• Show Date: 20/07/2024
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Tom Rigby Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 25/07/2024

Kilmarnock & District Canine Club

Kilmarnock DCC Open 20th July 2024

Tom Rigby

Thank you to the committee for inviting me to judge their Toy group as a replacement judge and congratulations on a well-run show. Thanks to my steward for the day Ann Mc Manus for keeping the ring running so smoothly.

Import Reg Toy

Open – 5 entries, 2 absent

1st Cherny Brilliant Queen at Garnox (Imp ESP) (Lynch) Russian Toy. 2 yr. old Red with Black overlay old dog smart frame, beautiful head of balanced proportions, excellent ear carriage and set, open front angulation and straight, fine boned front, well ribbed, good rear angles, moved well. Best Import Reg.

2nd Grande Misterio Incanto Heavens Eversbabes (Imp LVA) (Slack) Russian Toy. 11mth old Black & Tan dog pleasing head, good eye, good ear, elegant neck, good shoulder, straight front. Well bodied, short coupled, good rear angles, moved really well, just preferred the overall proportions of 1. Best Puppy Import, Toy puppy group 3

3rd Grande Misterio Hebridian at Koorimob (Graham) Russian Toy


Open – 1 entry, 1 absent

Japanese Chin

Open – 3 entries, 3 absent


Open – 1 entry

1st Snowkai’s Proclaimer (Flannigan) 1 ½ yr. dog, beautifully balanced in profile, good head super eye shape, colour and set, good dentition, alert expression, good shoulder, straight front, level topline, good rear angles, super on the move. Shown in good coat and excellent condition. Best of Breed, Toy group 3

Yorkshire Terrier

Postgraduate – 1 entry

1st Trayshellin’s Thistle at Auchanrowan (Kay) 2 yr old bitch with a pleasing outline, feminine head, with good eye set and shape, good dentition and good pigment throughout, elegant neck, good shoulder straight front, level topline on the stand. Moved ok. Best of Breed

Open – 1 entry, 1 absent


Open – 3 entries, 1 ansent

1st Affentude Merry Red for Rangimaria 2 yrs old bitch. Black, lovely in outline, balanced head with enough muzzle and a well-defined stop, good eye, good dentition, with good ear set and carriage. Straight front, well ribbed with ample depth of chest, level topline, good rear angles, moved really well. Good coat and over all condition. Best of Breed

2nd Rangimaria Lucy Locket 6 yrs old bitch of good size, pleasing head, good eye and ear set, straight front, well bodied, level topline. Preferred the movement of 1st.


Open - 3 entries, 1 absent

1st Pappretty I Want a Hero for Honrukai (Mandelson), 5 yr old dog. Good head, good eye, good ear shape set and carriage, enough neck, good lay of shoulder, straight front, short coupled with good rear angles, good coat, moved ok though a little lazy possibly due to the excess weight that the exhibit is carrying. Best of Breed

2nd Humpty Dumpty Valery Park in Honrukai (Imp UKR) (Mendelson) 4yr old dog, of equal quality to 1st with many of the same attributes, good head eye and ear set. Well placed shoulders, straight front, good rear angles, good coat. This exhibit was also carrying far too much weight.

Cavalier King Charles

Postgraduate – 1 entry

1st Dalvreck In Dreams for Eversbabes (Slack) 2 ½ yr old Blenheim dog, masculine head of good proportion, with pleasing expression, good eye, good ear set with plenty of feathering, good neck, well placed shoulders, straight front, good depth of chest, well ribbed, long coupled, movement wasn’t there today.

Open – 1 entry

1st Willowheart Louis VW (Slack) 8 ¾ yr old Blenheim dog, lovely in profile, masculine head of good proportions, good eye, good ear set and carriage with plenty of feathering. Good neck, well placed shoulders, straight front, good depth of chest, level topline, good rear angles, moved well, in excellent condition for his age. Best of Breed, Toy Veteran group 2


Postgraduate – 2 entries, 1 absent

1st Zobear Bumblebee at Drachenfel (NAF) (Mccahill) 5yr bitch super outline, good head, good eye, good ear set, great expression. Good shoulders, good depth of chest, level topline, good rear angles, moved well. Best of Breed

Open – 2 entries, 2 absent

Bichon Frise

Open – 2 entries

1st Beautipets Tiger Lilly Crawley) 4 yr. old dog. Good outline, super head, good eye, dark pigment, good ear set, plenty of neck, well placed shoulders, tucked elbows, good depth of chest straight front, level topline, good rear angles, great on the move, shown in super condition, and well presented. Best of Breed

2nd Wolimorb Cosmic Star over Dixido (Reid) 10-month-old dog absolutely loving his day out. Lovely outline, pleasing head with good eye, ear and pigmentation, good neck, well placed shoulders, compact body with good depth of chest, level topline, good rear angles, moved well once settled. Best Puppy, Toy puppy group 4


Postgraduate – 4 entries, 3 absent

1st Altina Wouldn’t It Be Lovely (Mcalpine) 10-month-old bitch who is beautiful in outline, feminine head of good proportions, good eye, ear, dentition, short neck into well placed shoulders, good front, well bodied and ribbed, level topline, good rear angles, moved really well, shown in good coat and super condition. Best Puppy

Open – 3 entries, 2 absent

1st Zaandam Lady Libra for Pawfectpoms (Hillan) 2 yr. old bitch with super, compact outline. Pleasing head, feminine throughout with a lovely eye and expression, good ear. Short neck into well laid shoulder, straight front, level topline, well bodied, good rear angles, super on the move. Shown in good coat and excellent condition. Best of Breed, Toy group 2

English Toy Terrier

Postgraduate – 2 entries

1st Edalene Upside down JW (Inch) 21-month-old dog of good size and proportions. Elegant yet masculine head, good eye, ear, and dentition, beautiful neck well placed shoulders, straight front, clean topline, low tail set, moved really well.

2nd Edalene Scoops Ahoy (Inch) 21-month-old bitch, litter sister to 1st, of equal quality just preferred the overall balanced of 1. Feminine outline of good proportion, pleasing head with good eyes, ear and dentition, elegant neck, well placed shoulders, good depth of chest, clean topline. Good rear angles, lovely on the move.

Open – 2 entries

1st Edalene Court And Spark JW (Inch) 3 yr old bitch, lovely in profile, feminine head, with good eye, ear, dentition and super alert expression. Lovely reach of neck, good shoulder, straight front, good depth of chest, well bodied, clean topline, good rear angles, moved well. Best of Breed, Toy group 4

2nd Edalene Never Let Me Go VW (Inch) 8 yr old bitch, lovely in profile, feminine head, good eye, and ear, good length of neck, well laid shoulder, good depth of chest, clean throughout, good rear angles, moved well, preferred though movement of 1. Best Veteran, Toy Veteran group 1


Postgraduate – 2 entries, 1 absent

1st Pendlethrine Run Baby Run (O’hare Wilson) 11-month-old Italian Grey hound bitch, beautiful outline, delicate head, very feminine, ample neck, super front angles, good depth of chest, clean topline, good rear angles, moved well, shown in super condition. Best AVNSC, Best AVNSC Puppy, Toy Puppy group 1

Chinese Crested

Postgraduate – 1 entry

1st Bryelis The Star man (Moyes, Shaw, Hunter, Virta) 14mth PP dog Nice outline, pleasing head, correct dentition, good eye shape and colour. Well set ears with good carriage, balanced neck, well placed shoulders atop a straight front with correct feet. Good depth of chest, well ribbed, rear angles, moved ok, shown in good coat and condition.

Open – 2 entries

1st Bryelis’s Masterpiece (Moyes, Hunter) 4 yr old HL dog with excellent furnishing and a cracking outline. Masculine head of good shape and proportions, good eye shape and colour, good dentition, good ear set and carriage, plenty of neck into well laid shoulders, good depth of chest, strong topline, good rear angles, great on the move. Best of Breed, Toy group 1

2nd Bryelis Oh I Wanna Be Famous JW 13 ½ month HL bitch, litter sister to 1. Of equal quality. Feminine head with good eye shape and colour, ear set and carriage, good reach of neck, well placed shoulders, straight front, good depth of chest, well ribbed, good topline, good rear angles, moved ok, seemed a little overwhelmed in the noisy hall.

Chihuahua Longcoat

Postgraduate – 2 entries, 1 absent

1st Chirolin Tik Tok (O’neill) 8 months old dog lovely outline, pleasing head with super eye shape and colour, good dentition, good ear set and carriage, good shoulders, straight front, well bodied for age, level topline, good rear angles, moves really well, absolutely enjoyed himself. Best Puppy, Toy Puppy group 2

Open – 2 entries, 1 absent

1st Bramerita Here’s Trouble at Charabri 6 yr. old dog. Super outline, masculine throughout. Good head, good eye set and colour, good ears used to advantage, good neck, well placed shoulders, ample depth of chest, level topline, correct tail set and carriage, good rear angles, shown in good coat and condition, moved really well. Best of Breed

Toy Group

1 Bryelis’s Masterpiece (Moyes, Hunter) Chinese Crested

2 Zaandam Lady Libra for Pawfectpoms (Hillan) Pomeranian

3 Snowkai’s Proclaimer (Flannigan) Maltese

4 Edalene Court And Spark JW (Inch) English Toy Terrier

Toy Puppy group

1 Pendlethrine Run Baby Run (O’hare Wilson) Italian Greyhound

2 Chirolin Tik Tok (O’neill) Chihuahua (Long coat)

3 Grande Misterio Incanto Heavens Eversbabes (Imp LVA) (Slack) Russian Toy

4 Wolimorb Cosmic Star over Dixido (Reid) Bichon Frise

Toy Vet group

1 Edalene Never Let Me Go VW (Inch) English Toy Terrier

2 Willowheart Louis VW (Slack) Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

AV Toy Veteran – 3 entries, 2 absent

1st Kinvaar Jumping Jack Flash at Eversbabes (Slack) 7yr old Blenheim Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dog, of good outline, lovely head of balanced proportions, good eye shape and set, good ear set and carriage, ample neck into well placed shoulders, good front assembly, level topline, well bodied, moved well in super condition.