• Show Date: 03/02/2024
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Rebecca Lucas Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 04/02/2024

Isle Of Ely Canine Society

Isle of Ely 3/2/2024 st. Bernard’s

Firstly I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to judge at this years show and for all their hard work in making the show such a success and enjoyable day. Thank you also to the exhibitors for entering and allowing me to go over their beautiful dogs.

P (2/1) 1. Kimberley & Doherty, L &A Towerviewsaints Red Mist (imp ire) and taf

This 8-month-old male has a lovely head which is developing well with good ear set and good eyes. he has a strong neck and well constructed body moved out well and pleased to award him best puppy

J (0/0

PG (1/1)

O (4/3) 1. Kimberley & Doherty, L & A Chedham Boys Are Best

This is a lovely 3-year-old male of good substance he has a strong well-developed head with good ear set and lovely dark eyes. He has a strong neck of good length into well laid shoulders. Easy on the move with good profile very pleased to award BOB

Rebecca Lucas (Philandros)