• Show Date: 12/05/2024
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Tom Mather Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 15/05/2024

Bedlington Terrier Association

 Bedlington Terrier Association

Open Show 12/5/2024

A really interesting and pleasant afternoon with the Bedlington Terriers. It was a real honour to be asked to judge the show in the Association’s Centenary Year. My thanks to the Officers and Committee for their kindness and hospitality and big thanks to Chris and Linda Pack, my efficient stewards. Temperaments were, without exception, truly excellent.


 Minor Puppy

1 Mactufts Gentleman’s Game. Well grown youngster, good head properties with fine ear leathers and dark, alert eyes. Decent depth of rib. At this stage just a shade flat in topline. Very relaxed and friendly on the table but he couldn’t quite decide if he liked the carpeting in the ring but did enough for me to note that he moved soundly.


1 Coneksheved Out of the Blue. Best Puppy in Show. Grand head with imperceptible stop, well placed dark eyes, and fine leathers. Typical forehand with good length of pastern and decent feet. Well bodied for age with good depth of rib and correct topline. Excellent coat and presentation. Shows and moves to good advantage.


1 Squidly Yannes Pirate King. Stands well on the table and presents a very typical outline, Good textured jacket. On the move he was sound both out and back, in profile he is a shade straight in hind angulation and just a touch proud of his tail. Excellent temperament.


1 Little Bristle Charmer. Typey and workmanlike and pleases for both size and balance. Good depth of skull, dark eyes and large black nostrils. Stands well in front, good depth of rib. A shade close going away from me, good profile action. Good coat texture.

 Post Graduate

1 Travellerways Godwin at Dunkeswell. Masculine head with some depth of skull, fine leathers, well shaped dark eyes. Good forehand with some decent forechest. Well ribbed. Moderately angulated hindquarters. Moved soundly.

2 Little Bristle Charmer


1 Jobanker Rocky Road. Pleasing head, deep and narrow, large nose and big strong teeth. Good forehand with decent feet, deep chest and good ribbing. Typical outline. Good coat and presentation.


1 Ch Bluesmurf Boogie Woogie. Reserve Best Dog. In my notes I wrote “top class”. Workmanlike and unexaggerated in all respects. Grand head and expression, deep chest with some breadth and excellent forehand. Well ribbed with typical arch over the loin. Very good jacket. Sound and typical on the move.

2 Ir Ch/Ch L’End Show Melody. Close up and very pleasing to handle on the table as he has good muscle tone and is well made throughout. Low set tail and moderate, nicely rounded hind quarters. Moved well and shown in pristine codnition.

3 Miteymidgets New Vision JW


1 Ch Wollytop The Wherryman ShCM ShCex VW. Reserve BIS, Best Dog and Best Veteran. Hard to credit that this dog is a Veteran. Shown in hard, workmanlike condition and in excellent coat. Lovely head with some depth of skull, fine leathers and strong, white teeth. Deep chest and ribbing, strong loin with typical arch. Low set tail. Moved really well in typical fashion.

2 Major Tufts at Mactufts. Presents a lovely outline on the table and he kept this on the move. Well balanced and masculine, pleasing head and expression with clear, alert eyes. Good depth of rib. Moderate angulation.

 Special Beginners

1 Travellerways Godwin at Dunkeswell. See Post Graduate.


 Minor Puppy

1 Kinnuva Caramel Indulgence. Best Puppy Bitch & Best Minor Puppy in Show. Feminine and presents a good outline at all times. Good ribbing, correct topline with good tail set. Pleasing head and expression with pale top knot. Excellent temperament and moved out well.

2 Kinnuva Expresso Elixir. Litter sister to the winner and she too appeals on the move. Shapely and well made with a pleasing head. Excellent coat texture.


1 Terrablue Spirit. Deep skull, good dark eyes and large black nose. Excellent temperament. Good depth of rib but a shade flat in topline. Just a shade close going away from me.


1 Mickleview Silent Storm. A bitch with some quality, attractive, typical head with dark eyes, excellent forehand. Good depth of rib and typical arch over the loin. Good coat. Good hind action.

2 Janmark The Name of the Game. Very pleasing head of good depth, large white teeth and big black nose. Shapely outline and good depth of rib. A shade straighter in hindquarters than the winner and not quite as free moving. Well handled.


1 Skewhill Remembrance with Bluesmurf. Pleasing feminine head with good eyes and strong jaw. Well ribbed with depth of chest and some strength over the loins. Good forehand and feet. Sound on the move both out and back.

 Post Graduate

1 Makida Dunns River. Best Special Beginner. Pleasing head and expression, good forehand with adequate depth of chest. Good quality jacket. Moved well.

2 Tunman Make It Blossom. A good moving bitch, pleasing type and balance, a shade flat in topline but good ribs and depth of chest. Moves well and shown in good coat.

3 Janmark The Name of the Game


1 Fralex Culibre Quintella. Best in Show. Stood at the head of a good class, lovely head and expression, strong jaw, large black nose. Graceful with good head carriage and very typical on the move with a light true action. Good body with some strength over the loin and low set tail. Excellent coat and condition.

2 Janmark Je Ne Said Pas Avec Mickleview JW. Reserve Best Bitch. Really appealed for both type and balance. Good depth of skull, imperceptible stop, large nose. Good body with typical arch over the loin. Low set tail. Sound and typical on the move.

3 Mactufts Nanny McPhee


1 Devleigh Dirty Dancing. Typey and and workmanlike. Dark alert eyes, good nose and strong white teeth. Nicely arched neck, good forehand. Very typical topline and tailset. Could carry a fraction more body weight to advantage. Moved well

 Veteran Bitch

Both these bitches were shown in great form and condition, a credit to their owners.

1 Kinnuva Siam Jewel. Very nearly 10 years of age and still has good muscle tone and some spirit. Good skull and strong jaw with large, strong white teeth. Good forehand. Well ribbed with decent depth of chest. Moved well.

2 Woolytop Lavender Girl. Presents a lovely outline both standing and moving. Feminine and quite graceful, good head and expression, typical forehand, moderate hindquarters. Sound on the move.

 Special Beginners

1 Makida Dunns River

2 Dunkeswell Pepper Dash. Shown in good form with a decent textured jacket. Very typical outline with well set tail. Good profile action.

3 Terrablue Spirit

 Judge: Tom Mather