- Show Date: 26/01/2025
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Andrea Maltas Contact Judge
- Published Date: 06/02/2025
Wellingborough & District Canine Society
Wellingborough & District Canine Society
26th January 2025
A well organised show, with a lovely lady in the judge's reception where later a very tasty lunch was enjoyed. Thank you to Georgina and Nikki, my two stewards for the day.
Great Danes
Puppy (7, 3 abs)
1st White's JUTLANDER'S EAT YOUR HEART OUT AT TARADANES - 9 month fawn bitch. Whilst still very much a baby, in this class of youngsters she was quite mature for her age. Her head has nice planes, a lovely dark eye, length of muzzle is correct to head length, and complemented with a dark mask. Neck is of fair length with a nice crest. She stands straight in front onto compact feet. Rib cage is developing, brisket has good depth. Lovely croup and tail set. Rear angles are made up well, stifles are well bent with a nice angle to hocks which are firm for her age. She moved sound and efficiently actually demonstrating her construction better on the move than in stance. BP & pleased to award her Puppy group 3
2nd Cope & Thorn's FONBLANQUE FIONA - 10mth harlequin bitch, lovely head shape, medium ears which are carried well, liked the proportions of her muzzle to head, muzzle has good width which gives a good expression. Front has a nice lay of shoulder, stands straight in front, with tight elbows onto gorgeous feet for her age. Length of body good and leads onto a moulded croup and correct tail set, tail is carried correctly, and wags continuously due to her lovely nature. Rear angles are adequate, but a little more bend to stifle would enhance her movement, this will hopefully improve in the coming months. Moved sound in all directions.
3rd Bourton-Thorne's VERANO VIVA LAS VEGAS
Open (2, 1abs)
1st Harrison's RIOCO MY ONE AND ONLY TO JANSETTDANES - 3 yr fawn bitch. She has a lovely expression, skull is correct with medium ear set and carried well, muzzle is of good length, lip clean, pleasing stop, lovely dark eye and complimented with a dark mask. She would benefit from having more angle to front which would improve forward reach. Nice compact feet. Ribcage is developed with a nice depth, good width to loin which is firm and leads onto a moulded croup. Pleasing rear angles and strength in hock. Moved sound using all she had. Presented in lovely condition BOB & Working Group 4
Junior (1)
1st Knight's DROMNAGUS BULGARIAN JASMIN NOIR - 14mth medium sized bitch with correct bone and coverage throughout for age. Lovely head with correct planes, darkest of eyes, medium ear set correctly and carried well, broad muzzle with large nose and nostrils. Medium length of neck leads onto a well-placed shoulder, she has a nice return of upper arm allowing elbows to be tight, stands on good feet. Body length is correct, rib cage is developing, nice depth of brisket. Tail set is correct, but personally I would prefer a slightly better carriage. Lovely rear angles, width of first thigh is good and with a correct bend of stifle as it meets second thigh makes it easy for her to move, where her side profile can be seen to be efficient. I understand that she is new to showing and with a little schooling for both her and her handler I'm sure they have a bright future. BOB
AVNSC Working
Puppy (2)
1st Pearn's BONMAC LITTLE STAR - 9 mth brindle Boxer bitch. I liked her head type, correct ear carriage, defined stop, clean skull, dark eye showing no haw, muzzle is deep with good width and lower jaw has a pleasing upward curve. Neck of medium length and leads onto developing front where lay of shoulder is decently placed with upper arm giving an adequate angle. Rear angles are enough and are very well muscled for age. At present her body is a little out of proportion as she isn't relaxed into her top line as much as I'd like. She was presented in super condition, and finished off with lovely feet, she moved sound in all directions. Best AVNSC Puppy
2nd Hawkins' MELLHAWK JIGGERLICIOUS - 8 month brindle Boxer bitch, of good size and bone. Head is proportioned well, muzzle is broad, deep and well padded, defined stop, lovely ears carried well finished with a dark eye. Round neck and showing strength, when moving top line is straight. Stands straight in front, feet are splayed at present. Rear angles are good, with firm hocks. Movement is sound although a little off at times which will hopefully settle as she matures.
Junior (2, 2abs)
Open (3)
1st Lyons & Grubb's CH SNOWFORHILL NIMROD - St Bernard of 3 years of age. Solid heavy bone throughout with good covering. Handsome head oozing masculinity, large skull, defined abrupt stop, dark eye, level broad muzzle finished with a large black nose with developed nostrils, medium ears carried close to cheek. Neck is muscular with developed dewlap. Front angles are put together nicely and a pleasure to go over, he stands straight in front onto compact feet. Ribs are well developed, broad back with muscular loin of good width. Chest is broad with good depth to elbow. Hindquarters are good with correct bone, moderate bend to stifle and strong hocks. Would prefer a little more inner muscle to compliment as he moves a tad close when going away. In profile movement is steady and efficient with a level top line at all times. Presented in lovely condition. Best AVNSC
AV Working
Puppy (8, 5 abs)
1st Tinker's SNOWMIST'S ELI AT LOLOTEA (IMP.CAN.) Siberian Husky - at just under 12 months this male is mature in many ways. He presents a lovely profile. Medium neck which carries a masculine head. Muzzle of medium length which tapers well finished with a black nose. Well defined stop. Ears are of medium size and carried well, eyes are dark and attentive. Lips fit close with dark flews. Top line is level, ribs are still developing, loin is broad and showing good development, as are his rear angles where upper thighs are strong and broad, stifles are well bent and hocks strong. Complimented with compact feet. Tail carriage and set is good. Moved very sound and true in all directions.
2nd Moore & James' STARNEWF MR DARK SKY - Newfoundland - Male of just 7 mths. Overall, he is quite well balanced. Head is pleasing with an arched crown, muzzle is level with good width. Dark almond shaped eyes without any haw. Top line is good with a nice under carriage. Good croup with correct tail set. He is still in the early stages of development and presently he is in proportion, this enabled him to move true and sound in all directions.
Open (5) nice class to judge
1st Williams', Jones and Monk's WESTFALEN OLEARIA BEST TEAM WITH KIARATAZ - Rottweiler bitch of 14 months who is quite mature for her age, she is well covered for her age. Profile is good, where she displays a level topline, this is also held on the move. Head is feminine but not weak in any form, lovely ear set and carriage, skull has good width, muzzle has good depth and width with a stop well-defined. Broad first thigh which is muscled this leads to a strong second thigh with stifles well bent. Hocks are angulated and show strength. Her movement is a steady gait where her angles work well together.
2nd Popple's MILEOAK LOCH NOIR - Newfoundland - This girl has the most gorgeous head, muzzle is broad and with good depth, dark almond shaped eye, and ears what lying close to head completes the picture. Muscular neck onto a well laid shoulder with good return of upper arm, I would like a little more length on leg to enable her to use these angles to give her that little bit more reach. Broad back with ribs well sprung, croup is good, hindquarters are powerful with well bent stifles, and strong hocks. She moves sound in all directions.
Veteran (8)
1st Cartwright's CH STEIGEN NEEDLE IN A HAYSTACK - Rottweiler - This girl of 8 1/2yr is a very substantial girl and is still in fit muscular condition. Her head has good width to skull with ears well set and carried correctly, dark slightly round eye, strength in muzzle, and dark flews. Muscular neck leads onto a balanced front. She stands on tight compact feet. Ribs are well sprung, with a nice depth of brisket. Top line is straight and firm with strong loins, croup is broad. Hindquarters are well put together with well bent stifles and nicely angled hocks which are strong and used well to drive with on the move. A lovely bitch with a super character who moved so well in all directions. Best Working Veteran
2nd MULTI CH ZALTANA HEARTBREAKER KID AT LOLOTEA (IMP POL) - Siberian Husky - A very nice well balanced male of 7 1/2 years of age. Head gives such a lovely expression, ears are erect, darkest of flews, correct ears carried and used well. nice. Level top line, good depth of chest, ribs are well sprung, loins are strong. Hindquarters are well made with well bent stifles. Stands straight in front with elbows tucked in nicely and complimented with compact feet.
Working Group
G1. Cartwright’s STEIGEN SILKY NUTMEG GANASH – Rottweiler – 2 year old bitch who shows so well, extremely attentive to her handler. Super confident and bold, she has a gorgeous head which gives a great expression, broad skull, dark eye, good fill, good width and strength to muzzle, medium ears which are set and carried well. Muscular neck of medium length. Front is pleasing, with elbows tight and stands straight in front onto compact feet. Level top line, rib cage is well sprung and of good depth, loin is muscular, croup broad, hindquarters well put together with muscle development evident, and strong hocks. She moved so well with powerful drive.
G2. Brannan & Mycroft’s SUPETAS BOYS ARE BACK IN TOWN JW – Dobermann – At 14 mths old this youngster is very nice. A lot to like about him, to be picky I’d just like a little more height. Head parallels are correct with slight stop, nice depth to muzzle, cheeks are flat with lips clean and tight, ears are set well and carried close to cheeks. Length of neck is correct and blends into forequarters which have a good lay of shoulder and nice return of upper arm. Stands well onto compact feet. Body is well covered, with fore chest developing and short in back, ribs are deep and well sprung. Hindquarters have good angles which allow him to drive out and work well with his front angles to allow steady movement at all times.
G3. Popple's MILEOAK LOCH NOIR – Newfoundland – see AV Working Open for the critique.
G4. Harrison's RIOCO MY ONE AND ONLY TO JANSETTDANES – Great Dane – See Great Dane open for the critique.
Puppy Working Group
PG1. Leech’s MILEOAK UTAH BEACH – Newfoundland – at only 7mth of age this youngster is outstanding. So well put together, super bone throughout. Head gives masculinity even at this age, with skull of good width, dark eye with no haw, ears carried well, muzzle is of good length with nice width and depth. Strong neck leads onto correct shoulder placement, nice depth of chest with width developing. Body length is good, spring of ribs is as expected, broad loin and lovely croup. Hindquarters marry up well with front assembly. Movement is so positive and easy for him. Presented in lovely condition. One definitely to watch for in the future.
PG2. Pinky & Mulhall’s DARKARMAR VON PIA – Rottweiler – Nice bitch of 8mths with good bone and substance. Head is proportioned correctly, good width to skull, ear set and carriage correct, nice fill to cheek, defined stop, muzzle is of good width and strength, eye slightly round but dark. Medium length of neck. Plenty of hindquarters, with a good bend to stifle, strong in hock. Body is developing well, with a nice spring of rib, croup is pleasing, tail set and carriage is good. Moved sound in all directions with acceptable looseness for age. Lovely covering for age and presented well.
PG3. White's JUTLANDER'S EAT YOUR HEART OUT AT TARADANES – Great Dane – see breed for critique – Pushed hard in this lovely group.
PG4. Merchant’s KRIEGER’S MARK MIWORDS AT MANDAREUS – Dobermann – Male of good size and very much in proportion for age, he gives a lovely clean outline in profile. Head has good planes with dark eye, ears carried well. Correct length of neck. Strong top line. Stands straight in front with tight elbows. Rear angles are pleasing with a nice bend to stifle, stands well when view from behind, muscle development is coming on well. Complimented with good feet. Movement is sound with positiveness. Very well handled.
AV Wellingborough Members Stakes (7)
1st Williams', Jones and Monk's WESTFALEN OLEARIA BEST TEAM WITH KIARATAZ - Rottweiler - see AV Working Open for critique
2nd Gooch's -CH LIREVA'S WELL FANCY THAT FOR CASSIBAWN JW - Pomeranian - A lovely compact male of 2 1/2 yrs of age. Super head with broad flat skull, and fine narrow muzzle which is finished with black nose, medium dark eyes, head is finished off well with correctly placed erect ears. Stands well on finely boned legs onto compact feet. Body is well ribbed with good depth to chest. Tail is set correctly and carried over and flat. A lovely spritely mover who was presented in super condition and profuse coat.
Judge: Andrea Maltas (Virlees)