• Show Date: 03/11/2024
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Mandy Davies Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 11/01/2025

Coventry (Foleshill) Canine Association

Breed: Terriers and Terrier Group

Coventry (Foleshill) Canine Association

3rd November 2024

I would like to thank the officers and committee of Coventry(Foleshill) Canine Association for giving me the opportunity to judge at this friendly well run show. I was made to feel welcome by all the committee and officers. A big thank you to my efficient stewards who kept the ring running smoothly. I have used the terminology of female dog throughout to avoid censorship on social media platforms.

Border Terriers

Puppy (4 entries/2 absent)

1st (218) Jones, Otterholme Under The Stars. Lovely female just coming up to 12 months, Correct coat with good texture and pelt, lovely shaped head with correct stop. Ears of good shape and size and carried correctly. Correct feet and pleasing front appearance. Neck developed well into correct shoulders. Correct width of chest on spanning. Excellent turn of stifle and correctly carried tail. Walked well, a little unsettled on the table initially but did settle down. Correct dentition. Best Puppy, and Terrier Puppy Group 3.

Was called back into the unbeaten dog ring by my stewards and on assessment movement was much more settled and I also awarded RBOB.

2nd (211) Eaton, Avonaco Ennedale Lad. 6 month young male, a little unsettled and not too easy to assess today. Correct front with good ear carriage and set. Not as mature as 1st and hard to assess movement.

Post Graduate (5 entries/3 absent)

1st 214 Gwilliam, Ragatam Isla At Louajak 2.5year old female. Correct feminine head with a clean correct front. Settled and confident in the ring. Enough pelt on examination. Maybe a little more substance but overall pleasing and well handled.

2nd 218 Jones, Otterholme Under The Stars. As 1st in Puppy, a little more unsettled than in previous class but this was a very close call and she has a lot of promise.

Open (7 entries/5 absent)

1st 212 Gwilliam, Fisherbloom Don’t Stop Me Now At Louajak

Lovely pleasing head on this 5 year old dog. Correct front with legs and shoulder well set and good angulation. Correct coat with correct substance when checking the pelt. Chest of accurate span and overall a handsome well balanced and mature boy. Correctly shaped and held ears and correct dentition. Moved well and handsome in profile. Best of Breed, went on to be placed my terrier group 2.

2nd (225) Sutton, Fisherbloom Killer Queen At Thistlewhiss.Litter sister to the 1st. Correct coat with good feel to the pelt. In great condition and handled well. Shorter in muzzle than 1st, preferred the head of her brother. Appears balanced and in correct body proportions. Moved well.

Cairn Terriers

Puppy (3 entries /0 absent)

1st (237) Munday, Furythor Reluctant Villain. What a smashing puppy dog, just up to 12 months. Looking well balanced in profile with excellent movement. Ears are of correct size and well set onto a pleasing head. Correct dentition. Pleasing front and rear angulation with correct tail set and carriage. Best Puppy and placed 4th in my Terrier Puppy Group.

2nd (239) Saich Lindcoly Golden Buick. Correct ear set and carriage, giving an overall pleasing first impression, balanced and in proportion to head and outline. Correct coat and presented in excellent condition. Correct set shoulder and legs well under. I preferred the movement of the first.

3rd (230) Keeves, Seveek Spring Blossom

Post Graduate (5 entries/2 absent)

1st 227 Ballinger, Cloverbrook Forget Me Not. 2 year old female. Lovely feminine head, correct eye and ear carriage. Overall well balanced with correct front and rear with correct amount of muscle. Moved well and in excellent condition. Best of Breed, went on to be placed my terrier group 3.

2nd 241 Sinclair & Tothill, Tycadno Quick Shot. 2 year old male, very handsome with a smart expression, well balanced. Front and rear angulation all good, tail set could have been better and I preferred the overall movement of the first

3rd 242 Waugh, Dazzle me At Tribannon

Open (7 entries/3 Absent)

This was a really hard class

1st 231 Lucas & Tobutt, Seveek Country Lad. 3 year old male. Lovely head and correct front. Slightly overweight but not to any detriment. Moved and handled well.Res BOB

2nd 238 Munday, Lentrica Mystic Warrior 4 year old male. Lovely head, neck and shoulders. Moved well. Correct rear angulation and stifle.

3rd 236 Munday, Furythor Marvel At Me

Res. 229 Keeves, Seveek Licence To Dream

Irish Terriers

Puppy ( no entries)

Post Graduate (no entries)

Open (2 entries/0 absent)

2 Beautiful siblings, so hard to choose between them.

1st 244 Atkin, Holbam Celtic Rose (AI) JW. 2 year old female. Such a sweet expression on this 2 year old female, small correct eye, correct head, ear set and carriage. Lovely front and correct rear angulation with a correct bend of stifle. Excellent example of the breed with all breed points. Correct jaunty movement and handled well. Lovely coat for colour and texture. A little naught at times, Best of Breed. Went on to be placed terrier group 1.

2nd 247 Ruffles, Holbam Midsummer Knight At Ruffmar (AI) JW. Lovely masculine dog good in all proportions and well balanced. Pleasing head with correct ear set and carriage. Correct pleasing front with enough muscle to rear. Excellent movement. Res Best of Breed

AVNSC Terriers

Puppy (4 entries/0 absent)

1st 277 Robinson, Robinson-Cox & Cox, Hamason Sweet Little mystery(SBT). Maturer puppy dog, coming up to 12 months old. In proportion. Wide chest , lovely well-muscled body and in excellent condition. Pleasing head of correct shape and size, framed by well carried and correct ear. Lovely movement with drive and substance. Best Puppy AVNSC. Went on to be my terrier puppy group 2

2nd 274 O’Connell, Letoha A Star Is Born (Welsh Terrier). Another lovely puppy that was handled to perfection and pushed hard for 1st place. Lovely head, correct front and rear stifle giving a lovely profile view. Excellent coat in perfect condition and well prepared. Ears correctly set and used to advantage.

3rd 276 Pughe, Red Nelly Pughe (Bull Terrier)

Res 280 Straughan & Cripps, Mannikai Remember Me (Manchester Terrier)

Junior (4 entries/1 absent)

1st 265 Edington-Hall & Ballinger, Est Etiam Novus Angelus Mit Wendaire (Imp UKR). What a cracking Airedale this boy is. Just over 12 moths old now he is sound in construction and such a gentle nature. Well presented and well handled. Lovely head and ears. Correct front, topline and enough substance. Hocks are well let down. Correct tail set and carriage. This dog is a credit to his owners and I am sure will do well, just a shame he cam up against so many lovely terriers today in the group. Best AVNSC

2nd 277 Robinson, Robinson-Cox & Cox, Hamason Sweet Little Mystery. As 1st puppy AVNSC

3rd 275 Pughe, Iris Miss Irresistible

Post Graduate (5 entries/3 absent)

1st 261 Cokell, Crying Lightning Mark With Carlyquinn (SBT). Nearly 2 year old SBT. Such a friendly happy boy with great temperament shining through. Correct width to front and balanced by just the right amount of muscle. -Excellent dentition. Good movement showing drive and power.

2nd 264 Earle, Rattustrap Beer Humbug (Manchester Terrier)

Open (7 entries/2 absent)

1st 281 Tilley, Brynhir Born To Boogie At Starzak JW (SCWT). 2 year old female, well presented and expertly handled. Good head and eye. Stood proud at the front, with straight front, plenty of bone and good muscle, appearing very smart and all in proportion. Lovely well held topline in profile and on the move. Correctly bent stifle. Res Best AVNSC

2nd 268 Heath, Ch Lavauxs Bahamian Chris (Skye). 5year old dog. Well-shaped head and lovely ear carriage. Used ears to perfection. Correct for size and balanced throughout. Coat in prime condition. Moced and handled well.

3rd 270 Heath, Skyshire Rosie (Skye)

Res 279 Sanderson Esgia Highland Laddie (Skye)

VHC 271 Herbert, Saffini Smooth Operator At Julibidd (SCWT)

AV Terrier Veteran (12 entries/5 absent)

1st 209 Offer, Ch Woolytop The Wherryman ShCM ShCEx VW (Bedlington). 8 year old dog. Shown in perfect condition and a credit to his owner. Lovely head with correct shape and ears held down well and of correct thickness and texture. Clean well set neck and shoulder placement. Correct rise of the loin which was held perfectly on movement. Front correct with movement that reflected a should well made boy.

2nd 273 Kendrick, Ch Frisco Kiaora At Jeraro (IMP CZE) (Skye) Another 8 year old male, shown in excellent condition. Correct ear carriage and set. Lovely correct front with enough chest and sound overall.

3rd 269 Heath, Perrylands Hello Again (Skye)

Res 245 Nolcini, Celtic Kate ShCM VW (Irish)

VHC 282 Tilley, Janeyjimjams Jubilee Star At Starzak ShCM VW (SCWT)

Terrier Group

TG1 244 Atkin, Holbam Celtic Rose (AI) JW (Irish Terrier)

TG2 212 Gwilliam, Fisherbloom Don’t Stop Me Now At Louajak (Border Terrier)

TG3 227 Ballinger, Cloverbrook Forget Me Not (Cairn Terrier)

TG4 208 Offer, Ch Woolytop The Viking (Bedlington Terrier)

Terrier Puppy Group

TPG1 207 Offer, Woolytop The Phezantplukka (Bedlington)

8 month old male Bedlington, up to size but everything is in proportion. Correct head and ears with grooming to perfection that did not hide anything. Good correct front which reflects accurate classic Bedlington mincing movement on the go. Topline correct with no flattening on movement. In excellent coat and shown in great condition. Went on to win Best Puppy in Show.

TPG2 277 Robinson, Robinson-Cox & Cox, Hamason Sweet Little Mystery (SBT)

TPG3 218 Jones, Otterholme Under The Stars (Border Terrier)

TPG4 237 Munday, Furythor Reluctant Villain (Cairn)