• Show Date: 01/02/2025
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Cath Moffat Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 03/02/2025

Isle Of Ely Canine Society


P 1(0)

1. Blaney’s Nipnattens Strong Avaalaqiakulooq Fenrirkin (imp NOR). Male of 7 months, lovely masculine head and expression, wedge shaped head, well set eye and well carried ears, good bone and feet, lovely angles and well set tail, moved on a free stride when settled, BP.

O 3(0)

1. Blaney’s Esp/Ir/Int Ch. Fenrirkin Can’t Be Late ShCEx Sui JCh. 4 year old bitch, feminine head and expression with good eye and ear set, good depth of chest, well ribbed back and appealing both on the stand and on the move, lovely proportions, nicely angulated all through which showed in her clean, powerful movement, out of coat today but didn’t detract from her lovely qualities, BOB.

2. Blaney’s Esp/Sui/Ir/Int Ch. Suna-Sanik’s Electric Noah of Fenrirkin (imp NOR). 6½ year old male of good type and substance, strong masculine head with good ears and well set eye, good depth and proportions, good bone and feet, well muscled, moved out with a powerful easy gait, RBOB.

3. Blaney’s Sw/Ir Ch. Suna-Sanik’s Freidige Alice Av Fenrirkin (imp NOR).


J 1(0)

1. Wesley’s Apple Del Fracasso. Bitch of 14 months, fawn, strong but feminine head with dark eye, good bone and feet, ok in top-line, very unsettled on the move but showed some free movement briefly, presented in excellent coat and condition, RBOB.

PG 2(0)

1. Murray’s Keith The First. Brindle male rising 2 years, strongly made male with dark eye, masculine head and expression, strong level top-line, good depth of chest and well ribbed, well muscled and moved out well in profile, BOB.


PG 2(0)

1. Johnston’s Glenquin The General. Liked this young male of just 19 months for his balance and proportions, very expressive masculine head with correct furnishings and dark eye, good forechest, excellent angulation fore and aft with straight legs of good bone, tight feet, moved out with a free and easy gait covering the ground well, BOB.

2. Parkin’s Doberway Queen of Hearts. 2 year old bitch who was a bit ‘aware’ today and took time to settle, feminine head with expressive eye, preferred the proportions of 1, good depth of chest and sound in top-line, moved out a little erratically.

O 1(0)

1. Lovatt/Gettings’ Ir Sh Ch. Beechillawn Break The Mould (IKC) CPW’24 Ir/NL JCh DW’24 DJW’24. Male of 19 months who lacked a little masculinity for me, good skull and eye, had depth in his chest and well ribbed, good feet and bone, nicely angulated front and rear, moved ok when settled, RBOB.