• Show Date: 20/07/2024
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Tony Allcock Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 25/07/2024

Wrexham & District Kennel Society

Wrexham and District KS Open Show 20.07.24 - Judges Report

My first visit to Llangollen Pavilion and what a super venue! Congratulations to the Officers and Committee for all their hard work and effort – it was certainly all worthwhile.

My grateful thanks to my two amazing stewards, Elizabet Caminade-Lavault and her husband Grant, who were kept extremely busy for the whole duration. Efficient stewards are crucial to the successful delivery of a Dog Show and as they are all volunteers we must acknowledge the pivotal contribution they make in the smooth running of the show.

Best In Show – Bettis’s Sealyham Terrier (B) Ch Nunnely Hopscotch over Ornella JW

Reserve Best In Show – Philo’s Pointer (D) Sunhouse Black is Back at Salmonmist JW

Best Puppy In Show – Abbot’s Great dane (B) Nikami Ocean of Dream

Reserve Best Puppy In Show – Robb’s Papillon (B) Gleniren Miracle Starmaker

Best Veteran In Show – Humphrey’s Chihuahua (Long Coat), (D) Ch Amarantos Tobin

Reserve Best Veteran In Show – Jones’s Japanese Spitz (D) Ch Llwyni Simba Stop N’Stare JW ShCM VW


Open 1

1. Hocking’s Karijini’s Ice And A Slice, B. 2 ½ years. Feminine but powerfully built. Balanced in profile with good depth and breath of chest. Well ribbed. Liked her head and expression, well placed ears and nicely crested neck. Free moving in all directions. BOB.


Post Graduate 2

1. Growcott-Jones’s Rodengrave Rudolph D. 2 years. Well defined masculine head, dark eyes and well-set ears. Has a good length to neck leading to defined withers and secure top line. Well off for bone and muscle. Correct depth of chest with plenty of heart room. Ideally would prefer better feet. Good for front and rear angulations. Well let down hocks. He moved with purpose and drive. BOB

2. Longden’s Tockica’s First Dance. D. 6 months and very much a baby. Masculine head with dark eyes and correctly set ears. Chest developing. When settled he moved very well, particularly his strong rear drive. He certainly needs time and ring training but it cannot be denied he is a nice puppy. BP & PG4.

Open 2,1

1. Morris’s Louis De Valentin. D. 8 months. Good depth of colour with spotting on a clean clear background. Good for chest and plenty of heart room. I would prefer more spring of rib and shorter loins. On the move, when co-operating, he covered the ground with ease.

Miniature Schnauzer

Post Graduate 2,1

1. Butler’s Brown Sugar Lady Foe Devorasjoy. B. 18 months. Head giving pleasing expression, with correct almond shaped eyes. She could benefit from a touch more neck and greater layback of shoulder. Deep chest and secure backline. Impressive rear angulations, produced strong rear drive. Nicely textured coat and furnishings.

Open 1

1. Copper’s Violis Poetic Haiki For Copellastar. B. 11 months. Pepper/salt. When standing produces a clean outline. Feminine head portraying a gentle expression. Good for neck, topline and tail set, nice depth to chest. Correct harsh, tight jacket well presented. On the go around she was confident but movement needs to settle. BPIB & BOB.

Poodle (Standard)

Post Graduate 5,1

1. Rumming’s Druvalla Purple Finan. D. 9 month old. Masculine head which is well proportioned and of good length. Appealing dark eyes, good dentition. Good fore chest and neck. Well sprung ribs but would prefer shorter loins to aid squarer outline. Liked his bone and substance. Well-presented black coat of correct density and texture. Movement to settle. BPIB.

2. Steinert’s Styleinart Frosty Ice. D. Almost 3 years. Head of reasonable length, containing dark eyes. Good dentition. OK for chin. Nose pigment slightly off. Compact body with well sprung ribs and good chest. Would prefer a touch more length of leg to give greater balance. Steady mover.

3. Thomas’s Arabella Canbondel Queen-F At Everlong (Imp ITA)

Open 4

1. Dallas De Gun Dor With Niaveera. D. 3 years. Decidedly masculine, but would prefer a touch more refinement in head. Well placed ear leathers. Adequate reach of neck. Body of good depth and well-proportioned in length. Correct lay back of shoulders; well ribbed. Liked his rear angulations having well bent stifles, powerful muscular thighs and nicely let down hocks producing strong drive. Dense White coat of good texture and well presented. BOB

2. Druavella Purple Finan D.

3. Druavella Iseult Pink B.

Poodle (Toy)

Open 1

1. Bull-Harris’s Starianna Midnight Rider At Pendream, D. 2 years. Compactly built, square in profile and presented in excellent coat. Would prefer a little more refinement of skull. Lovely eyes. Good dentition. Nicely assembled front, good for lay back of shoulder. Strong, muscular thighs. He moved freely. BOB.

Tibetan Spaniel

Post Graduate 2

1. Perfitt’s Richearon All About Audrey. B. 21 months. Gold with black mask. Correct head being kind in expression from attractive dark eyes. Correct shortish neck, well laid shoulders. Confident on the move and although a touch untidy in the class she gathered momentum and it came together in the challenge. Good coat and condition. BOB.

2. Harford’s Baarnayotms April Showers at Mennimoonz. B. 12 months. Head still maturing but pleasing. Super expressive dark eyes. Correct ear set. Despite her young age, would prefer greater substance in bone and body. Moved well in profile.

Open 1

1. Harford’s Tuyet Forever Bonnie at Mennimoonz. B. 3 years. A very happy lady! Head is nicely put together and gives an alert expression. Ears well set and framing head. Correct neck. I would prefer more substance and bone to complete the picture. Presented in super coat and condition. I thought she would be my winner but in the challenge she had to give way to the movement of the Post Graduate winner.

AVNSC Utility

Open 1

1. Fitton’s Nosregor Cassiopeia At Shelayne. German Spitz (Mittel). B. 3 years. Feminine sable girl, she has such sweet expression from lovely eyes. Head has a well filled muzzle and is of the required spitz wedge shape. Great for ears. Balanced in bone and substance and very well-conditioned. Her beautiful sable coat was presented in lovely condition. Strong, secure topline held on the move and she was decidedly sound out and back. Not the largest in statue but makes a big impression. BOB. Pushed hard for a place in a very strong Group.

AV Utility 5,1

1. Jones’s Ch Llwyni Simba Stop N’Stare JW ShCM VW ShCEx. Japanese Spitz. D. 8 years. I have judged him several times and he appears ageless and just loves showing! A great example of the breed I have always admired his head proportions and expression. Beautifully bodied and always presented in great coat and condition. He looked as good as ever. He went on to win Reserve Best Veteran In Show.

2. Ellershaw’s Shiomaru Benisa Among Galshan (Imp RUS) JW. Japanese Shiba Inu. B. 7 years. Presented in super coat and condition. Well balanced and feminine. Her head is typical with correctly placed eyes and ears, strong arched neck and well laid shoulders. Good for body proportions. Stylish mover and covers the ground with ease. Unlucky to meet 1.

3. Harford’s Tuyet Elvis Wonder Of You At Mennimoonz. Tibetan Spaniel.


1. Lhasa Apso

2. Poodle (Toy)

3. Dalmatian

4. Japanese Spitz


1. Japanese Spitz

2. Lhasa Apso

3. Miniature Schnauzer

4. Dalmatian

Airedale Terrier

Post Graduate 2

1. Fearnhead’s Settlebeck Queen Of Hearts. B. 2 years. Nice size and produces a balanced outline when standing. Appealing head; ears OK. Well-constructed throughout and body is well ribbed. Tail well set. Moved with front extension if a touch narrow behind. Correctly textured jacket.

2. Mazfield’s Caundle Thoroughbred. B. 8 months. Attractive and mature for age. Liked her head proportions and expression from keen eyes. Correct for ears. Well laid shoulders, strong, level topline. Perhaps a tad long in loin and topline to settle. Tail well set and held. Moved well and pushed 1 all the way. BPIB.

Open 1

1. Fearnhead’s Settleback Royal Flush. D. 2 year old. Masculine dog with plenty of substance. Lengthy head of good proportions giving keen expression. Good for ribs but body perhaps a touch longer cast. Tail is well set and carried. Typical alert and active terrier attitude. Good for jacket. Moved well well and with style. BOB & G2.

Dandie Dinmont Terrier

Post Graduate 1

1. Roberts Marbledale Must Have Been Love. B. 18 months. Lovely temperament and a very happy character. Balanced strength to head, Strong underjaw, good dentition. Enough neck, nice tight shoulders, good ribbing and typical topline. Good for rear angulations. Moved soundly, with confidence, maintaining her outline throughout. BOB.

Sealyham Terrier

Post Graduate 4

1. Bettis’s Ornella King Midas JW. D. 13 months. Produces a super outline. Lovely marked head, correct dentition with good ear placement and eyes giving typical expression. Good length of neck into well placed shoulders and well developed fore chest. In great coat and condition. Well-muscled throughout. Moved with determination and drive, maintaining that strong backline. Well presented, in good coat and condition. Must have a bright future ahead.

2. Roberts’s Ladeler Bran Beli. D. 13 months Clearly another very nice young dog. Pleasing head with strength, strong underjaw and correct dentition. Neat ears. Goodly length of neck into well placed shoulders. Occasionally lost his secure topline. Correct for body shape. Tail is well set. Moved freely and with drive.

3. Williams’s Zippor Pumpkin Princess B. PG3.

Open 2

1. Bettis’s Ch Nunnerley Hopscotch Over Ornella JW. B. 3 years. A real showgirl. Lovely type. Head of good length and breadth with correct stop. Dark eyes, ears well placed. Muscular lengthy neck above laid shoulders. Neat, strong forequarters. Ribs are well sprung. Secure backline and strong loins. Hindquarters are well-muscled. Tail is well set. Harsh, wiry coat and stands on good compact feet. On the move he comes into her own, and in the BIS ring was proud, accurate and most pretentious. BOB G1 & later delighted to award her BIS.

2. Roberts Ladeler Bran Beli.

Skye Terrier

Post Graduate 3,1

1. Bailey’s Rhoderns Ailsa Bay Avec Marjayn. B. 10 months. There is a lot to like here. Excelled in head shape and expression from dark feminine eyes. Good finish to muzzle. Enough neck into well placed shoulders. For age has good bone. Correct feet. Well ribbed and loins developing. Tail held well. Moved really purposefully holding a secure backline and with plenty of reach and drive. BPIB & PG2.

2. Heale & Davies’s Rhoderns Arbika Of Trelawneki. D. 10 months Brother to 1 and larger in proportions. Well-built and ample bone structure. Attractive masculine head; dark brown eyes, ears well set. Strong muzzle. Lengthy neck. Broad shoulders. Correct feet with thick pads. Good length to body with well-defined ribcage. Sturdy rear. Firm in loin. Moved well. Close call.

Open 4,1

1. Bailey’s Rhoderns Haggis At Marjjayn. D. Approaching 3 years. Attractive and decidedly masculine. Cream with black points. Produced a picture of being strong and hardy with an air of refinement. Strong masculine head, with good width and length, well placed prick ears, and dark appealing eyes. Lengthy body, strong; firm topline. Well boned. He moved with style in the class but at times he was a tad reluctant. In the challenge he just did enough to take BOB over the puppy. G4.

2. De Leie’s Verumamicus Cicero with Castrumskye. D. 3 years. He excels in head features being well developed with defined stop and clean cheek bones. Good dentition, tight lips. Clear dark eyes. Nicely set ears well covered. Fairly long neck. Not the body substance of 1. Moved OK.

3. Heath’s Ch Lavauxs Bahamian Chris.

Welsh Terrier

Open 1

1. Humphries Serbonche Breuddwyd Mam D. 11 years. Amazing condition for his advanced years. Produces a lovely shape when standing. Liked his head for balance and proportions. Attractive sparkling eyes. Neat ears well set. Short coupled body. Tight neat feet. A tad straight in stifle. Out of coat but the colour is still evident. Happy character. Showed his heart out and moved well. BOB.

AVNSC Terrier

Puppy 3

1. Kirkwood’s Cazcade Cant Catch Me, Glen Of Imaal, D. 8 months old. Good for head shape and proportions giving typical expression. When standing proves typical outline. Good for bone & substance. No more body weight. Good lay of shoulder. Topline is, as required, slightly rising to loins. Moved really well. Best AVNSC Terrier Puppy.

2. Robinson & Cox’s Hamason Sweet Little Mystery. SBT. D. 8 months old. Liked his head proportions being short with broad skull. Dark appealing eyes, correct dentition, strong jaws and tight lips all aiding typical expression. Well bodied with good ribbing. Front movement to settle.

3. Kirkwood’s Cazcade Coming Around Again. B

Post Graduate 2,1

1. Entwistle’s Holtaire Runa, Manchester T. B. 24 months old. Produces a balanced profile on the stand. Of a lovely size. I admired her head proportions, neck, shoulders and ribs. Pleasing topline and tail set. Presented in excellent condition. Loved her coat texture and markings. She moved with confidence and accuracy.

Open 4,3

1. Kirkwood’s Cazcade Betty Boop, Glen of Imaal. B. 2 ½. Correct for type with balanced outline. Good for head shape, eye and ear set. Good shoulder. Liked her bone & substance. Occasionally she can stand untidily. Moved freely. Just beat her younger kennel mate on maturity. Best AVNSC.

AV Terrier

Veteran 2,1

1. Humphries Serbonche Breuddwyd Mam D. Welsh Terrier.


1. Sealyham

2. Airedale

3. Cesky

4. Skye


1. Cesky

2. Glen of Imaal

3. Sealyham

4. Border