- Show Date: 28/09/2024
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Richard Forsythe Contact Judge
- Published Date: 27/12/2024
Stafford & District Canine Society
Stafford & District Canine Society
Saturday 28th September 2024
Thank you to all exhibitors who entered as it was a great entry. I was pleased with my principal winners. A big thanks also have to go to the committee for the invitation and to my stewards who kept things running smoothly.
Puppy (3,1)
1st - STANTON & LATHAM, MRS T & MR S - MILEOAK HOCUS POCUS. 10 month old black bitch who scored overall on size and balance. A pleasing head which is developing well with good width to skull and depth to muzzle. Lips are tight. Eyes are set ans placed well and of good shape. Ears are set high and of good triangular shape. Neck is muscular and leads into well laid shoulders. Front is straight and parallel with good bone throughout. Chest developing well. Topline good with broad loin finished with a well set tail. Rear angles are good with well let down hocks and enough muscle tone. Coat in good condition. On the move this girl was balanced and had reach and drive. BPIB WPG3
2nd - POPPLE, MRS G & DR M - MILEOAK WISHING ON A STAR. 10 month old bitch who still has quite a bit of developing to do. Head piece is feminine with enough width to skull. Muzzle to skull ratio is good. Good depth to muzzle with lips tight. Ears are set on high and of good size and shape. Eyes are placed well but would like to see tighter lids. To balance the picture I’d prefer a slightly longer neck. Shoulders are muscular and well laid with elbows close to a broad chest. Good bone throughout and limbs are parallel and straight. Topline is held on stand and move with a good breadth to loin and finishing with a good tail set. Rear is muscular with well let down hocks. Moved out well with enough reach and drive
Open (2,1)
1st - POPPLE, MRS G & DR M. MILEOAK LOCH NOIR. 3 year old black bitch with a feminine headpiece with good proportions. Muzzle has good depth with level bridge. Enough stop. Eyes are of good almond shape and placed well. Skull has good width with high set triangular ears of good size. Neck is muscular but would like a touch more length leading into well laid shoulders and elbows are close to a deep well filled chest. Topline is super being held on stand and move with broad back and loin finished with a tail that is set and carried well. Limbs are strong boned to balance the overall picture I’d like a little more length to leg. Rear is well constructed with plenty of muscle and let down of hocks. On the move this girl has good rear drive and lovely reach in front. BOB WG3
Great Dane
Post Graduate (1,0)
1st - INGRAM, LADY J - HOMER SIMPSON VOM KLEINEN FEENWALD WITH DAINMAJIK (IMP DEU). A striking harlequin who is all male. Super muzzle to skull ratio. Good Wirethorn to skull and muzzle with super depth. Lips are tight and hang well. Dark eyes which are set deep. Ears are set high and carried well. Neck is long and arched leading into well laid shoulders with elbows close to deep chest with well sprung ribs. Limbs are straight and clean with good bone throughout. Topline strong and muscular finished with a tail that is an extension of the topline. Rear is equally matched to the front with super muscle and we’ll let down hocks. The ring size was slightly detrimental to this boy as he has a lot of power and can really cover the ground with being light on his feet. BOB WG2
Puppy (4,2)
I’m sure these 2 can change places on another day but this is how I found them today.
1st - BECK, MR W & MRS M - SACARIAS BLUE JEAN BABY AT BEKESHA. 7 month old black and rust bitch who appealed for overall shape and balance. Feminine headpiece with super planes for such a youngster. Good muzzle to skull ratio with enough stop. Skull is flat with small high set ears. Eyes are a lovely almond shape which are placed well in head. Good depth to muzzle and lips are tight. Neck is long which leads into a lovely front assembly with enough layback of shoulder and elbows are tight to a deep enough cheat for age. Cleanest of limbs with good bone finished with well arched feet. Straight topline which slopes towards a well placed tail. Rear is well muscled and angulated with good hocks. On the move this girl has such freedom with having a good drive in rear and super reach in front. BOB BPIB WG3 WPG2.
2nd - CANNON, MR C & MRS W - SACARIA'S BLUES. I really liked this brown and rust male. A masculine dog who is a novice dog who when been to more shows and training will put on a performance that can showcase his qualities. That said a masculine head with great muzzle to skull proportions with enough stop. Eyes are a lovely almond shape and are placed well. Ears are set high on a flat skull. Super straight, parallel from with good bone throughout and finished with well arched feet. Long neck which leads into clean shoulders with elbows close to a deep chest for age. The topline was inconsistent but it slopes towards a well placed tail. Rear is angled and muscled well with good let down of hocks. On the move demonstrated that there is good power from rear and reach in front, just needs to come together as 1 with handler.
Yearling (2,1)
1st - POLLARD, MR N & MRS J - SHALISSA'S HOT TODDY AT WHIZZBEAN. A bitch who is good for overall shape and size. A pleasing head of good length and width. Enough stop to balance the head. Good depth to muzzle with lips tight. Eyes are set well but are bigger than preferred. Long neck leading into good shoulders with elbows tight to a super deep chest. Straight and parallel front. Would have liked a little more length in toes to balance the foot. Topline is straight which slopes to a well set tail. Rear has good muscle tone with good angulation and well let down hocks. Moved out with super drive can get a little untidy at times in front.
Post Graduate (2,0)
1st - same as 1st in Yearling
2nd - MACKINTOSH-WHITE, MRS A D - TEUSCHONS SHADOW SPELL. I preferred the head piece on this bitch. Good planes with good length and depth to skull. Eyes are of good almond shape and of good size set well in the head. Enough stop. Ears are of good shape and size and placed well. Neck
Is it really good length leading into ok shoulders. Elbows close to a well filled deep chest. Good for bone. Feet tight. Topline held on stand on move with sloping to rear with a good tailset. Rear is well constructed with low set hocks and good muscle tone. On the move it was a little untidy which cost her the place today.
Open (2,0)
1st - GRIFFITHS, MRS J & MR C - KORIFEY AXL AT AMIOUS JW. A masculine dog. Head a little heavier for my preference. That said it is of good length with good proportions. Eyes of lovely almond shape and size placed well. Enough stop. Ears are of good shape and size and placed well on the skull. Neck is of good length but broader than preferred. Shoulders are well laid with elbows being close to a deep chest. Let’s fall parallel with ample bone and tidy feet. Topline ok sloping to rear. Tail ok. Rear muscled well with well let down hocks. Move with drive but could do with a little more reach in front to balance the move.
Junior (3,0)
A rather mixed class but this is how I found them today.
1st - ANSELL & MCKENZIE, MISS S & MRM - GISABOSIE SKYBLU EGILSAY - with still being a puppy there is still some developing to do. That said this youngster is developing well. Muzzle to skull ratio is good with enough width to skull and ears set on high. Lovely dark oval eye placed well in head. Neck is arched of good length leading into shoulders that are sloping with good return of upper arm. Front is good for bone just needs to tighten up with age. Topline good with good rump finished with tail that is placed well. Enough muscle tone in rear. Rear well constructed. On the move won this class with balance. BPIB
2nd - CANTLAY, MR W M & MRS L S - BAVARUKI PALOW KIKO. 17 month old masculine male. A strong head with good proportions. Eyes of good shape and size and placed well. Muzzle is of good length and depth free from lippiness. Enough stop. Ears are set well but I’d like them to be a fraction shorted to balance the head. Neck is arched and of ok length. Shoulders are well laid. Elbows are close to a well filled chest. Front is parallel and straight with good strength to pasterns. Topline good with strong loin. Tail set is good and carried well. Rear is well muscled with enough angles. On the move there was a good reach in front but lacked rear drive today.
Post graduate (3,0)
1st - LEAR SCHOFIELD & SCHOFIELD, MS CE & MR J - WARRIOR QUEEN BOVIDICA GRANDE LEONIS. Just out of junior this bitch is developing nicely and won on being balanced throughout. Head is in proportion with body and feminine. Good width and depth to skull with enough stop. Eyes are a good colour with being oval and placed well in head. Muzzle has good length and depth with enough depth and free from lippiness. Neck is arched and of good length leading into well laid shoulders. Elbows are tight to a well filled chest. Good for bone throughout and limbs are straight and parallel. Feet are tight. Good length to body with muscular loin and finished with a tail that is set and carried well. Rear is well constructed with super muscle tone and let down of hocks. Although out of coat that is just the icing on the cake. Moved out with drive and reach to win BOB.
2nd - LEAR-SCHOFIELD & SCHOFIELD, C E & J - ALFROSS TULABO NATSUKI. 3 year old bitch. Would have preferred more width in the skull to balance the headpiece. Muzzle to skull proportions are good. Eyes are oval and of good size set well in head. Good depth to muzzle with good stop. Ears are placed well and of good leather length. Neck is of ok length which leads nicely into well laid shoulders. Elbows close to a well filled chest. Good for bone throughout. Would have liked to see stronger pasterns. Topline good with strong loin. Tail is set and carried well. Rear is good for muscle. Moved out with enough reach and drive.
Open (4,0)
1st - JONES, MRS JA - CH ANJALEO COCONUT ICE TO BAVARUKI. You can see why this bitch has her champion title. She has so much to offer. On first impressions she is balanced and feminine. Lovely headpiece with super proportions. Good width to skull with lovely ear set. Oval eyes of good colour set well in head. Moderate stop. Neck is arched and of good length set well onto well laid shoulders. Front assembly is straight and parallel with good bone and strong pasterns. Feet ok. Topline is good with a strong muscular loin and strong rump finished with a well set tail. Rear is equally matched to the front with good muscle and angles. Moved with good reach and drive. Unfortunately in the challenge had to give way to the PG winner who
Didn’t put a foot wrong.
2nd - PUGH, MRS J - ALFROSS TULABO XAVIER. There is no denying this is a male. Broad skull with good ear set. Lovely eyes of good oval size and colour. Moderate stop with good length to muzzle and of good depth. Cheeks filled. Neck is arched but could do with a little more length to balance the whole picture. Shoulders are well laid with a good front assembly. Elbows tight to a well filled chest and good fore chest . Front is parallel and straight with good bone and tight feet. Topline is good and held at all times with strong muscular loin. Angles in rear are good with super muscle tone good let down of hocks. On the move he was balanced with enough reach and drive.
Post Graduate (1,0)
1st -SMITH, MR S & MRS V - SLANSTORM SUPANATURAL DEAN. - a smart 2 year old masculine dog who appealed on shape and balance. Pleasing head piece with good proportions. Strong underjaw. Plenty of padding on lips to soften the expression. Lips are tight. Eyes of good size placed well in head with good pigmentation. Ears are of good size and set wide. A super front assembly with long sloping shoulder, elbows tight to a deep well filled chest and the straightest of limbs finished with good feet. Topline slightly sloping to rear with a short loin finished with high set tail. Rear angles are good with good muscle tone throughout. Well let down hocks. On the move there was great drive from rear and reach I. Fro t covering the ground well.
Open (2,1)
1st - SMITH, MR S & MRS V - SLANSTORM SUPANATURAL SAM. 3yo who has a lot of attributes, headpiece is feminine with good width to underjaw. A well padded muzzle with lips tight. Defined stop. Eyes of good shape and size and placed well in head. Ears are set wide and carried well. Neck is strong and of good length. I would have preferred a little more lay back of should which would have given more reach on the move. Clean, straight, parallel front with ample bone and finished with good feet. Chest is of good depth. Back and loin are short with topline sloping to rear with a high set tail which was carried well. Rear is well constructed with good muscle tone and good let down of hocks. On the move there was good drive but needed a fraction more reach in front.
Junior (1,0)
1st - TOPHAM & MALTAS, MRS M, MRS A & MISS D, - VIRLEES INFATUATION. 13 month old bitch who is good for overall balance and size. Pleasing headpiece with good width between well set ears of good size. Lovely dark almond eyes which are set well in head. Good length and depth to muzzle with lips tight. Neck is muscular and arched which sits on shoulders that are well laid. Elbows are close to a deep well filled chest. Good for bone throughout. Level topline with short loin finished with a good tail set. Rear is angled well and has good muscle tone throughout. On the move this girl can get a little excited which causes her to lose some balance and get a little untidy in front, that said she has super rear drive. BOB
Postcombe Graduate (2,0)
1st - TOPHAM & MALTAS, MRS M, MRS A & MISS D, - VIRLEES INFATUATION. See junior critique
2nd - MINSHALL, V - DORTMUND DOUBLE OR QUITS. 3 year old masculine male with a super headpiece. Broad skull with super ear set and of good size. Lovely almond shaped eyes which are placed well. Good stop. Good length to muzzle with a level bridge. Good depth to muzzle with lips tight. Neck is ok. Shoulders are well laid with elbows tight to a well filled chest. Front is straight and parallel. Good for bone. Feet is good. Topline ok. Tail is set well but could be carried a little better. Rear is well angulated with good let down of hocks and muscled well throughout. Moved out well with enough drive in rear and reach in front.
Post Graduate (1,0)
1st- WILLIAMS, MS P J - KIERLACEYAN EMMA JAYNE. 2 year old bitch who presents a lovely outline. Lovely broad and deep skull with good stop and short muzzle. Eyes are of good colour and size placed well in head. Good strength and width to underjaw. Nostrils wide. Free from lippiness. Ears are set wide and high to finish the headpiece. Super arched neck full of muscle leading into well laid shoulders with elbows close to a deep and wide chest. Front is straight and good for bone. Feet ok. Topline ok finished with high set tail. Rear has super muscle tone throughout and enough bend to hocks. On the move this girl has super reach in front, but today could have used a little more drive to finish the overall balance
Open (2,1)
1st - WILLIAMS, MS P J - DIABLO SIVOLA. There is no denying this is a male on first inspection. A super broad and deep head piece with ears set on high and wide and are of good size. Eyes are of good colour and shape. Cheeks are well filled. Defined stop with short muzzle. Underjaw has great strength and width and free from lippiness. Neck is arched and muscular leading into shoulders that are well laid. Elbows are close to a super deep and wide chest. Front is straight and parallel and good for bone. Feet well arched. Topline good on stand on move finished with high set tail. Rear is muscular and has the correct amount of angles. Moved out with super drive and reach in front BOB
Siberian Husky
Puppy (1,0)
1st -TINKER, MRS K - SNOWMIST'S ELI AT LOLOTEA (IMP CAN). 7 month old who today was on top form and did not put a foot wrong. Good muzzle to skull ratio and of good width throughout with enough stop. Lovely almond shaped eyes which are placed well. Lovely shaped ears which are set high. Clean, arched neck which leads nicely into well laid shoulders with elbows close to chest which is still developing. Front is straight and parallel with enough bone. Good feet. Level topline with muscular loin finished with good set tail. Rear has good angles with good let down of hocks. Lovely muscle tone throughout. On the move is where this boy comes into his own. The movement is light and effortless and covers the ground super well displaying good rear drive and a good reach in front. Pleased to award BOB, BPIB, WG1, WPG1.
Open (2,0)
1st - TINKER, MRS K - MULTI CH ZALTANA KISS MY PAWS AT LOLOTEA JW ShCEx (IMP POL). 6 year old male who is pleasing for shape and size. Head is of good width and depth and of good proportions. Lovely almond eye placed well. Ear set is high and close finishing the alert expression. Neck is arched and of good length leading into well laid shoulders. Good return of upper arm with elbows close to a deep enough chest. Front is parallel and straight finished with good oval feet. Topline is strong and level with muscular loin finished with a well set tail that is carried well. Rear has a super assembly with good muscled tone. Displayed good rear drive a lovely reach in front whilst covering the ground well.
2nd - SNELSON, MRS H J - AZGARD MONTICRISTO AT ASHTRAX. 4 year old black and white male. Head of good proportion with enough stop. Good width to skull with ears of good shape and size, would have liked them slightly higher. Eyes of good size and colour slightly rounder than 1. Lovely arched neck which leads into well laid shoulders. Good return of upper arm and elbows close to a super deep chest. Enough bone throughout. Front is parallel. Feet ok. Level topline finished with a well set tail. Angles in rear good and super muscle tone. Well let down hocks. On the move light and free with good reach and drive covering the ground well.
Bernese Mountain Dog.
Junior (3,1)
1st - MANIX, MANIX & ENGLISH, MRS A, MR I & MRS E - WALDERSHELF BJORN TO BE KING. 14 month old male who I wouldn’t any bigger. Broad skull with good proportions and defined stop. Eyes of good almond shape and size placed well. Ears are of good shape and size which are set on high. Muzzle has good length and depth and free from lippiness. Neck is of good length which leads into long sloping shoulders and a good return of upper arm. Lovely parallel front with good bone throughout. Feet are nice and compact. Good width and depth to chest. Topline is good with a strong muscular loin and then all finished with a good tail set of good length. Muscular rear with well let down hocks. On the move he was balanced displaying good rear drive and reach in front. BOB.
2nd - WOOD,MRS L - OSKEVABERN HELLRAISER. 11 month old bitch who is developing well. Feminine headpiece with good proportions and defined stop. Ears are set on high and are of good shape and size. Eyes are a lovely almond shape and of good colour. Good length and depth to muzzle. Neck is muscular and of good length shoulders are well laid and has a good return of upper arm. Good for bone throughout. Good front assembly just now needs to tighten up to strengthen the movement in front. Topline is good with a good strong loin and rounded rump. Tail is set and carried well. On the move this girl displays a good rear drive and has the reach in front but as said earlier just needs to tighten a little to balance everything. BPIB WPG4
Post Graduate (2,1)
Open (1,0)
AVNSC Working
Yearling (1,0)
1st - GRAHAM, MRS J - BELVEDUESE OVER THE RAINBOW OF JOSEIKI. 14 month old Portuguese Water Dog. Appealed for size and balance to win today. Pleasing headpiece with broad skull and defined occiput. Lovely dark round eyes which are placed well. Muzzle to skull ratio is good with a defined stop. Ears are set well with the correct shape and well feathered. Short, straight neck which sits on muscular well laid shoulders and good return of upper arm. Front is straight and parallel finished with round feet. Topline good with strong loin and good croup finished with good tail set of good length. Super width and depth to chest. Rear is well constructed with ample muscle. On the move this girl covers the ground well demonstrating good rear action and a lovely reach in front. BAVNSC
Open (1,0)
1st - CLAY, MR C & MRS J - PHILOMA LUCIA. What a strong impressive bitch. Balanced proportions in head with enough width to skull and muzzle. Good depth to skull. Enough stop to balance the head. Eyes are a lovely dark, oval shape and colour which are placed well in head with good brows. Would have liked better seats to really frame the headpiece. Strong underjaw with lovely moustache. Long, arched neck which leads into a super shoulder placement with elbows close to a deep well filled chest. Limbs are straight and parallel finished with compact feet. Good topline with slope to rear finishing with high set tail. Good angles in rear with good muscle tone with well let down hocks. Balanced on the move with good drive and reach. Close decision for BOB
AV Working Veteran.
1st - TINKER, MRS K - MULTI CH ZALTANA HEARTBREAKER KID AT LOLOTEA (IMP POL) JW. 7 year old male Siberian Husky who has a masculine headpiece with super proportions. Ears set high and of good shape and size. Eyes of good almond shape and placed well in head. Enough stop. Good length to muzzle and of good depth with tight lips. Neck is of good length and sits on a good shoulder placement met with a good return of upper arm. Limbs are straight and parallel with good feet. Topline is level with a muscular loin finished with a good tail set of good length. Rear has enough angles and muscle in rear to balance the whole picture. Coat in great condition. Light and free on the move and covering the ground very well.
2nd - SNELSON, MRS H J - NIFLHEIM BLADE AT ASHTRAX. I have judged this 8 year old Siberian Hisly prior to today and unfortunately I didn’t see his best today which is why he had to settle for 2nd on this occasion. A good headpiece with good proportions with a good stop to balance head. Eyes at of good almond shape and colour. Muzzle to skull ratio is good. Ears are set well being high and close. Good reach of neck and good shoulders. Front is straight and parallel. Topline level with a good tail set. Rear is equally well constructed with good angles and muscle tone. Moved ok. But definitely does benefit from a bigger ring size.
Working Group
1 - Siberian Husky
2 - Great Dane
3 - Dobermann
4 - Newfoundland
Working Puppy Group
1- Siberian Husky
2- Dobermann
3- Newfoundland
4- Bernese Mountain Dog
AV Working
1st - see 1st in Siberian Husky Puppy
2nd - see 2nd in Dobermann Puppy
1st - see 1st in Rottweiler junior
2nd - see 1st Bullmastiff Open
1st - see 1st AVNSC Open
KC Charitable Trust Zoe’s Journey U.K. Puppy Stakes. (23 entries)
1st - THOMAS, MISS H L - CHESMES KUTYA MAGYAR HETTIE AT MOURNEBRAKE. An attractive Hungarian Puli puppy who has so much substance under the coat. A balanced headpiece with good muzzle to skull proportions. Eyes are of good size and colour set well in head. Ears are well placed and of good length. Pigmentation good throughout on eyes nose and flews. Neck of good length leading into well laid shoulders with a good return of upper arm and elbows near against a deep developing chest. Front limbs are straight and parallel with good width. Good length to back with short muscular loin finished with a tight curled tail. Rear is well constructed with good muscle tone and good let down of hocks. On the movements she is light on her feet covering ground well. A very promising puppy indeed.
2nd - ANGUS, MRS L - EDELMIDPOINT SILHOUETTE FOR SPARKENHOE. Cleanly built feminine head on this 6 month old bitch. Good muzzle to skull ratio with a defined stop. Good depth of muzzle with lips that are well developed. Lovely eyes of good colour and they’re placed well in head. Ears are set high framing the face. Lovely long arched neck which leads nicely into long sloping shoulders with a good return of upper arm. Elbows are close to a deep chest that is still developing. Topline is good with a short back and a strong muscular loin and a well muscled croup finished with a good tail set of good length and carried well. Rear is well constructed and muscled with well let down hocks. This girl really covers the ground when on the move.
KC Charitable Trust Zoe’s Journey U.K. Open Stakes (36 entries)
1st - GUY, MR A & MRS K - CIRTAPS PRINSES BYNTON IDA ROSE MK (IMP SWE). Kooikerhondje bitch of 10 years old who in no way looks her age. She screams femininity and it very typical of the breed. Skull to muzzle ratio good with enough stop. Good width to skull with ears that are placed well with the typical black tips on feathering. Lovely dark almond eye which is placed well in head. Neck is of good length and muscular leading into well laid shoulders and a good return of upper arm. Elbows are close to deep chest. Limbs are super straight and good for bone. Longer than high with level back and finished with a well set tail. Rear is angled well and for one of the veterans has superb muscle tone. On the move you cannot fault the movement, she is super sound staying parallel and displaying reach and drive. Handled beautifully by a young handler and really got the best out of her.
2nd - THOMAS, MISS H L - CHESMES KUTYA MAGYAR GRYFF AT MOURNEBRAKE. What a beautifully presented Hungarian Puli. You really don’t appreciate a Puli until you can get your hands under the coat. This 2 year old is full of substance. A masculine headpiece which is balanced and of good proportions. Lovely eyes which are of a good colour and placed well in head. Super pigmentation on eyes nose and flews. Ears are set well and of good shape. Neck is strong leading into super shoulders with a good return of upper arm. Limbs are straight and parallel. Topline is super with good length to back. Firm muscular loin and finished with a tail that is tightly curled. Super rear angles with good muscle tone. Moved out with great rear drive and reach in front. Pushed 1 hard!
Judge Richard Forsythe