• Show Date: 17/07/2024
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Suzanne Keree-Bartolo Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 22/07/2024

Thame & Oxfordshire County Canine Society

Thame & Oxfordshire County Canine Society Premier Open Show Wednesday 17th July 2024

YKC handling & Adult Handling Classes.

I wish to thank the Society for inviting me to judge these very important classes for future exhibitors in our hobby. I really feel strongly that they should be given time and attention. Thank you for the hospitality and organisation of the show, the gifts for the 1st-3rd places for the classes, I would also like to thank my steward for her efficient work. I am sorry that we weren’t able to start until 4.45pm and I am grateful to those who stayed to compete in the classes, all of those who stayed were of a good standard in their handling and presentation of their dogs and worked hard. I did keep it simple because of the late starting time only asking for the triangle and straight up and down, given time I like to ask for other figures to really test handlers.

We had a couple of new handlers who could improve by reading Marina White’s book or watching the video to get some tips and this also applies to the adult handlers. Some need more precision in their figure work and to remember never to get between the dog and the judge (The Golden Rule in handling competitions). Some of the Juniors had young and inexperienced dogs and had to work really hard, keep practising this will improve over time. Don’t be discouraged if you didn’t win this time, keep practising and you will get there. Well done all and thank you for your entries.

Class 753- 6-11 years (6, 4 abs)

1st 459 Robyn Barrell age 10 years, very smart and well turned out young lady handling a mature G/W Shih Tzu, Robyn was very precise with her figure work and used the ring well to move her dog at the correct speed for the breed, her presentation was perfect and she followed my instructions to the letter. Her table work was excellent, lifting the dog onto the table, standing the dog correctly and showing the teeth/bite, she was gentle with her dog at all times. Robyn had very good lead/ hand control at all times her hand changes were very smooth. She followed the Golden Rule at all times. And watched the position of the judge. A very bright future for this young lady, well done Robyn.

2nd 222 Emily Windler age 10, Handling a very lively 6 month old NSDTR. Emily had her work cut out for her with this spritely young puppy and had to work really hard, her gaiting was very good and at the correct speed for the breed, her presentation was good and her figure work was reasonable, I feel she is very new to Junior handling and would benefit from some further study to help her improve her techniques. I have suggested Marina White book and videos may help and also practice. Well done, Emily.

Class 754-12-17 years (8, 2 abs)

This was a lovely class to judge, so many talented young handlers all progressing well.

1st 1238 Maeve Parry age 13, Handling a mature Parson Russell Terrier, Maeve handled her dog very gently and efficiently, her table work was very good showing the teeth/ bite gently and completely. Her figure work was tidy and precise, she followed the Golden Rule at all times and followed my instructions to the letter. Maeve gaited her dog at the correct speed for her breed and presented her dog very well. One to watch for the future. Well done, Maeve.

2nd 911 Zoe Hudson age 13, Handling a mature B/W Basenji bitch, Zoe was smart, well turned out and in good control of her dog, she gaited her correctly and her figure work was very good, she was attentive to the judge and her table work was excellent showing the dogs Teeth/Bite gently and very well. She adhered to the Golden Rule really well with good lead control and changes at all times.

3rd 6 Lucas Northey age 13, Very smart young handler with a lively 3-year-old Bracco Italiano, he had to work really hard with this boy who didn’t want to show his teeth/bite at first, but with gentle perseverance he got there in the end. Lucas scored well on standing and gaiting his dog and he followed the Golden rule at all times and my instructions, he was very good with his figure work using all of the ring to show his dog at its best. A little more practice will help improve his rapport with this young dog. Well done, Lucas.

Class755 18-24 years (3,1abs)

1st 266 Phoebe Toublic age 18, handling a mature English Springer Spaniel bitch. Phoebe was very smart and efficient in her handling, she followed the golden rule at all times and her figure work was clean and precise, her dog was stood correctly and she was able to show the teeth/bite really well and gently. Phoebe gaited her dog at the correct speed and used the ring to her advantage. A very good young handler. Well done, Phoebe.

2nd 411 Leah Scales age 21, Well presented and handled her Lhasa Apso Dog Very well, she was very good handling on the table, showing her teeth/bite and keeping to the golden rule at all times. Unfortunately, the floor was not very good for short leg long coated dogs today as it was fairly wet and lumpy and he didn’t want to move today. On a different surface and another day, he could be much better. Well done, Leah.

Judge Suzanne Keree-Bartolo (Shirkeira/Middletune)

Adult handling

Class 756 17-25 No Entries

Class 757 26-49 Years (9, 4abs)

Lovely class with some very good handlers, well done everyone.

1st 475 Hailey McKnight, Lovely experienced smartly turned out handler with a mature Tibetan Spaniel, perfect figure work and always adhered to the Golden Rule throughout, very kind and attentive to her dog, excellent smooth lead/hand changes. Good table work with good presentation and correct showing of the teeth/bite, able to answer my points of the dog question correctly. Didn’t put a foot wrong throughout the class. Well done, Hailey.

2nd 183 Zoe Davis Handling a 2-year-old Black Lab, very good on following my instructions and using the whole of the ring on the move, good gaiting speed for the breed, her figure work was good and she kept to the Golden Rule very well and stood her dog correctly for me to exam, showed the Teeth/bite correctly. Well done, Zoe.

3rd 1111 Hannah Lawrence Handling a Black Whippet, handling a Black Whippet, well presented on the table, moved round well when I changed my position, showed the teeth / bite well, Hannah answered my question on the dentition correctly and gaited her dog at the correct speed for the breed. Followed the Golden rule really well. Well done, Hannah.

Class 758 50 years & Over (14, 5abs)

Lovely mature class with some good handlers competing, a nice class to judge, well done everyone.

1st 1237 Steph Parry handling a mature Parson Russell Terrier. Very smart pair, well turned out and well presented. Followed my instructions very well and used the ring well ton gait her dog at the correct speed for the breed. Her figure work was excellent and she kept to the golden rule at all times on both the table and the floor. Very gentle and attentive to her dog at all times, showing the teeth/bite correctly and answering my dentition question well. Well done, Steph.

2nd 1278 Nicola Curtis Handling a Mature Sealyham Terrier, moved her dog at the correct speed for the breed and used the ring to her advantage, with good figure work, kept to the Golden Rule at all times and followed my instructions correctly. She was gentle with her dog when putting her on the table showing her teeth/bite and placing her back on the floor. Well done, Nicola.

3rd 1226 Debra Kay with a Jack Russell Terrier, smart pairing, well handled throughout, followed my instructions well, moved her dog at the correct speed and was very good with her figure work, kept to the Golden Rule. Nicely handled on the table and bite shown well. Well done, Debra.

Judge Suzanne Keree-Bartolo (Shirkeira/Middletune)