• Show Date: 29/12/2024
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Simon Luxmoore Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 03/01/2025

Luton Canine Association

Breed: Multiple






P 2(0)

1. Roberts’ Swansford Padmeadora. Nice feminine head, long reach of neck, strong shoulders, good pro-sternum, correct ground clearance, good top-line, correct length of body, strong loin, absolutely sound on the move when settled, BOB & BP.

2. Vincent’s Swansford Padraciador at Gainscroft. Good head and expression, not quite the ground clearance that I would like, a little untidy when viewed from behind on the out and back but correct top-line and good turn of stifle.


J 1(0)

1. Reid’s Swansford Daphnedora at Maudaxi. 16 month old bitch, feminine head and expression, good pro-sternum, as much length of loin as I would like but absolutely sound on the move.

PG 4(0)

1. Reid’s Cavallibrook One Final Kiss at Maudaxi. Good overall proportions and balance, nice feminine head, good ground clearance, strong top-line, good croup, out-moved the class, RBOB.

2. Paskins’ Kindeace Hit The Road Jack JW. Correct head proportions, nice well held top-line, again as much length of body as I would like but sound on the move.

3. Paskins’ Kindeace You Wear It Well.


O 4(1)

1. Paskins’ Kindeace Texas Ranger ShCEx. Good head proportions, correct pro-sternum, good reach of neck, powerful shoulders, strong top-line, good overall proportions, out-moved the class.

2. Vincent’s Breezelyn A Long Story at Gainscroft. Correct front, good shoulder, correct balance overall but untidy on the out and back when viewed from behind.

3. Paskins’ Cedavoch It’s Taboo at Kindeace.




P 7(1)

1. Gulyas’ Dalaj-Nor Fortuna (imp HUN). Just preferred the more developed pro-sternum in what was the older puppy in the class, good length of neck, good ground clearance but as much length of body as I would like, BP.

2. Bramall’s Debbiejay Tina Turner. This is a lovely puppy who stood extremely well in profile but couldn’t get to grips with being exhibited on the table, good overall balance and proportions and good prospect going forward.

3. Douglas’ Debbiejay Pippa Funnel mit Kieferjagen.


J 5(2)

1. Cato’s Winterfield August Delight of Loumicquest. Parallel throughout, of good overall proportions, strong top-line, nice ground clearance, moved to advantage.

2. Reynolds’ Kleinstar Blue Moon. A nice male, good pro-sternum but untidy on the stand in front, good top-line and good underline when viewed in profile.

3. Herald’s Winterfield Lady In Red.


PG 8(3)

1. Corominas’ Scenterbay Rafael for Ruichango. Good head proportions and nice pro-sternum, good length of neck, level top-line, good ground clearance, nice overall proportions, RBOB.

2. Reynolds’ Kleinstar Moongazer. Another nice exhibit, correct head, good underline, good ground clearance and overall a good prospect.

3. Herald’s Winterfield Lucky Star.


O 4(2)

1. O’Connell’s Rijobeau Rita Bix with Llennocor. Nice head proportions, excellent reach of neck, good pro-sternum, good top-line, correct underline, easy on the move, BOB.

2. Reynolds’ Merryline Alexandra at Kleinstar. Feminine head and expression, not the angulation of 1 hence not the drive from behind but good underline and good clearance.



P 6(1)

1. Judge’s Erinshore Lady Grace. Nice head proportions, correct front, level top-line but really took the class on her movement, BP.

2. Tubb’s Westwillow Sweet Pea. Another nice youngster, lovely feminine head, good reach of neck, as much length of loin as I would like but parallel on the move.

3. McCarthy’s Nagshall Love For Ronnie.


J 3(1)

1. Tubb’s Westwillow Sweet Pea. Repeat.

2. McCarthy’s Nagshall Love At Risk. A nice puppy who has as much length as I would like but charming head and expression and moved to advantage, placed 5th in previous class.


PG 2(1)

1. McCarthy’s Nagshall The Odd Excuse JW. Lovely feminine head, good top-line, correct overall proportions and moved with a smooth ground covering gait, shown in full coat and good condition, BOB.


O 2(0)

1. McCarthy’s Nagshall Dyce The Ice JW. Preferred the reach and drive of 1 on the move, super head and expression, nice reach of neck, good underline, level top-line, moved to advantage, RBOB.

2. Phillips’ Ch. Summerview Hello Hugo JW. Lacked the reach of 1 but nice head, good ground clearance and overall proportions.




P 5(2)

1. O’Connell’s Almarxils Flamenco Dancer at Llennocor. A first time out for this youngster who is just 6 months old but at this stage a superbly proportioned puppy, charming head and expression, good pro-sternum, level top-line, excellent balance and angulation front and rear, parallel ground covering gait, good prospect, BOB & BP.

2. Jones’ Bimini Moonlight. Another nice youngster, not quite the front of 1 but balanced angulation and parallel on the move.

3. Crossman/Kennedy’s Moonshe Make Bee Leeve.


J 3(1)

1. Jones’ Ch. Bimini Song Sung Blue. Nice male, good underjaw, correct length of neck, powerful shoulders, strong top-line, easy ground covering gait, RBOB.


PG 4(3)

1. Phillips’ Gulliagh Loganberry of Robinswood. Nice shoulder, a level top-line with good ground clearance, correct length to height but a rather untidy rear movement on the out and back.

O 5(3)

1. Gilkes/Storton’s Dereheath Shaken Not Stired at Birichino. Preferred the overall proportions of 1, nice head, good reach of neck, strong top-line, balanced fore and aft, good reach and drive on the move.

2. Corominas’ Ch. Almarxils Diego for Ruichango JW. Busy on the move but not quite the angulation or overall proportions of 1.




PG 1(0)

1. Slade’s Inostricani Show Me Off. 30 month old bitch, gentle feminine expression and head, somewhat reserved on the day, good overall balance, good reach of neck and absolutely sound on the move, BOB.




P 2(0)

1. Stilgoe/Fox’s Teisgol Sweet William. Just preferred the front of 1 on the day which was a little tighter on the out and back, excellent overall proportions, balanced angulation fore and aft, excellent feet and shown in good condition, easy ground covering gait, BP.

2. Stilgoe/Fox’s Teisgol Rose Campion. Another well proportioned bitch, well angulated but a little loose ‘elbowing out’ on the out and back but at 7 months old an excellent prospect.


J 6(1)

1. O’Neill’s Tenshilling Shboom. Preferred the front of 1 who showed excellent overall balance when viewed in the profile and was absolutely sound on the move, good head and expression, correct top-line, good turn of stifle and a very nice prospect, BOB, I was delighted to see she went on to win the Gundog Group.

2. Harrison’s Millpoint Watson. Another well balanced exhibit, I would prefer a touch more tidiness in the top-line but this will improve with maturity.

3. Stilgoe/Fox’s Teisgol Sweet William.


PG 3(2)

1. Robson’s Codnorhawk Dinky Stta at Bradgate. A nice 5 year old bitch, moderate angulation front and rear, a touch straight in pastern but good feminine head and parallel on the move.


O 6(2)

1. Adams’ Carofel Wings of Hope JW WW23 Swiss JCh. Won the class on movement, good head and expression, correct bone, good feet and pasterns and a parallel ground covering gait, RBOB.

2. Webb’s Tenshilling Jimmy Mack JW. When relaxed on the stand he presented a nice profile but a little anxious on the day but good bone, nice condition, feet a little untidy but had good reach and drive on the move.

3. Robson’s Bradgate Until Dusk.




P 4(0)

A class of some nice puppies in need of some practise.

1. Hunt’s Wakaduze Dotame. Nice head and expression, 9 months old, shown in full coat and good condition, good shoulder, still some maturity to come which will tighten the top-line, BP.

2. Fincham’s Danehaven Despreux. Lovely head and expression, balanced angulation, nice reach of neck, good top-line, parallel gait.

3. Westwood’s Travelda’s Genevieve Pine avec Eusanit (imp USA).


J 5(0)

1. Gibson’s Delphox Guiser. Just the more mature exhibit in the class, good head and expression, strong top-line, good shoulder, moderate turn of stifle, good feet, sound on the move, RBOB.

2. Westwood/McDonald’s Eusanit What The Fuggle Roanjora. Nice head, good shoulder, needs to tighten her top-line but absolutely sound on the move.

3. Westwood/McDonald’s Eusanit Loved and Lost.


PG 8(3)

1. Trickett’s Cfyre’s High Tea at Tollpepper JW (imp CAN). Correct head and expression, well angulated front and rear, good top-line, completely out-moved the class and with additional condition will be a lovely example of the breed, BOB.

2. Minshull’s Cedarlake Golden Hind. Super male shown in full coat and good condition, well angulated shoulder, strong top-line, good reach and drive.

3. Tester’s Gingafing Forget Me Not.


O 10(2)

1. Anstead’s Sh Ch/Ir Sh Ch. Riverwatcher Koda. Won the class with overall balance and condition combined with absolutely sound movement, strong top-line, easy ground covering gait.

2. Trickett/O’Connor’s Cfyre’s Spellbreaker at Tollpepper AWB (imp CAN). Nice exhibit, well handled and presented, just a tendency to be slightly untidy on the out and back on the day.

3. Anstead Kindell’s Sh Ch. Eusanit Pride and Joy via Riverwatcher JW.