- Show Date: 11/01/2025
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Elizabeth Millward Contact Judge
- Published Date: 12/01/2025
Coalville & District Canine Society
I would like to thank the society for the invitation to judge Best In Show. The fact that this society has doubled their entry this year just shows the commitment of the show team to make this show a success. Thank you to my fellow group judges who put through a great line up of dogs which made my decision very difficult.
Best In Show started with a lap of honour from the utility group winner Cooper, Ottens & Ottens Ch Susu The Brightest Star (Tibetan Spaniel), this was due to a close association between myself and the owner.
The group winners present were Pastoral Group Winner - Lester, Smith, Preddy & Mackie’s Domburg Hawksflight Love me Back (Belgian Shepherd Dog Teruveren), Working Group winner Brannan & Mycroft’s Supetas Boys Are Back in Town JW ( Doberman), Hound Group winner Spademan, Mycroft, Morris & Waddell’s Crosscop California Barbie from Supeta (Whippet), Toy Group Winner - Watkins Hawksflight American Jazz (Miniature Pinscher), Gundog group winner Taylor’s Swiss Ch Fabpoint Pagan Through Pointoak WW23 (IMP PRT) (Portuguese Pointer), Terrier group winner Crawleys Ragus War Paint (Norwich Terrier).
After careful consideration on this fantastic line up of group winners, I could not overlook the beautiful fawn Whippet bitch for Best In Show. She has a feminine head, long and lean, dark oval eye, small rose shaped ears of correct texture, long neck into well laid shoulder, good front with fill, deep chest, forelegs straight with slight spring to pastern, balanced body proportions, definite tuck up with graceful arch to loin, well developed second thigh allowing her to naturally cover the ground, long tail tapering to the end, she moved with long easy strides holding her topline with true movement. I awarded Reserve Best In Show to the Portuguese Pointer, this bitch took my eye when she first entered the ring, she is definitely a showgirl. She is feminine with the correct head proportions, square muzzle, dark oval eye, triangular high set ears, medium length of neck into well laid shoulder and muscular, pastern slightly sloping, well sprung ribs, chest reaching elbow, underline rising slightly, balanced angulation front and rear, moderate bend of stifle, tail set on line with croup, I could watch her move all day with her elegant and easy stride.
Puppy group winners were Lester, Smith, Preddy & Mackie’s Domburg Hawksflight Love me Back (Belgian Shepherd Dog Teruveren), Working Puppy winner - Page’s Novavida Shieldmaiden (Great Dane), Hound Puppy Group winner - Cox, Cox & Musgraves Carlincox Don’t Knock It (Rhodesian Ridgeback), Toy Puppy Group Winner - Williams Charnell the Renegade Sancana (Cavalier King Charles), Gundog Puppy winner - Stilgoe & Fox Teisgol Sweet William (Pointer), Terrier Puppy Winner - Dolmans Bisquit VS Bismarckquelle TAF (Smooth Fox Terrier), Utility Puppy Group Winner - Huntleys Wrenwrox Loves To Parti (Lhasa Apso).
I awarded Best Puppy In Show to the Belgian Shepherd Dog Teruveren, this feminine 8 month old bitch is an exciting prospect. I loved the balance to this bitch. She is extremely attentive, conveying an impression of graceful strength and intelligence. She has a long head with balanced proportions, hr muzzle tapers gradually to the nose with sufficient underjaw, beautiful eye shape with dark brown eye and black rimmed eyelids, stiff and erect high set triangular ears, moderate length of neck, moderate balanced angulation, square in body, deep chest, short loin, arched toes, she has a light movement which covers the ground without over extension. Look forward to seeing her mature. Reserve Best In Show went to the Great Dane, this 6 month old bitch was at one of her first shows but she stood like a pro. This bitch has a beautiful head, broad muzzle, skull flat, correct head proportions, she is only a puppy but you can see how her face will chiselled further in maturity, well filled in below eyes, very wide bridge of nose, lips hang squarely in front, high set ears of medium size, long neck, forelegs perfectly straight, brisket reaching elbow, long second thigh, she is only a youngster and hasn’t fully understood her legs yet but she moved well in profile holding her topline.
Best Veteran in Show was a very close decision between Beechams Grafskoe Gnezdo Arlo (IMP) (Bracco Italiano) and a favourite of mine Collins & Dunhill-Hall’s Ch Fantasa Dallas Maverick (Pharaoh Hound). Today I awarded Best Veteran to the Bracco Italiano, this well balanced 7 year old male has a masculine head which is long and angular, good width to foreface, pronounced occiput and a slight stop, chiselling below the eyes, fairly large oval eye, ears set on level, powerful moderate neck into well laid shoulder, straight forelegs, pasterns slightly sloping, correct body proportions, good depth of chest, slight tuck up, good bend of stifle, true on the move with powerful drive from hindquarters. RBIS was the Pharoah Hound, it was so good to see him back in the ring again, now 8 years old, he is of a moderate size, has a long lean skull with chiselling, slight stop, oval eye, scissor bite, correctly set ears, large and fine, long neck with slight arch into well laid shoulder, Forelegs straight, elbows well tucked in, pasterns strong, deep chest, moderate tuck up, correct body proportions, balanced angulation front and rear, Well-developed second thigh, well knucked feet, tail of correct length and carried correctly on the move, he covers the ground with that free flowing movement.
AV Junior Stakes (89, 68abs)
1. Topliss Beresford Stand N Stare (Spaniel English Springer), promising liver and white 8 month old, masculine head with correct proportions, cheeks flat, almond shaped dark eye, lobular ears of good length, set on line with eyes, good length of neck into well laid shoulder, straight forelegs, deep chest, balanced angulation front and rear, til set low, free true mover.
2. Dickinson Derdledash Skyfall at Dakotadak (Dachsund Wire-Haired), 11 month old bitch with a good head appearing conical from above, scissor bite, almond shaped dark eye, good length of neck into well laid shoulder, prominent breastbone with foreleg covering the lowest point of the keel, balanced angulation front and rear, sufficient ground clearance true on the move.
3. Reynolds Kleinstar Moongazer (Dachshund Min Smooth)
AV Open Stakes (46, 31abs)
1. Topliss Sh Ch Beresford Lockdown (Spaniel English Springer), nicely sized liver and white male, masculine all through, compact in appearance, good head with dark almond shaped eye, lobular eyes set on level with eye, well feathered, good length of neck, slightly arched, into well laid shoulder, forelegs straight and well boned, strong flexible pasterns, well sprung ribs, deep chest, balanced angulation, well rounded feet, tail set on low, true on the move.
2. Williams & Drozdova Sh Ch Bonapartist Peaky Blinder Avec Aukskara (Brittany), this orange and while male is square and cobby appearance, good head with dark eye, triangular ears set ad carried high, medium length of neck into well laid shoulder, straight forelegs, deep chest, ribcage well rounded, croup very slightly sloping, balanced angulation, thighs broad and muscular, moved with a brisk, short stride retaining his topline.
3. Webster Rossut Vizier For Houndscoast (Beagle)