• Show Date: 26/01/2025
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Amy Chaytor Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 01/02/2025

Wellingborough & District Canine Society

Breed: Whippet

Wellingborough & DCS 26/01/2025

I would like to sincerely thank the committee for the opportunity to judge at your show. A special thank you to my stewards for their efficiency and support throughout the day. Lastly, my gratitude goes to the exhibitors who entered under me- I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and appreciated the opportunity to assess your dogs.

Puppy 4 (1) 

1st- Ardencote dance a dream at Chipperlake 

11-month-old pale fawn with white trim bitch with a beautifully feminine head, correct ear placement, and good dentition. She is maturing nicely for her age, displaying elegant, flowing lines and a balanced outline. Good hind angulation. Moved effortlessly around the ring with true movement both coming and going. Delighted to award her best puppy, and pleased to see her go on to hound puppy group 3. One to watch for the future.

2nd- Crème anglaise too hot to handle for Mazargo (imp ndl) 

Just over 6 months old and still a raw baby, but full of promise. She has a lovely, alert expression with well-placed rose ears. Elegant, long arched neck flowing into well-laid shoulders. Still growing into her frame. Moved with enthusiasm, her tail never stopping- a joy to see a young puppy so happy in the ring. 

3rd- Talacty all or nothing 

Junior 4 

1st- see 1st in puppy 

2nd- Supeta’s jammie dodger 

At 16 months old, this boy is still in his gangly stage, but his potential is clear. He is masculine without being coarse, maintaining the elegance expected of the breed. He has pleasing outline, though I would not like to see him much bigger. Moved ok. 

3rd- Whitesquall mionetto 

Postgraduate 3 (2) 

1st- Crosscop California Barbie from Supeta 

My notes say WOW! 

18-months- old. Pale fawn bitch 

Although standing alone in this class, she commanded attention from the moment she entered the ring. A beautifully balanced bitch of ideal size and type, free from exaggeration. Her movement was effortless, covering the ground with ease. In fit condition throughout, her long, elegantly tapering neck flowed smoothly into a well-proportioned front assembly with pleasing shoulders and good return of upper arm. Lovely, flowing top and underlines that enhance her classic whippet outline. I see she has already enjoyed great success in her short time showing, and it’s easy to see why—one with a bright future ahead. Best of breed and hound group 2. 

Open 2 (1) 

1st- Ranveli royal touch 

Just over two years old, pale fawn bitch with plenty to admire. She has good fill in front and moves effortlessly around the ring, though she could be a bit tidier coming and going. Although, more mature in body, she is a touch long and therefore did not present the overall balance to that of my Best of Breed. Nevertheless, a quality exhibit with much to offer, earning her Reserve Best of Breed.

Amy Chaytor