• Show Date: 30/11/2024
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Kenneth George Francis Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 08/12/2024

Guildford & District Canine Society

Guildford and District Canine Society

30th November 2024.

AVNSC Terrier

Puppy. 3. (1a). O’Rourkes Kebulak Silver Dollar. 7-month-old Kerry Blue Terrier dog. Typical of the breed with short back and coupling with dark wavy coat. Ears set on with quizzical dark eye and scissor bite. Reach of neck as you would expect. Moved with reach, drive and animation. Well angulated. BP. TPG1. RBPIS. 2. Harper’s Westigo Lucky Chance. 8-month-old West Highland White Terrier bitch. Lovely example and unlucky to meet 1. Strong head with coat developing well. Dark eye and scissor bite. Reach of neck led to level topline and good angulation. Moved straight and true but lacked the flow of the first place. RBB.

Post Graduate. 3. (2a). Tan coloured Miniature Bull Terrier bitch. Strongly built with the egg head and well-set ears expected. Dark eye and scissor bite. Angulation was good with strong body and bone. Moved straight but not completely balanced. Correct tail.

Open. 7. (2a). 1. Nixon’s Gonetoground I Have a Dream. Parson Russell Terrier bitch. Came into the ring full of presence. Correct ears set on wedge head with dark eye and scissor bite. Black nose. Elegant neck led to well laid shoulders and level topline. Spannable. Moved straight with lightness of foot. BOB. TG1. 2. Ruffles Holbam Midsummer Knight at Ruffmar JW. Irish Terrier bitch. Good ear set on a head which was not overfilled. Dark eye, scissor bite and good planes. Harsh red coat. Moved straight but without the presence of 1.

AV Veteran. 7. 1. Burrage’s CH. Komidon Prima Donna of Sametova. ShCEx. VW. 8-year-old silver Cesky Terrier bitch. Soft coat with elegant neck and well-set ears. Wedge head with dark nose and eye, scissor bite. Level topline with the rise over the loin. Balanced mover. BV. 2. Nash’s Ralph of House of Nash at Raphiggy. ShCEx VW. 9-year-old Norwich Terrier bitch. Another which stood out in the lineup. Well-marked with a strong compact body. Lovely prick ears, wedge head, dark nose and eyes. Tail well set. Balanced on the move but not the drive of 1.

Bedlington Terrier.

Open. 1. 1. Harris’ Ratzwell Jolly Jubilee JW. Bitch. Typical of the breed with soft linty coat and twist around the neck area. Dark eye, black nose and proportionate head. Reach of neck led to topline with the rise over loin in the correct place. Angulated and on the move, balanced. BOB. TG4.

Cairn Terrier.

Puppy. 2(1a). 1. Lamb &Saltmarsh’ Tycadno Shining Star Around Macmoon. 11-month-old dog. Proportionate head with dark eye. Lovely ears and scissor bite. Reach of neck led to level topline and good angulation. Straight front. Sufficient bone and harsh coat. Moved freely but a little unbalanced. Tail right but a little up. BP.

Post Graduate. 2(1a). 1. Tester’ Airtykes Socialite. Dark Brindle bitch. Finer built but stood with good proportions. Harsh plentiful coat. Head was right with dark eye, scissor bite and set on prick ears. Level topline and well-set tail carriage. Fit. Angulated. Moved straight and true with drive. BOB. TG3.

Open. 2(1a). 1. Tester’ Airtykes Excuse Me. 7-year-old bitch. Good shape and size with much of the previous class winner’s qualities. Didn’t have the movement though. RBB.

Cesky Terrier.

Open. 2. 1. Burrage’ CH Sametova Bacary. Lovely silky coated dog. Head planes correct with small ears, dark eye and scissor bite. Reach of neck led to topline with the rise in the correct place, Plenty of heart room. Fit and well presented. Angulated. Moved straight with balance and purpose. BOB. 2. Burrage’ Komidon Sonata for Samitova JW. Dog. Another quality exhibit with the attributes of the winner. Only criticism is that the ears could be a little smaller and not so balanced moving. RBB.

Dandie Dinmont Terrier.

Junior. 2(1a). 1. Kenyon’ Puddockswell Cox’s Pippin. 9-month-old bitch. Sandy coat yet to clear. Head planes balanced with dark eye and interested expression, top knot coming along. Neck led to proper curve to the back and rear. Correct size. Unfortunately wasn’t balanced on the move. BP. RBB.

Open.1. 1. Kenyon’ Ceilmear Close Encounter. Sandy coloured dog. Mature topknot set on proper head planes, dark eye and scissor bite. Elegant neck leading to the curved topline and low tail carriage. Fit dog who moved straight with balance. BOB.

Manchester Terrier.

Post Graduate. 1. 1. Earle’ Rattustrap Beer Humbug. Dog. Stood confidently and had all the correct markings on feet, body and head. Rich coat with the tan markings not creeping elsewhere. Large teeth as expected. Angulated with deep chest and rise over the loin. Moved OK but I like this breed to be a little finer. BOB.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

Puppy. 1(1a).

Post Graduate. 4(2a). Turner’ Moondancer at Tidestaff. Black bitch in good coat condition. Correct planes to the head with a definite stop. Strong muzzle but with a feminine expression. Elegant neck with good lay of shoulders. Deep chest with adequate width. Close coupled with strong muscular rear. Altogether proportionate but slightly finer than some. Moved straight with balance. BOB. 2. Blagg & Whitehead’ Keep It Lowkee at Pindbystaff. Dog. Proportionate strong head with strong muzzle, dark eye and scissor bite. Deep chest but a little broad for my taste. Moved freely. RBB.

Open. 2(1a). 1. Turners On The Hill Two at Tidestaff. Brindle bitch with a white chest. Clean lines to the head and neat ears. Definite stop and scissor bite. Angulated with deep chest and short coupling. Muscular rear. Nice bitch but cleaner movement of the others tipped the scales.

Ken Francis