled Gold Of Campionfield.
A L/W, 22 month old bitch, typical when standing showing overall breed type, being balanced and in proportion. Head of the correct proportions, dark eyes and correct ear set, strong muzzle, well laid shoulders and upper arms, deep chest, well sprung ribcage and a level topline. Coming on her movement was very unsettled.
Open (4)
1st. Ms S Hardisty’s Blunderhall Saucy Sally JW.
A 19 month old bitch, showing all of the qualities of the breed, sturdy and compact with flowing feminine lines and no exaggerations. Feminine but strong head proportions, strong muzzle, ears correctly set, dark eyes and the correct bite and dentition. Neck of the correct length, well laid shoulders, deep brisket and a well sprung ribcage, ribs carried well back, level topline, well angulated stifles, low set hocks and correct feet. She moved around the ring with reach and drive, a lovely bitch who I am sure has a very promising future ahead, very pleased to award her BOB today.
2nd. Mrs A Tofts, Jarrowley Opal.
A 2 year old bitch, with a typical breed outline, feminine but strong throughout, head of the correct proportions, dark eyes and the correct bite, neck well set on and well laid shoulders and upper arms. Deep chest and a well sprung ribcage, level topline, and nicely bent stifles, she is sound and true but I would have preferred more powerful movement.
Dachshund (Smooth Haired).
PG (4)2
1st. Mr G & Mrs J Cox’s Bulldaxit Sooner Or Later.
A 2 year old b/t bitch, showing lovely breed type, head of the correct proportions, dark eyes and well set ears, correct bite, long neck, well laid shoulders and upper arms, prominent keel and deep chest, level topline. Well angulated rear quarters, correct feet, she moved soundly showing reach and drive, pleased to award her RBOB.
2nd. Miss S G Wood’s Hundpoint Meena Tils.
A 4 year old bitch and heavier than the first placed bitch, she was not showing enough ground clearance, a good head profile, well set ears, dark eyes and the correct bite. Well angulated front and rear quarters and she moved steadily around the ring.
Open (3)
1st. Mrs W Starkey’s Carpaccio Magnum Pi At Hamoura.
A 3 year old B/T male showing excellent breed type being balanced and in proportion without exaggeration, correct length of body, level topline, well laid shoulders and rear quarters, deep chest and well sprung ribcage, ribs carried well back and a strong loin. He moved freely showing reach and drive, I was very pleased to award him BOB.
2nd. Mr G & Mrs J Cox’s Dovestream Black Russian At Dachshinbull.
A 6 year old male, not as masculine as the first placed dog, and I would prefer a more prominent keel, head of the correct proportions, dark eyes and the correct bite, neck well set on, well laid shoulders, and well angulated rear quarters, he moved a little erratically.
Dachshund (Mini Smooth Haired)
Puppy (5)3
1st. Mrs R & Miss S J Herald’s-Winterfield Whiskey Maude.
A 6 month old bitch, showing a breed typical and balanced outline, flowing lines throughout, head of the correct proportions, dark eyes and ears set on correctly, correct bite. Elegant neck, well laid shoulders and a deep chest, ribcage carried well back and strong loin, level back, well bent stifles, she moved soundly with reach and drive, a very promising puppy.
2nd. Mrs D Holmes-Brogansian Ophelia.
A 6 month old B/T bitch, similar to the first placed bitch but appears a little loose in front at the moment, she is a lovely type with a head feminine head and expression, dark eyes and the correct bite. Neck well set on, well laid shoulders and upper arms, deep brisket, level topline, nicely angulated rear quarters and she moved soundly.
Junior (5)3
1st. Mrs D Holmes-Debiandaxies Derry Girl.
A 6 month old red bitch, showing a typical balanced outline, head and muzzle of the correct proportions, ears correctly set, dark eyes and the correct bite and dentition. Long elegant neck, well laid shoulders and upper arms, deep chest and a developing forechest, ribs carried well back, level topline, stifles well bent, feet correct, she moved showing reach and drive in profile, another promising puppy and I was very pleased to award her Reserve BOB and Best Puppy.
2nd. Mrs Y Kent’s Lokmadi Charles Rex.
A 12 month old red male, and a quality exhibit, showing the correct balanced outline and well angulated front and rear quarters, head and muzzle of the correct proportions, dark eyes and the correct bite, ears well set on. Strong neck, level back and deep chest, he moved well going around the ring but seemed a little unsettled today.
PG (9)7
1st. Mrs R & Miss S J Herald’s-Winterfield Lady in Red JW.
An 18 month old red bitch, an excellent example of the breed, balanced and in proportion without exaggeration, feminine head of the correct proportions, well set ears, dark eyes and the correct bite. Elegant neck, well laid shoulders and upper arms, deep chest with plenty of clearance, ribs carried well back and a strong loin, She moved deliberately showing reach and drive, well handled, another very promising youngster, I was very pleased to award her BOB today.
2nd. Mrs D Holmes-Mumsami You’re all I need.
A 2 year old red male, looking good today, masculine in profile, strong head and muzzle, dark eyes and the correct bite, strong neck, well laid shoulders, deep chest, level back, he was sound coming and going and reach in profile.
Open (5)4
1st. Mrs D Holmes-Mumsami You’re all I need.
2nd. Mrs R & Miss S J Herald’s-Winterfield’s June of Arabia.
A 5 year old B/T bitch typical in outline, head and muzzle well proportioned, dark eyes and the correct bite, strong neck well shoulders and upper arms, strong neck, level back, deep chest, well bent stifles, she seemed a little unsettle today.
Dachshund (Long Haired)
Puppy (4)3
1st. Miss S W West-Delsaux Twenty Carat Golden For Kendalldax.
A 7 month old bitch, red with a black overlay, a lovely puppy showing all the breed attributes, balanced and in proportion, feminine head and muzzle of the correct proportions, dark eyes and well set ears. Elegant, slightly arched neck well laid back shoulders and upper arms, deep chest, level back, well bent stifles, correct feet, she moved with drive and purpose showing reach in profile, a very promising puppy and I was pleased to award her Best Puppy today.
2nd. Mr K S & Mrs S M Paskins-Delsaux Life Goes On At Kindeace.
A red 7 month old male, another very typical example of the breed, masculine throughout, head and muzzle correct dark eyes and the correct bite. Long strong neck, well laid shoulders and upper arms, deep chest and good clearance, well ribbed back and a strong loin. Level back, well bent stifles and he moved soundly but a little close behind.
Junior (1)
1st. Miss J Plamer’s Abydezi Time Will Tell.
A red 7 month old red bitch, showing a balanced outline, feminine head and muzzle of the correct proportions, dark eyes, ears well set on, correct bite, long neck, well laid shoulders and upper arms, deep chest ribcage carried well back, level back, well bent stifles, she moved powerfully around the ring, I would prefer a better tail.
PG (6)4
1st. Mr K S & Mrs S M Paskins-Kindeace Hit The Road Jack JW.
A 21 month old male and an excellent example of the breed, showing a balanced and typical outline, masculine head and muzzle of the correct proportions, dark eye and the correct bite. Shoulders well laid back and a good return of upper arm, chest deep and ribs well sprung, ribcage carried well back. And a strong loin, rear quarters strong with well bet stifles. In excellent coat and well handled, a beautiful example of the breed for one so young and I am sure he will do well, very pleased to award him Reserve best of Breed today.
2nd. Mr K S & Mrs S M Paskins-Kindeace You Wear It well.
Litter sister to the first placed dog and just as good an example of the breed, all the same attributes as her brother but I just preferred his overall presence on the day.
Open (6)4
1st. Mr K S & Mrs S M Paskins-Kindeace Texas Ranger ShCex.
Another excellent example of the breed from this Kennel, a 4 ½ year old red male, again showing lovely type for the breed, balanced and in proportion, masculine throughout, head and muzzle of the correct proportions, dark eyes and the correct bite and dentition. Long strong neck, well laid shoulders and good return of upper arm, deep chest correct spring of rib, ribcage carried well back, level back, nicely bent stifles and he moved showing reach and drive in profile, very pleased to award him BOB today.
Dachshunds MLH
Junior (4)
1st. Mrs C May’s-Scrumptious Red On The Dot.
A 7 month old red male, showing a typical breed outline being balanced and in proportion, head and muzzle of the correct proportions, dark eyes and the correct bite and dentition. Long strong neck well laid back shoulders and a good return of upper arm, Deep chest, correct spring of rib, and ribcage carried well back, level back and well bent stifles, he moved showing reach and drive in profile, a very promising youngster and I was very pleased to award him BOB and Best Puppy.
2nd. Mrs J & Mr P Phillips-Summerview Midnight Sky.
A 7 month old B/T bitch, feminine throughout and showing the correct type for the breed, slight arch to her skull and the correct muzzle, dark eyes and ears well set on. Elegant neck, well laid shoulders and upper arms, deep chest, ribs carried well back, level back, well angulated rear quarters, correct well knuckled feet, she moved soundly showing reach in profile.
PG (3)
1st. Mrs C May’s-Hanishan Fiery Fox.
An 18 month old red male, another promising youngster, very typical throughout, head and muzzle correct, dark eyes and ears correctly set on, strong neck, well angulated front quarters and a prominent breastbone. Deep chest and ribs well sprung, level back and nicely angulated rear quarters, correct well knuckled feet, his movement was sound and true.
2nd. Mrs T & Mrs J Yates & Pretty’s-Hilmar Winston’s Winscar.
An 23 month old cream male, not at his best today being a little nervous especially on the table but when on the ground and moving he is a different dog and is very typical in outline without exaggeration. Head and muzzle correct, dark eyes and the correct bite, neck well set on and well angulated front and rear quarters, level back, in good coat today and sensitively handled, a promising prospect.
Open (3)
1st. Mrs T K Yates-Lyndarlea Just Brian Of Irisdax.
A 6 year old B/cream male, a lovely example of the breed, correct skull and muzzle, dark eyes and the correct bite, correct length of neck, well laid shoulders and a prominent keel, deep chest, well sprung ribcage, well bent stifles and low set hocks, he moved soundly coming and going, pleased to award him RBOB today.
2nd. Mrs C May’s- Custard and Jelly.
A 3 year old cream bitch, with a typical outline, correct head and muzzle with a gentle expression, dark eyes and the correct bite. Elegant neck, but I would prefer more layback of shoulder, deep chest, level back, nicely angulated rear quarters and she moved soundly.
Dachshund WH
Puppy (6)4
1st. Miss G Lowe’s-Harry M Windsor V H Ruwielse Land For Nasiriyah.
A 7 month old male and an excellent example of the breed, balanced and in proportion, masculine throughout, strong head and muzzle, well set ears and the correct bite. Powerful neck, well laid shoulders and upper arms, prominent keel and a deep chest, correct clearance, level back, strong rear quarters and strong hocks, he moved soundly showing reach and drive in profile, a promising youngster, I was very pleased to award him Best Puppy and BOB.
2nd. Mrs Z Sirrell’s-Hopewood Dream Come True.
A 6 month old bitch, a lovely type, showing the correct breed characteristics, skull and muzzle correct, dark eyes, elegant neck, well laid shoulders and upper arms, prominent forechest, level back deep chest, nicely angulated rear quarters and she moved soundly.
PG (3)2
1st. Miss G Lowe’s-Nasiriyah’s Bye Bye Baby.
A 2 year old bitch, substantial throughout but still feminine, head and muzzle correct, dark eyes and the correct bite, long strong neck, well laid back shoulders, prominent forechest, level back, ribs well sprung and ribcage carried well back, well bent stifles and she moved soundly, pleased to award her RBOB.
2nd. Mrs Z Sirrell’s-Cradlewood Cedras Libani.
A 19 month old male, he was a little unsettled today but showing a typical outline, head and muzzle of the correct proportions, dark eyes and the correct bite and dentition. Strong neck, prominent keel and a deep chest, level back, nicely angulated rear quarters and he was more settled on the move and was sound coming and going.
Open (1)
1st. Mrs P W Osbourne’s- Derochaise Vincenzo Di Braego.
A 6 year old male, with a masculine head and muzzle, dark eyes and the correct bite, I would have preferred more return of upper arm and a more prominent forechest, deep chest, well sprung ribcage, level back, nicely angulated rear quarters and he moved soundly.
Dachshund MW
Junior (2)
1st. Ms C A Foley’s-Bimini Alfie Moon At Clavennae.
A 13 month old male, head of the correct shape, strong muzzle, dark eyes and the correct bite, long strong neck, well laid shoulders and good return of upper arm. Forechest is developing, deep chest, correct amount of clearance, ribcage carried well back, level back, well bent stifles and he moved showing reach and drive in profile.
2nd. Mrs S J Tomsett’s- Sandanca Cosmos At Dajean.
A male of 10 months old and showing a typical outline, being balanced throughout, strong head and muzzle, dark eyes and the correct bite and dentition, neck well set on, well laid shoulders, deep chest and a level back, rear quarters well angulated, although he is sound coming and going but his movement was a little unsettled today resulting in his placing, pleased to award him Best Puppy today.
PG (1)
1st. Mrs S J Tomsett’s-Hebrideansky canna By Dajean.
A 12 month old B/T bitch, lovely type, feminine but having substance throughout, feminine head and expression, dark eyes and the correct bite, long strong neck, well laid shoulders, deep chest, well sprung ribcage, ribs carried well back, level back, well angulated rear quarters, correct feet and she moved showing reach and drive in profile, very pleased to award her BOB today.
Open (2)1
1st. Mrs S J Tomsett’s-Dajean’s Red Sun.
A 2 ½ year old male, showing a typical and balanced outline, great coat texture, head, skull and muzzle of the correct proportions, well laid shoulders and upper arms, forechest developing. Deep chest and ribs well sprung, level back, well bent stifles, correct feet, he moved well showing reach and drive, RBOB.
Norwegian Elkhounds
Open (4)2
1st. Ms M C Hennessey’s-Laakso Esko.
A 5 year old male, sturdy and compact outline, head of the correct proportions, ears erect and well set, dark eyes and a gentle expression. Powerful neck, shoulders well laid, deep chest, correct spring of rib, level topline, short powerful loin, adequate bend of stifle, feet correct, tail carried correctly, he moved soundly around the ring, pleased to award him BOB today.
2nd. Mr M & Mrs L Stephenson’s-Norvin Marvel Of Brawdor.
Another 5 year old male, a little longer in leg than the first placed dog, showing a compact body, broad skull and a strong muzzle, dark eyes and the correct bite, strong neck, correct lay of shoulder and a deep chest, well sprung ribcage, short loin and a level back, nicely bent stifles, unfortunately he was showing a little lameness in his rear today, RBOB.
Judge-Ian sexton