• Show Date: 21/09/2024
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: lorraine watkins Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 05/12/2024

West Bromwich & Wednesbury Canine Society



1. Newfoundland 636. Mileoak Loch Noir See class critique

2. Doberman 634 Late Again Wild at Heart avec Sariandobes

Striking bitch of excellent type. Clean head, well shaped muzzle with toght lips and scissor bite. Almond eyes, well set small ears. Muscular neck set on correctly angulated shoulder. Elbows close to chest. Parallel straight front. Balanced body shape with short back and correct slop to croup. Tail carried well. Moved with ease , reaching well in front and driving from rear. Very flashy and eye catching.

3. Bullmastiff 625 Phoria’s Seventh Heaven

Large square skull, well filled cheeks. Short muzzle, brad black nose with wide open nostrils. Dark eyes of good size and shape. Gentle furrow.

Ears set wide and high. Well arched muscular neck, wide and deep chest well let down . Powerful , muscular shoulders, Excellent bone on a straight front. Level topline compact and balanced. Lovely tight feet. High set down reaching to hock. Moved with strength and power in a breed typical manner.

4. Bernese Mountain Dog 619 Waldershelf Queen’s Inglish

Flat skull with defined stop. Almond eyes. High set triangular ears. Scissor bite. Muscular neck to sloping shoulders. Straight front with excellent bone. Broad and deep brisket. Level topline. Hindquarters with good stifles and well let down hocks. Tail of good length below hocks. Balanced movement reaching in front. Shown in excellent coat.


1. Siberian Husky 649. Shaali Fireball.

Lovely puppy , head developing nicely with chiselled appearance almond shaped eye. Ears good size and correct shape, nice length and arch to neck. Correct dentition . Correct layback of shoulder. Level topline to a developing depth of chest. Well muscled hind quarters with low set hocks. Extremely light on feet. Moved soundly and handled beautifully with great care .

2. Bernese Mountain Dog. 622. Oskevabern Hellraiser

Loved this puppy. Super skull, defined stop. Almond eyes dark in colour. Well set triangular ears. Correct bite. Already has a muscular neck . Fabulous bone on a straight front. Deep and barrelled rib . pleasing level topline maintained on the move. Lovely shape to stifle with well down hocks. Moved really well front and back. Shown in lovely condition.

3. Newfoundland. 637 . Mileoak Wishing On A Star. See Newfound puppy class critique

4. Doberman. 630. Verlayson Ensipotens .

Another lovely puppy, clean skull of good length and depth free from wrinkle. Tights to with scissor bite. Almond eye of good colour. Muscular neck set onto muscular shoulders with good angulation. Elbows close to chest. Straight front to well knuckled feet. Good topline on a short back, nice shape to rib and good tuck up. Well muscled hindquarters with gently rounded stifle. Moved very well coming and going.