• Show Date: 21/07/2024
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Justine Waldron Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 26/07/2024

York Canine Association

York Canine Society 21/07/24

Congratulations to the committee on a super well run show with thoughtful provisions for judges. Special thanks go to my lovely efficient stewards Karen and Alice for keeping the ring running smoothly. Unfortunately some of the toy breeds did not cope very well with the slippery floor in the foyer and I am pleased we were able to move outside for the Group and AV classes.

Griffon Bruxellois

Puppy (1,0) 1 Everall’s Cilleine Intrusion at Wharfeview Delightful 8-month-old red smooth bitch. Standing square and balanced she had a lively temperament. Nicely rounded head with good stop and prominent chin. Short level back with nicely sprung ribs. Moved out well. BP

Post Graduate (1,0) 1 Gullon’s Barnfall Unforgotten Red rough coated bitch nearly 18-months. Lovely monkey-like expression, dark round eyes. Good length of neck and well laid back shoulders. Square in body with correct length of back and level topline. This girl was not happy with the floor in the hall which made it difficult to assess movement.

Open (2,0) 1 Hicks’ Datiro Tigger Point Red Rough coated bitch who showed her socks off for her handler. Super head with rounded skull, defined stop and wide short muzzle. Nicely arched neck leading to well laid back shoulders. Short straight back with short loin and well sprung ribs. Moved out well. BOB

2 Gullon’s Datiro Tiger Lily Litter sister to 1 and lots of the same comments apply. Super head with nicely rounded skull and large, round dark eyes. Good depth of chest with straight legs of nice bone. Just not as positive on the move as 1.

Yorkshire Terrier

Puppy (1,0) 1 Panton’s Litalees I’m a Celebrity. Pretty 11-month-old girl with super personality. Attractive head with sparkling eyes, nicely shaped ears carried correctly. Well laid back shoulders leading to compact body with level topline. Good rear angulation with correct turn of stifle. Another youngster that found the floor challenging but when she got to grips with it moved soundly. BP

Open (1,0) 1 Pipes Brevorda Morning Serenade 3-year-old male presented in super condition. Pleasing head with dark eyes and correctly placed erect ears. Well laid back shoulders with straight front and compact body. Moved out freely and briskly. Super glossy coat of dark steel blue. Just not holding his topline today. BOB

Miniature Pinscher

Post Graduate (3,1) 1 Mcloughlin’s Krieger’s Kilted Dragon 18-month old male, presenting a smart outline. Nice flat skull with muzzle in proportion to skull. Dark eyes of correct shape. Straight legs with enough bone. Straight back and well developed rear. Moved out well. 2 Hind’s Diamoneo Indian Wishes Compact bitch with head in correct proportions Dark eye with good pigment. Slight arch of neck flowing into clean shoulders. Moved well.

Open (6,1) 1 Westerman’s Ch Charpin Ottomatic JW Smart young dog who presented a lovely picture both standing and moving. Nicely set erect ears. Dark eye and pigment. Correct bite with good breadth of jaw. Nicely arched neck leading to clean shoulders. Good depth of fore chest and neat elbows. Good topline with correct croup. Whole package finished off typical breed specific movement. BOB 2 Urwin’s Vickstock Wow Aneeva JW This young lady was unlucky to meet 1 and has lots to like about her. No mistaking her sex, she is feminine in profile. Dark oval eyes with small erect ears. Graceful arched neck, well fitted into shoulders. Correct amount of bone. Level topline with correct tuck up. Another that moved out well.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Puppy (3,1) 1 Corner’s Delaby Miss Daisy 11-month-old Blenheim bitch who appealed for overall breed type. Good shape to skull with correct length of muzzle. Large dark eyes giving a typical appealing expression. Nice length and arch of neck leading to well laid back shoulders. Good spring of rib and well turned stifles. Moved out well. BP 2 Smiths’ Loranka’s Dark Secret at Asolja Just a few days shy of 1 year another lovely girl. Not quite the head strength of 1. Good length of neck leading to well laid back shoulders Moderate amount of chest with good spring of rib. Well turned stifle and compact feet. Another that moved well.

Post Graduate (4,1) 1 Richardson’s Kringleholme Corvette Feminine Blenheim with lovely head pattern and soft expression coming from large dark eyes. High set ears with good feathering. Correct bit, good length of neck leading to well laid back shoulders Nicely coupled in body with well turned stifle.Level topline both standing and on the move. BOB 2 Harrison’s Millpoint Orient Express Lovely head with well set ears. Good neck and shoulder placement. Moved out well. Well presented. 3 Eccles, Spall & Clark’s Llapsttam Get Knotted.

Open (5,1) 1 Fox’s Brymarden Scarlet for Lynmily Lovely shape on this feminine girl. Balanced head with lovely dark eyes. Correct bite and good muzzle. Well set ears with good fringing. Balanced front and rear. Moved out well. 2 Richardson’s Kringleholme Kraftwerk JW Blenheim with masculine head, with soft and gentle expression. Nicely arched neck. Moderate chest with good spring of rib. Well presented. 3 Eccles, Spall & Clark’s Llapsttam Get Knotted.


Puppy (1,0) 1 Eades’ Sedae My Design Smart and spirited 8-month old male. Exquisite head gently rounded with well defined stop and broad muzzle. Dark eyes with lovely pigment. Correct bite. Straight legs with well laid back shoulders. Short and cobby in body. Well carried tail. Just found the floor a little challenging to keep his feet on today! BP

Post Graduate (3,1) 1 Fosters’ Tomari Snow White Belle Very pretty feminine bitch presenting a lovely outline both standing and moving. Typical head with oval dark eyes. Long well feathered ears close to head. Balanced in body with good spring of rib and level back. Well carried tail. Moved out well. BOB 2 Kiziuk & Gallagher’s Tauro Herbeta for Magicmaltie (Imp LTU) Another pretty girl of a smaller type than 1. Presented a good outline in profile. Good head with dark eye and good ear carriage. Good lay of shoulder leading to short and cobby body. Another than wasn’t coping with the floor in the hall.


Puppy (1,0) 1 Hector’s Caramel Dream Perlowy Raj at Taisett Pretty 8 month old sable. Nicely rounded skull with correct width to muzzle. Rounded dark eyes. Super set of ears giving the typical butterfly wing appearance. Nice lay back of shoulders with good depth of chest. Well sprung ribs and good length of loin. A little untidy behind today on the move which could possibly be due to the floor. BP

Post Graduate (1,0) 1 Hector’s Amber Beauty Valentino at Taisett (Imp POL) Tri boy presented in good coat and condition. Good head with correct length of muzzle. Well set ears being large and mobile. Nice length of neck with good layback of shoulders.Well set tail carried correctly. Moved out well.

Open (1,0) 1 Kirk’s Lynflyer Rainbow Dancer at Kirkchase JW Lovely tri bitch presented in excellent coat and condition Large mobile ears well fringed. Rounded dark eyes adding to appealing expression. Well set shoulders with deep chest and straight legs. Good length of body with level topline and well sprung ribs. Hare feet. Moved out well BOB


Puppy (2,1) 1 Gilling’s Rubyanlo Cherry Bon Bon of Talocan Chihuahua Long Coat 6 month old sable boy with lots to like about him. Typical apple dome head with clean muzzle and defined stop. Large dark eyes set well apart. Well set ears. Nicely arched neck. Moved out well both front and back with well held tail.

Yearling (1,0) 1 Turnbull’s Nicobri’s Lord of the Rings JW Pug A boy who commands attention in the ring. Large head in proportion to body with dark large eyes giving a lovely expression. Well set ears. Nicely arched neck leading to strong straight front with well laid back shoulders. Carrying substance in body. Strong rear. Moved out well.

Post Graduate (2,1) 1 Gilling’s Rubyanlo Tommy Hilfiger of Talocan Chihuahua Long Coat Litter brother to Puppy and just managed to pip him at the post for BP. Same comments apply, with lovely apple domed head. Good ear set and nice length and arch of neck leading to lean well laid back shoulders. Powered around the ring like he owned it. BP

Open (5,0) 1 Fox’s Ch Okean Zvezd Offer of Hope at Foxlyn (Imp UCK) JW OSW Pomeranian A young lady I have judged and liked previously – what more can I say about her! In the last 14 months she has just got better . She has breed type and quality in spades. I love everything about her from her correctly formed head , compact body and super movement. Presented in tip top condition she never stops showing for her handler. Again could not be denied Best AVNSC and the Group and delighted to see my fellow judge appreciate her as much as me and see her win BIS – congratulations.

2 Reeve’s Galvizach Royal Emerald English Toy Terrier Just rising 2 years of age with lots to like about this young boy. Presented a well balanced clean profile. Correct head shape with flat skull and wedge shape with slight stop. Dark eyes. Well set ears. Long neck leading to well laid back shoulders. Compact body with free flowing movement. 3 Scott’s Cukoton Sky’s The Limit ShCM Coton De Tulear

Toy Group

G1 Fox’s Ch Okean Zvezd Offer of Hope at Foxlyn (Imp UCK) JW OSW Pomeranian G2 Westerman’s Ch Charpin Ottomatic JW Miniature Pinscher G3 Ch Carmichan Heidi Hi Affenpinscher Typical lively confident girl who has all the characteristics required for the breed. Monkey like expression coming from correct head and marked stop together with dark mischievous eyes. Short and straight back with legs set well under body. Moved out well. G4 Kirk’s Lynflyer Rainbow Dancer at Kirkchase JW Papillon

Toy Puppy Group

PG1 Gilling’s Rubyanlo Tommy Hilfiger of Talocan Chihuahua Long Coat PG2 Hector’s Caramel Dream Perlowy Raj at Taisett Papillon PG3 Corner’s Delaby Miss Daisy CKCS PG4 Panton’s Litales I’m a Celebrity Yorkshire Terrier

AV Toy

Puppy (4,1) 1 Gilling’s Rubyanlo Tommy Hilfiger of Talocan Chihuahua Long Coat

Post Graduate (4,1) 1 Gilling’s Rubyanlo Cherry Bon Bon of Talocan Chihuahua Long Coat. The third litter mate in the trio of Chis, who I judged in the open AVNSC class. Again a super 6 month old puppy of good breed type with correct head pattern, dark eyes and correct length of neck leading to well laid back shoulders. 2 Eccles, Spall & Clark’s Llapsttam Get Knotted CKCS Black and tan boy with an appealing expression coming from his correctly proportioned head. Reasonable length of neck and well sprung ribs. Moved out well. 3 Waller’s Scapafield Schwarz Swallow at Lilnrose Affenpinscher

Open (3,1) 1 Eccles, Spall & Clark’s Llapsttam Get Knotted CKCS 2 Gilling’s Rubyanlo Perfect Melody of Talocan Chihuahua

Veteran (5,1) 1Hill’s Ch Scalene Saucy Sal JW ShCM VW Affenpinscher I first judged this girl at a club annual awards when she was a puppy and here she is at 15 years of age still powering around the ring like she still owns it. Apart from some permissible greying to her coat she does not show her age at all. Lovely head with cheeky expression, good length of neck leading to good lay of shoulder and good depth of chest. Still holds her topline. And boy can she move! A credit to her owner and breeder BV Toy 2 Hicks’ Ch Carmichan Heidi Hi Affenpinscher 3 Scotts’ Cukoton Sky’s The Limit ShCM Coton De Tulear

Justine Waldron (Judge)