• Show Date: 14/07/2024
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Martin Steele Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 20/07/2024

British Bulldog Club

MARTIN STEELE (CHELSEAPRIDE) BULLDOG CRITIQUE THE BRITISH BULLDOG CLUB SINGLE BREED OPEN SHOW 14 JULY 2024 Firstly a big thank you to the Committee for inviting me to judge at this prestigious breed club show. Everyone worked so hard to make this show one of the best club shows in the country. Also a big thanks goes to all those exhibitors that took the time to enter and attend, and for the opportunity for me to go over their dogs. The show itself was held at a lovely venue, and everyone was well tended to with wonderful food and drinks, the rain held off for most of the day and the cloud cover was perfect for the dogs, with no sign of any difficulties which might be detrimental to their health and wellbeing. The Stewards Mark Harding & Tony Hayward were awesome, making things seamless and easy for me, thank you both for that. Together with the rest of the committee, the whole day was a delight. The PA system with clear and concise announcements from Laura Cook was a real nice touch. Being on the committee, it has been mentioned that the long grass made it quite difficult for the dogs movement and for the assessment of the dogs on the ground, I have been assured that the next show will have the grass cut before the start of judging. General points for me were that we seem to be forgetting the nice tails and sets that we all strived for many years to improve on, with more than I would like to see tight and upturning tails. Nail clipping seems to lost on quite a lot of exhibits too, muscle tone for most exhibits is the best ive seen, but otherwise generally good housekeeping on the exhibits was observed. BABY PUPPY DOG (2 Entries, 1 Absent) 1st BULLMARINA LIMITED EDITION (W) (Dean Mr J) Developing nicely and in proportion. Good length of skull, pleasing layback, lower jaw nicely upturned and tight fit with good width, foreface nicely packing out. Rose ears set well, eyes dark and wide apart, open nostrils. Decent arch and length of neck, shoulders correct. Deep chest, plenty of rib enhancing nice pear shaped body. Decent tail set would prefer more of a free tail. Good rear angulation, moved really well with topline in place. Pleased to award Best Baby Puppy in show. BABY PUPPY BITCH (1, 0) 1st RAGMARTE’S TICKETY BOO (R/W) (Morris Mrs M) Tidy feminine girl with all the promise of best baby once matured. Good head again with decent ear set, ears a tad heavier than best baby, nice dark eyes well placed, good nose roll, wide open nostrils, tight fitting mouth, good neck leading to nicely placed shoulders, very nice front with good straight bone and nice tight feet. Nicely ribbed with deep chest, top line ok, decent free tail set slightly high. Hind quarters well angulated. Moved ok and will improve with age, a lovely natured young girl. VETERAN DOG / BITCH (3, 1) 1st LINFORDPRIDE OOLA (B) (R/W)(Collins & Gillingwater Miss A & Mr T) 7yr old in overall decent condition, nice feminine head with enough length of skull, good dark eyes, ears good and set ok, nostrils a little tighter than I would want. Lower jaw ok for age, Good neck & shoulders, front square with enough bone on front legs, feet ok. Enough rib behind shoulders giving nice body shape, good topline held on move. Tail set ok. Moved really well for her age. Best Veteran in Show. 2nd HAWKBULLS QUINN AT BULLMARINA (D) (W/) (Dean Mr J) 7yr old boy, large skull decent length. Decent eyes set well apart. Good ear set. Shoulders a bit narrow so restricting any correct front movement, enough bone but leg shape now starting to show his age. Lacking in rib, topline ok, tail & set ok, hind quarters adequate, moved ok. MINOR PUPPY DOG (3, 1) 1st ELARHILL DONATELLO AT HUNTTHORN (R/W) (Hunter Mr & Mrs N) Nice all round boy. Brick shaped skull with good length, dark eyes placed nicely, ears nice and set well, decent nose & nostrils, fabulous wide and fitting lower jaw with good upsweep. Nice arched neck, shoulders well placed, square front with enough bone to good feet. Enough chest, decent rib giving nice pear shaped body, well tucked up and good topline kept on the move, tail & set very nice, rear quarters a bit straight, moved ok. It was nice to see this puppy being a puppy. 2nd MASERATI IMPIRE VICTORY AT SULUMA (W) (Craddock Ms M) Standard size but not the quality of 1st place, broad skull of decent length, good lower jaw, wide and well padded foreface, dark well placed eyes, ok nostrils, decent length in neck, enough bone on front with decent feet, topline and tail set ok. A bit of a handful for his handler but went ok in the end. PUPPY DOG (4, 0) 1st SMOOCHABULL THE SEIGE (R/W Br) (Nash Mr R) Very pleasant nature on this boy, with a stand off expression and puppy attitude. Nice brick shape skull with good length, layback very good, dark eyes placed ok, good ears and set. wide open nostrils, nice neck, shoulders well placed and strong, leading down to good bone on front and nice tidy feet, ample chest with nice barrel of rib, good topline nicely held on the move, good free tail set correctly, moved nicely, all in proportion, my Best Puppy Dog on the day. 2nd ROSEBULLS SHOWSTOPPER AT SULUMA (R/W) (Craddock Ms M) Large skull with decent length, dark eyes set wide apart, ears nicely rosed and well set. Big open nostrils, good shoulder placement. Very well boned, topline & movement ok. JUNIOR DOG (6, 1) 1st BRITISHSTYLE MR HOBBS (R/W) (PLANSON Mrs K) Large brick shaped skull, with decent underjaw, open nostrils, nice dark eyes set nicely apart, good ear set with nice thin rose ears. Good reach and arch of neck. Correct shoulder placement, nicely boned straight front to tidy feet. Enough chest and rib, good topline, tail and tail set very nice. Rear angulation ok. Moved with ease. 2nd FORTIS SHOCKWAVE (R/W) (Talkowski Miss H) Decent sized wide head with adequate length, ok lower jaw, wide open nostrils, clear dark eyes, rosed well set rose ears, good shoulder placement, square front with enough bone to ok feet, decent topline, moved ok. NOVICE DOG (1, 0) 1st HILLPLACE DEAD RINGER (R/W Br) (Taylor Mrs M & Mr R) A pleasure to go over this youngster, Ive watched him from afar since minor puppy, and he didn’t disappoint. Nice brick shaped skull with good length, layback very good. Lovely upsweep on his wide underjaw fitting tight when closed, good open nostrils, dark eyes set correctly, thin rose ears set well, stand off expression. Good reach and arch of neck. Shoulder placement good, front strong and square with good bone and tight feet, good pear shaped body from the rib spring, deep chest. Hind quarters well angulated moved around with ease. Pushed really hard for top honours. Res Best Dog. POST GRADUATE DOG (1, 1) LIMIT DOG (5, 3) 1st BLEMHIEMSTAR’S LANCELOT OF JRAYGON (R/W) (Anscombe Mrs L & Mr H) Stood alone in class. Nice sized head with wide fitting underjaw, well placed eyes, a little light. Decent length of neck, good shoulder placement, decent bone to tidy feet, deep chest enough rib. Tail and tail set very nice, rear quarters nicely toned and angulated. Moved ok. 2nd SHIPSHAPE STARS AND STRIPES (R/W) (Watkins Mrs L) Cobby dog and only his 2nd outing I understand, Very nice head qualities with good layback, fabulous underjaw, eyes dark and placed well apart, good ear placement. Enough neck and good shoulder placement, pleasant square front with plenty of bone to decent feet. Good deep chest allowing for plenty of rib again giving nice pear shaped body, a good topline with decent tail set, experience and movement was the difference to 1st. OPEN DOG (2, 0) 1st NOBOZZ KING OF ALL KINGS (R/W) (Harris Mr R) One that catches the eye on his way in to the ring. Head qualities in abundance, lovely brick shaped skull with the right amount of length & width, nice layback, good upsweep on true wide tight fitting underjaw, good open nostrils, dark wide apart eyes, well placed thin rose ears, leading to a real stand off expression. Good neck length into shoulders placed well. Good front bone to tidy feet. Deep chest, well ribbed, well tucked up, good topline held on the move, good free tail set correctly. Rear quarters ok, moved ok. Delighted to have awarded him Best Dog & Best In show. 2nd BLENHIEMSTAR’S TALIESAN OF JRAYGON (R/W) (Anscombe Mrs L & Mr H) Well put together dog, just a little on the large size for me. Good head qualities, decent rib with good topline and tail set. Well boned and moved ok. SPECIAL BEGINNERS DOG (1, 1) MINOR PUPPY BITCH (1, 0) 1st ANDLARE GEE WIZZ FOR ARRENICA (W/R) (Shaw Mrs J & Mr D) Stood alone in class but worthy 1st place. Good length of skull with enough width for her age, tidy mouth, clear dark eyes, good ear set, nice length of neck, shoulders well placed. Nice front with decent bone and tidy feet. Good rib, topline ok. Rear angulation ok, moved well. PUPPY BITCH (2, 0) 1st CHELAJAY’S PIN UP GIRL (W/R) (Ingamells Miss C) A lot of promise here, one to watch out for. Very nicely put together youngster. Head with good width & length of skull, good upsweep and well fitting underjaw, good wide open nostrils, clear dark eyes nicely placed, good ear set with thin rosed ears, nice reach and arch of neck. Shoulders nicely placed, good square front with decent bone and nice feet, good size chest, well ribbed, overall very clean lines. Another puppy that was a bit dizzy but I like that. Moved well. Pleased to have this one as my Best Puppy Bitch & Best Puppy In Show. 2nd ROUGBULL CENTRE OF GRAVITY (R/W) (Rowell Miss T) Charming little girl, full of character, tidy head, good dark eyes, nice lower jaw. Decent neck length, enough bone on front to tidy feet, decent topline with good tail set, one of the best tails today. Good rear angulation, moved ok JUNIOR BITCH (6, 3) 1st FORTIS CLOUDBURST (R/W) (Downs Mr) Nice feminine girl, good head qualities, brick shaped & good length of skull, nice upsweep, open nostrils, good dark eyes well apart, nice rose ears correctly placed. Good shoulders down to nicely boned legs with ok feet, nice square front. Nicely shaped body behind shoulders. Topline good and held on the move, tail set correct with nice tail. Rear quarters ok, moved well. 2nd ALBIONPRIDE LOW KEY IN LOVE (W/R) (Parker Mrs C & Mr S) Another charming youngster, very feminine. Good length of skull, width will come with age. Nice layback, decent lower jaw, dark eyes well placed, correct ear placement, enough neck. Good shoulders to legs with enough bone and tight feet. Enough rib, good tuck up. Moved well, prefer outline & tail of 1st place. NOVICE BITCH (3, 1) 1st LILYLOVE TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE STAR (R/W) (Pickering Mrs S & Mr B) Brindle Nice head shape with good length of skull, decent lower jaw, open nostrils, dark eyes set wide apart, thin well placed rose ears, good reach of neck, tidy shoulder placement to decent front, tidy feet. Decent ribcage, tail set ok, moved ok 2nd FORTIS ACQUIESCE (R/W) (Downs Mr) Good size skull in width, good eyes set wide apart, decent ear set, open nostrils, enough neck, good boned front to nice feet, good chest & brisket, nice topline held on the move, good tail set, rear quarters nicely angulated, moved ok. Preferred head qualities of 1st. POST GRADUATE BITCH (4, 1) 1st BELSTOCK JULIANA (R/W) (FLATT Mr B, Mr S & Mrs B) A lot to like with this girl, good sized width of skull, clear dark eyes nicely placed, thin rose ears set well, good upsweep and tight fitting mouth with good dentition, stand off expression. Good reach of neck and well arched, nice shoulder placement, good straight bone to front and tidy feet, square front. Deep chest, nicely ribbed and tidy body shape, good topline with good tail set, decent free tail, rear angulation good, hard going for her on the ground, but done enough for me to award Best Bitch, Best Opposite & Res Best In Show. 2nd RECKLESS DIVA AT BRITISHSTYLE (R/W) (Planson Mrs K) Wide flat skull, dark eyes set wide apart, decent rose ears, good length and arch of neck, shoulders nicely placed down to well boned legs, decent feet. Ok ribcage, good topline, decent tail set. Nicely angulated on rear quarters, moved ok LIMIT BITCH (9, 4) 1st BLOSSOMS TAKE TOWN BY STORM (R/W) (Craddock Ms M) Brick shaped skull with enough length, wide jaw with decent upsweep, dark eyes set well apart, good ear placement, decent length of neck into good shoulder placement, decent straight bone leading to nice feet, nice square front, good chest, decent topline, free tail. Rear angulation ok, moved well. 2nd TESTWOOD HIPPY CHICK FOR BOYATTBULL (R/W) (James Mr A & Mrs J) Cobby, Nice head with good width & length, wide lower jaw with good upsweep, open nostrils, dark eyes set well apart, nice ears placed well, good reach of neck. Shoulders placed well, enough straight bone on square front, nice rib, decent topline, good tail set, well tucked up, rear angulation good, moved ok, difficult to split 1 & 2 but preferred mouth of 1st. OPEN BITCH (4, 3) 1st BLOSSOMS EYE OF THE STORM (F/W) (Craddock Ms M) Feminine head with wide tight fitting lower jaw, open nostrils, dark eyes well apart, good ear placement. Shoulders ok, enough bone to front down to tidy feet. Would prefer more rib, topline ok tail very good although set a bit high, moved ok. SPECIAL BEGINNERS BITCH (1, 0) 1st FORTIS ACQUIESCE (Downs Mr)