• Show Date: 29/09/2024
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Krystyan Greenland Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 25/11/2024

Hovawart Club Of Great Britain

The Hovawart Club of Great Britain

Always an honour to judge at a Club show and I very much enjoyed my day with this wonderful, workmanlike breed. Thank you to the Committee for this lovely invitation. I received a super entry with some quality dogs on show. All were very well presented.

Special Classes

Novice Dog/Bitch (2,0)

1st: Lee’s Enormous Viva La Vida. Super attractive bitch. Clean head. Moderately broad skull. Well-proportioned skull to muzzle. Parallel head planes. Feminine and workmanlike. Oval shape to eyes. Neck could be slightly longer. Moderate angulation of shoulder and upper arm. Correct bone for size. Deep chest of good width. Moderate tuck up. Strong topline. Muscular loins. Slight slope to croup. Moderate turn of stifles. Correct length of tail which is nice and bushy. Good medium blonde colour. Excellent mover. Liked her a lot.

2nd: Campbell’s Brandanerhof Aragon (NAF). 6 months and obviously much more immature than 1st. Developing along nice lines. Masculine head which is well proportioned for skull to muzzle. Medium width of skull. Moderate stop. Oval eyes. Well set ears. Balanced, medium angulation fore and aft. Slightly bum high at present. Well set tail and sound on the move.

Post Graduate Dog/Bitch (6,1)

1st: Sharpe’s Pines Cluedo. An upstanding, largish bitch of very nice overall make and shape. Head is strong but still with femininity. Proportion of skull to muzzle is perfect. Moderate stop without being overdone. Correct head planes. Well-developed nostrils. Tight lips. Dark, oval eyes. Ears with slightly rounded tips and ok for length and set. Excellent muscular neck with no dewlap. Well laid shoulders and good return of upper arm. Strong bone. Body slightly longer than heigh. Deep brisket and moderate tuck up. Firm topline. Strong loins. Well-turned stifles. Bushy tail which reaches below the hocks. Effortless, ground covering mover. Markings ok

2nd: White & Whitmore’s Johan Hovi-Raj of Driftingsky. One I have judged before. Strong masculine boy. Moderately broad skull and well proportioned overall. Tight lips. Medium stop. Great pigment. Well-developed nostrils. Eyes are a little fuller than 1st’s but ok for colour. Ears are quite high set. Strong neck with no dewlap. Excellent forehand with well laid shoulders and good return of upper arm. Nice bone. Deep chest. Strong level topline. Muscular loins. Well bent stifles. Bushy tail. Does not look quite as well balanced in profile as 1st. Tail could be slightly bushier. Great mover in profile when he settles. Great colour for markings.

3rd: Robinson’s Hightimbers Oreo Cookie. A feminine bitch. Looking quite fine all through. Medium strength to skull. Correct proportion of skull to muzzle. Eyes oval in shape. Ears set high enough. Nice expression. Moderate angulation fore and aft. Chest is deep enough but could be a shade wider. A little soft in topline. Tail set and carriage ok. Sound mover and very well presented. Markings ok for colour.

Open (9,4,)

1st: Foakes’ Hightimbers Oaks of Tutelary. One I have judged on several occasions. Masculine head with great head planes, strength without being overdone and is nice and clean. Correct proportions of skull to muzzle. Oval eyes of good colour and moderately high set ears with slightly rounded tips and correct for size. Superb expression. Muscular neck of moderate length and no dewlap. Excellent construction with super shoulders and return of upper arm. Well balanced behind with well-turned stifles. Deep chest of correct width. Moderate tuck up. Firm, level topline and muscular loins. Well set tail which is bushy and carried well on the move. Strong hocks. Correct bone for size. Markings ok for colour. Would like a little more of him for perfection. Super effortless mover. Really love him.

2nd: Werner-Dellar’s Hightimbers Ticket To Rock. A very appealing dog indeed. Liked him for size. Masculine without being coarse. Good balance of skull and muzzle and good head planes. Tight lips. Dark oval eyes and correct pigmentation. Ears are well set and good for shape and size. Lovely neck flowing to well laid shoulders and good return of upper arm. Lovely bone. Slight slope to pasterns. Deep chest. Firm topline. Muscular loins. Has enough turn of stifles but tends to tuck his rear under himself which makes him look a little less angulated. Lovely bushy tail but set and carried just a tad higher than ideal for my preference. Very sound mover.

3rd: Harrison’s Lowenheart Derby. A well-made bitch. For me, could be a tad more feminine. Eyes ok for shape, set and colour. Ears are moderately high set. Medium length of neck. Well angulated fore and aft. Good bone. Firm topline and muscular loins. Well bent stifles. Bushy, well set tail. Moves soundly. Coat a little short. Well-presented and handled.