• Show Date: 11/02/2024
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Lydia Mellor Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 12/02/2024

Giant Schnauzer Club

Miniature Schnauzer 

Baby Puppy Dog 

1st Davidson's Wot A Mix

A lovely 5 month old pepper and salt male. A classic outline, very compact and lovely to watch on the stack. A clean head and front assembly, with correct keen expression, clearly masculine but not overdone. Correct banded coat, strong black pigment, good ear et, topline and tail set. A little shy today, and gave his handler a hard time, but a lovely young lad. Lots to come from him I expect. 

Puppy Dog

1st Gudgin and Campbell's Arkangath Hellcat with Jennayr

A very well built 8 month old male, who was very positive on the move with lovely reach and drive. he is in cracking condition, and was handled to perfection, despite his very exuberant personality! He has a masculine head with a melting expression. He flew his ears at times today but the set is correct and he uses them well when paying attention. he has good angles fore and aft, and his coat is harsh and tight. He's a real showman with a great future. Best Puppy Dog, Reserve Best Dog.

2nd Moorcroft's Amorevita Uranus

9 month old black, whi is exactly what you would expect from this kennel - well built, smart and a delight on the move when he gets going. He is well put together, with a harsh black jacket, a masculine head with correct almond eyes, neat v shaped ears, a good lay of shoulder and sloping topline leading to a good tail set and carriage. He has balanced angles and will have a good future i am sure. he lcked the showmanship of 1 today, but his time will come.

Junior Dog

1st Atterbury's Wlanimu's Empire Is Ukraine (Imp). 

12 month black and silver male, with a hard jacket. Not the most confident today, but moved well in profile. Going away, he is somewhat wide in the rear but he has a good topline and tailset. He has a nice head, with dark eyes and neat ears that drop forward. 

Post Gradaute Dog

1st Moorcroft's Tammux Elementary Watson

2 year old black and silver male, who was not thrilled about being in the ring today! He stands and moves nicely, but he is a little lose at elbow. He is upright in the shoulder, which limits his reach on the move. he has a good harsh jacket, and while he is a little tall, he is in proportion. 

Open Dog

1st Descare's Dorado Tyras Akvamarinas at Amorevita (Imp)

Well this male absolutely stood out in both this class and the line up. he is just gorgeous, so well built, with a classic outline. He is masculine but is not overdone. Strong head, with a good lay of shoulder. He has a keen expression and lovely neat ears framing his face. He has a correct topline and tailset. Good depth of chest, and has plenty of substance without being heavy. Handled to advantage and he is in superb condition. An easy decision for Best Dog and Best of Breed, and I was delighted to see him take BIS at the end of the day. 

2nd Partner's Soletrader Mad Max at Onfleek

2 year old pepper and salt male, who is up to size but in proportion throughout. He is smooth on the move, with good reach and drive. He is not quite as strong in the head as 1, but he has that classic mini expression of keenness, with neat v shaped ears. He has a good forechest and lay of shoulder. He looks the picture stood as he is balanced at both ends, and he has a lovely hard coat. 

Baby Puppy Bitch

1st Davidson's Wellingley Wot A Tease

Litter sister to the Baby Puppy Dog, this little sweetheart was full of mischief. She had a beautiful feminine head and expression, and I suspect will get away with murder with that face! She is compact, with lovely balanced angles fore and aft. She has a correct banded coat and good pigment. she is well put together, with good bone, striking a lovely balance between dainty and substance. She has a perfect topline and tailset and is a very neat little package. She showed such joy on the move, she was clearly having a ball, and when she did keep her feet on the floor, she showed reach and drive. She'll be one to watch. Best Baby Puppy. 

Puppy Bitch

1st Violis Poetic Haiku

8 months pepper and salt bitch. Fine boned throughout and light on her feet. she moves well, but could benefit from a little more angulation at the front, as she lacks a little in the forechest. She looks the part stood and on the move, she has a lovely clean outline. She has a good topline and tailset, and has lovely rear angles. While she does not have substance at present, she is well put together and has a good depth of chest, and a tight, harsh, banded jacket. Feminine head and and a gentle expression. She's another one to watch as she has a real air about her. She just pipped the male puppy in the challenge to take Best Puppy. Best Puppy and Reserve Best Bitch

2nd Descare's Amorevita Zaria

7 month black bitch, a daughter of the Best of Breed winner. Lots to come from this little one I think, she is feminine throughout, and has the most melting expression. Similar to her father, she has a lovely head with correct almond eyes and neat v shaped ears. She has a good forechest, and good front assembly, which is instantly obvious on the move. She wasn't as dainty as 1, but this does not detract from her femininity. She has tight elbows with a good depth of chest. Her coat is hard and tight to her well conditioned frame. She was just beaten to the top spot in this class by the profile and attitude of 1. 

Junior Bitch

1 Butler's Brown Sugar Lady for Devorasjoy

13 month pepper and salt bitch. a lovely expression, with correct almond eyes. She has a slightly masculine head, but good ears. She has a lovely banded coat and beautiful furnishings. She could benefit from a slightly better layback of shoulder, but has good rear angles and drives well from behind on the move. She has good bone and substance, a deep chest, tight elbows, a correct topline and tailset. 

Post Graduate Bitch

1st Longdin's Wellingley Won Step Ahead

Another beauty from this kennel, she is ladylike but shows strength and a lovely positive movement. She is compact, with tight elbows and good angles fore and aft. She has a lovely head with a gentle expression, correct, neat v shaped ears, and almond eyes. Sloping topline, with a correct tailset and a lovely harsh jacket. She is in great condition, and showed herself to perfection in the class. Best Bitch, Reserve Best of Breed. 

2nd Partner's Onfleek Twinkle Tips

Another lovely pepper and salt bitch, slightly taller than 1. She had a good head, not too dainty, and a sweet expression. She has dark almond eyes and is well put together. She has a good shoulder and forechest, and a topline leading to the correct tailset. She is an easy mover, light on her feet. She has a harsh coat and was very well presented.