- Show Date: 17/01/2025
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: Stephen Bardwell Contact Judge
- Published Date: 20/01/2025
Manchester Dog Show Society
Breed: Miniature Schnauzer
Miniature Schnauzer Judge: Mr Stephen Bardwell
BEST OF BREED : 3651 WOODS, Misses R & L & PRICE, Mr A Penbro Walking On
Sunshine - CC
Dog CC : 3651 WOODS, Misses R & L & PRICE, Mr A Penbro Walking On Sunshine - CC
Res Dog CC : 3608 BRAITHWAITE, Mr Thomas Wellingley Won For The Road - RCC
Bitch CC : 3652 WOODS, Misses R & L & WOODS, Miss L Ch Penbro Talk Of The Town
Res Bitch CC : 3626 HOOD, Mrs J Jastalla Bizness Class
Best Puppy : 3651 WOODS, Misses R & L & PRICE, Mr A Penbro Walking On Sunshine -
Best Veteran : 3631 LOCK, Mr Richard Lockenstox Lightning
Best Special Beginner : 3612 COPPER, Mr Gary Alan & COPPER, Mrs Ruth Mary Wells
Around Copellastar
Class 1139 MPD (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3618 GILL, Miss Nicola & TOBUTT, Mr Andrew Wallensis Look What I Found
S/P Good square outline with sloped topline, decent depth to rib cage, nice neck and high tail-
set. Balanced head with strength to muzzle and neat ears good expression. Moved with nice
reach and drive and was good coming and going.
2nd: 3623 HAINEY, Mrs Tracy Amorevita About Damn Time For Lundzing S/P Nice
masculine expression from well-proportioned muzzle and top-skull. Nice length to neck and
quite square in outline, but as yet not the depth of rib of first. Balanced on the move but not
the animation of the winner. Good coat, well-presented.
3rd: 3604 BECKSON, Mrs T Tammux After Dusk
Res: 3603 BAYLES, Ms J & SHEPHERDSON, Ms L Brumist Boy Of My Dreams
Class 1140 PD (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3608 BRAITHWAITE, Mr Thomas Wellingley Won For The Road -S/P Striking puppy
of 8 months. Very square with sloping topline and high set tai, lovely strength to loin and
good rib cage and length to neck. Good balance to his head with neat ears, dark eyes and
strength to muzzle. Moved quite well coming and going and with excellent reach and drive in
profile. RCC
2nd: 3633 MCDERMOTT, Mr & Mrs Ann & Tony Lichstone Call It A Day S/P Smart dog
of good type. Nice rib cage and bone, high tail set and harsh coat. Good proportions to his
head with nice strength, pleasing eye and keen expression. Moved well coming and going but
not the reach and drive of the winner going round.
3rd: 3614 DANIELS, Mrs Carol A. Jansad Who's It Going To Be
Res: 3638 PODLASIAK, Ms Kasia & RICHARDSON, Mr Jamie Ivan Hollybeat (Imp Pol)
VHC: 3604 BECKSON, Mrs T Tammux After Dusk
Class 1141 JD (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3651 WOODS, Misses R & L & PRICE, Mr A Penbro Walking On Sunshine - Excellent
outline with pleasing angulation front and rear, good slope to topline, high tail-set and good
width to rib and loin. Harsh coat very well presented. Well-proportioned head with flat top-
skull, neat ears, keen eye and good strength to muzzle. Moved quite well coming and going
and had an impressive profile going round. CC BOB
2nd: 3610 CARVER, Mrs Catherine & CARVER, Mr Will Oldbashurst Ko Phi Phi S/P Very
compact dog with pleasing rib and loin, nice angulation front and rear, and overall strong
build. Good neck, topline and tail set. Pleasing balance to the head with good eye and ears
giving typical expression, Moved quite well coming and going with very good reach and
drive going round.
3rd: 3640 SEARSON, Mrs T J Traphens Colossus
Res: 3644 WHITE, Miss Debbie J Schnaustar Move Over
VHC: 3604 BECKSON, Mrs T Tammux After Dusk
Class 1142 PGD (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 3621 GUDGIN, Mrs Lisa Jane & CAMPBELL, Mrs Elaine Arkangath Hellcat With
Jennayr S/P Pleasing head with flat top-skull and keen eye. Nice neck a and square outline
overall with good depth to rib and broad loin. Harsh coat, he moved well coming and going,
with a balanced profile.
2nd: 3624 HALL, Mrs Lavinia Jean Smartpaws Crown Jewels Nice dog, not in his best coat.
Pleasing head and muzzle with dark eye and neat ears giving typical expression. Fairly well-
proportioned in outline but not quite the strength of build of the winner. Moved quite well.
Class 1143 LD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3632 MCDERMOTT, Mr & Mrs Ann & Tony Lichstone Call The Wind Smart outline
with good neck and topline, pleasing spring of rib and broad loin. Alert expression with flat
top-skull, well-proportioned head and keen eye. Moved well coming and going with a free
2nd: 3599 ATTERBURY, Ms Elena Wlanimu's Empire Is Ukraine/imp Ukraine B/S
Compact build with good width to rib and loin, nice tail-set but not as good in neck as the
winner. Strong head with good muzzle and eye, giving alert expression. Good profile on the
move and accurate going way.
3rd: 3634 MELLOR, Mrs Lydia Lyzahro White Here White Now
Class 1144 OD (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 3616 DESCERE, Mrs E Dorado Tyras Akvamarinas (imp Ltu) Bl. Compact strong build
with good width to rib and loin, nice neck and high tail-set. Strong head with good muzzle
and keen eye. Good profile on the move going round and went away quite well but a little
untidy coming towards.
2nd: 3637 DAY, Mr Barry & URYU, Mr Masami Ch & Jap Ch Joker Land's First Call S/P
Smart outline and agile build with nice angulation front and rear. Good harsh coat and good
length to head but I preferred the strength of the winners. Moved quite well coming and
going and was stylish going round.
Class 1145 VD (1 Entries) Abs: 1
Class 1146 SBD (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 3603 BAYLES, Ms J & SHEPHERDSON, Ms L Brumist Boy Of My Dreams S/P Just a
baby and as yet needs to settle on the move. Good outline, dark eye, neat ears and attentive
expression, well-made body with good width to rib and firm topline..
Class 1147 MPB (6 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 3628 HOUCHIN, Miss H O & HOUCHIN, Mr Mark & HOUCHIN, Mr Zakmayo One
Sip At A Time S/P Very smart baby with square outline, good width to rib and loin, arched
neck and high tail-set. Good strength to muzzle with dark eye and alert expression. Moved
very well both ways and going round.
2nd: 3615 DAVIES, Mrs Christina G Kristec You Really Got Me S/P Not the maturity of the
winner but with lots to like. Lovely strong build with well sprung rib cage and broad loin.
Alert feminine expression, with good strength to face, dark eye and neat ears. Moved quite
well coming and going with an impressive side action when settled.
3rd: 3620 GODDARD, Mr Ben Anthony Risepark First Impression At Eveshar TAF
Res: 3643 WALLIS, Ms Donna Wallensis Ace Of Spades
Class 1148 PB (6 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 3627 HOOD, Mrs J Jastalla Swingtime S/P Smart compact outline, with nice angulation,
arched neck, high set tail and good width through body. Flat top-skull and strong, well-
proportioned muzzle. Moved very well both going and coming and with a well-balanced
action in profile.
2nd: 3645 WHITE, Miss Debbie J Schnaustar Wannabe S/P Good length to head, neat ears
and dark eye giving alert expression. Good neck and top-line but not the width of body of the
winner as yet. Good harsh coat. Moved quite well coming and going and with a smart profile
going round
3rd: 3649 WOODS, Misses R & L & PRICE, Mr A Penbro Pizzazz
Res: 3642 WALLIS, Ms Donna Funflash Rapture Of Love For Wallensis
VHC: 3605 BECKSON, Mrs T Tammux Timeless Journey
Class 1149 JB (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 3613 COPPER, Miss Rebecca Alexandra Violis Poetic Haiku For Copellastar JW S/P
Pleasing outline nice neck, fair angulation front and rear, and good width to body with firm
topline. Good length to head with neat ears and alert dark eyes, harsh, well-presented coat.
She moved well coming and going with a well-balanced profile.
2nd: 3650 WOODS, Misses R & L & PRICE, Mr A Penbro Fur Elise S/P Pleasing baby with
good outline, nice topline with high tail-set and good angulation front and rear. Good length
to head with nice eye but not the expression of the winner. Moved quite well coming and
going and had an excellent profile going round.
3rd: 3641 TURNER, Mrs Karen Elizabeth Kareso's Silver Lady
Res: 3605 BECKSON, Mrs T Tammux Timeless Journey
Class 1150 PGB (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 3625 HOLLAND, Ms Andrea Jean Stokinpaws Awesome Mix One S/p Nicely made
bitch with good neck, high set tail and smart outline. Good length and width to head dark eye
and keen expression. Harsh well-presented coat. Moved quite well coming and going and
with a balanced profile going round.
2nd: 3653 YOUNG, Mrs Clare Nostaw Penelope Pitstop S/P Nice type of bitch with well-
made rib cage and loin and fairly good angulation front and rear. Good strength to muzzle
and dark eye but not matching the expression of the winner for me. Moved quite well
3rd: 3609 BUTLER, Mrs Debbie & BUTLER, Mr Dale Brown Sugar Lady For Devorasjoy
Class 1151 LB (8 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3626 HOOD, Mrs J Jastalla Bizness Class S/P. Pleasing outline with arched neck, good
topline and high set tail. Well-angulated front and rear with good depth to rib cage and strong
loin. Good length to head with flat top-skull and strong muzzle, neat ears and expressive eye.
Harsh coat she moved very well coming and going with a well-balanced stylish profile.
2nd: 3648 WOODS, Misses R & L & PRICE, Mr A Penbro Fool Me Once . Smart outline
with good topline, arched neck and high set tail but not the depth of rib of the winner. Good
length to head with strong muzzle, dark eye and very alert expression. Moved well coming
and going and with a balanced profile.
3rd: 3617 DESCERE, Mrs E Amorevita Zaria
Res: 3630 KRIEGER, Mrs Elisabeth Tracey Bloomingstar Dancing Girl At Phyllberry
VHC: 3611 CARVER, Mrs Catherine & CARVER, Mr Will Oldbashurst Time To Shine JW
Class 1152 OB (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3652 WOODS, Misses R & L & WOODS, Miss L Ch Penbro Talk Of The Town S/P
Impressive outline with good angulation front and rear, arched neck, good topline and high
set tail. Good proportions to head with flat forehead, keen eye and strong muzzle. She moved
very well coming and going and with an excellent stylish profile. CC
2nd: 3639 REEVE, Mrs A Deneens Fig Tart S/P. Pleasing compact outline with an arched
neck and well set tail and balanced angulation front and rear. Harsh coat and well-
proportioned head with dark eyes giving an alert outlook. Moved quite well but not matching
the style of the winner.
3rd: 3612 COPPER, Mr Gary Alan & COPPER, Mrs Ruth Mary Wells Around Copellastar
Res: 3602 BARTON, Miss J R Beanara Sweet Secret
VHC: 3606 BOYLE, Mrs J M Stornovar Déjà vu
Class 1153 VB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3631 LOCK, Mr Richard Lockenstox Lightning S/p Nice outline with good
neck and firm topline. Good length to head with nice strength to muzzle and
alert expression. Good harsh coat she moved fairly well coming, going and in
profile. BV:
Class 1154 SBB (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 3612 COPPER, Mr Gary Alan & COPPER, Mrs Ruth Mary Wells Around
Copellastar S/P Pleasing type of bitch with good topline, arched neck and good
rib cage and loin. Good length to head with dark eye and keen expression.
Moved quite well
2nd: 3609 BUTLER, Mrs Debbie & BUTLER, Mr Dale Brown Sugar Lady For
Devorasjoy Nice bitch, not in as good coat as the winner. Well proportioned
outline overall with good length to her head, strong muzzle and alert
expression. Moved quite well coming and going