• Show Date: 23/06/2024
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Graham Stirk Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 07/07/2024

Eastbourne & District Canine Society


Thank you to the Committee for the invitation to judge at this well run Open Show set in the glorious Sussex countryside and to my steward Judy Hempstead who ran the ring like clockwork, and to the exhibitors who entered under me with their quality dogs.


P. (3) Lovely class of puppies and I am sure they will change places on another day.

1. Watkins Saranden Be True, promising 7 month old yellow bitch with lots to like, correct proportions for age with a lovely feminine head and kind expressive eyes. She is balanced throughout with a clean neck leading into well laid shoulders, is straight in front with good width to forechest, has depth to chest and ribs well sprung for one so young. Good angulations front and rear with plenty of bone and tight feet, presented in lovely dense coat and condition, moved true once settled, BP.

2. Reardon’s Saranden Leap Of Faith To Othamcourt, 7 month old yellow bitch and litter sister to class winner and similar attributes apply. She has a pleasing feminine head with dark expressive eyes giving an intelligent expression. Strong neck into well placed shoulders, has good depth to chest and spring of rib for age, level topline which she held on the move, is well off for bone, has round compact feet and strong rear quarters, splitting hairs but just preferred the more balanced outline of class winner on the move.

3. Jury’s Handialla Lady In Red At Ballaremuera.

Y. (2,1)

1. Reardon’s Rumhill Gladiator Of Othamcourt, 13 month old black dog with masculine head, good eye shape and length of muzzle and giving a kind expression. Strong neck with correct shoulder placement, straight front, elbows in, broad and deep through chest and well ribbed up. He has good angulation front and rear and is well-muscled throughout, stands on good bone and feet, moved with drive, RBOB.

PG. (6,2)

1. Scutcher’s Winsleywood Wild Jasmine, 2 year old yellow bitch, very feminine in head with good eye colour and soft expression. Good reach of neck into well placed shoulders, is straight in front, elbows tucked in close, well ribbed with a short loin, firm level topline and has tight feet. Shown in good condition and moved well once correct speed achieved.

2. Longhurst’s Hurstmeon Just My Cup Of Tea, 2 year old black bitch very feminine in head with good shape to eye and kind expression. She is clean through neck, deep in chest, has well sprung ribs, is short coupled, good angulation front and rear with a correctly set otter tail. Presented in lovely coat.

3. Jury’s Handialla Lady In Red At Ballaremuera.

O. (1)

1. Harris’s Winsleywood Wellington JW, 2 year old yellow dog of quality, is well-balanced, soundly constructed and has positive movement. Masculine head without any signs of coarseness, dark eye of good shape and has an alert expression. Good reach of neck and shoulder placement, good in front, has a well developed chest with good ribbing, strong topline good rear angulation and turn of stifle. Has plenty of bone and with tight feet, is well-muscled throughout and moved with drive covering the ground with ease. Presented well in excellent coat and condition, BOB, pleased to watch him get shortlisted in the Group.


Y. (1)

1. Weller’s Sabisabi Apache Tonka At Greenawell, 20 month old R/W dog with lots to like. Pleasing masculine head of good proportions with domed skull, lovely chiselling beneath eyes, well defined stop, kind eyes and well set ears. He has a long arched neck with shoulders set back with a good length of upper arm, is straight in front, well ribbed back with muscled hindquarters and correct tail set. Shown in lovely textured silky coat and condition, he displays a compact outline when stood and moved with reach and drive around the ring, BOB, pleased to watch him get shortlisted in the Group.

PG. (2,1)

1. Tadhunter’s Taramount Pure Imagination, 2 year old buff bitch with a pleasing feminine head, rounded skull and kind dark eye. Clean arched neck leading into well-placed shoulders with good front, she is balanced throughout and stands on good legs and feet, well rounded rear quarters with good return of stifle. Well presented in good coat and condition and moved freely around the ring, RBOB.


O. (1)

1. Thorogood’s Anbrook Don’t Stop Me Now At Harrifield, a 4 year old dog with strong masculine head of good type with deep stop, square muzzle and ears well placed. He is balanced in outline and has good construction throughout with a strong neck set into well placed shoulders with good return of upper arm, good length of rib, tight elbows set well under, strong loin, level topline and correct tailset. Has short straight forelegs, stands on good bone and has strength and width to his rear quarters with hocks well let down which he used to move around the ring with reach and drive. Shown in excellent silky coat and condition, BOB.


P. (2)

1. Williams & Toublic’s Cobhay Dashing Dandelion, promising 9 month old L/W dog has a masculine head of good proportions with almond shaped eye and good width and depth to muzzle. Strong arched neck, is straight in front, has good depth and spring of rib for age, elbows tight to chest, firm topline and muscular loin. Stands on good bone with compact feet and moderately angulated quarters, well presented with coat and feathering coming, moved out with confidence for one so young, BP.

2. Williams & Toublic’s Cobhay Heavenly Hydrangea, lovely 9 month old L/W bitch with a very feminine head, well-shaped dark eye, correctly set ears of good length giving a kindly expression. Clean arched neck flowing into well-placed shoulders, correct front with good spring of rib for age, short in loin and level topline. Moderately angled throughout with good bone and compact feet. Presented well, not as forward as her litter brother but her time will come.

J. (2)

1. Walker & Walker & Bellamy’s Dexbenella In My Dreams, 15 month old striking L/W bitch of good size with lots to like. Her head is very feminine with desired chiselling and fluting, dark eyes and melting expression. Arched neck into correctly placed shoulders with good length of upper arm, her body is maturing well with good depth to chest and brisket, elbows in, good spring of rib, is short coupled and has strong muscular hindquarters with moderate bend to stifle which she used on the move with reach and drive, well presented ROB.

2. Weyman’s More Than Amazing Wanna Be A Gangster At Spuffing JW (IMP BEL), 16 month old L/W & T dog displaying a balanced outline when stood. Has a masculine head of good proportions, well chiselled, dark almond shaped eye and kind expression. Reachy neck into well placed sloping shoulders, straight forelegs, has good width and depth to chest, broad muscular hindquarters, good bone and compact feet. Shown in gleaming coat, close decision between these two quality exhibits and placings could change on another day.

PG. (4,1)

1. Walker & Walker & Bellamy’s Dexbenella In My Dreams as before.

2. Proctor’s Petranella Perfick Bliss, 3 year old L/W bitch with feminine head and expression although would prefer a broader muzzle. Slightly arched neck, is straight in front, has well developed chest and depth to brisket with good ribbing, is compact with firm level topline. Stands on good bone with tight feet, rounded rear, moderately angulated quarters and good tailset. Presented in lovely coat and moved with good extension and drive, just preferred the head and shoulders of class winner.

3. Allery’s Dexbenella Final Frontier.

O. (3,1)

1. Walker’s Dexbenella It’s Only Me, 21 month old B/W dog who is so well-balanced and constructed with a head of quality together with movement won him the class. He has a head of good proportions with plenty of chiselling below his dark eyes giving a kind expression. Long slightly arched neck leading into well laid shoulders with good return of upper arm, is well angulated front and rear with a deep chest, elbows set tight, has good ribbing, a firm level topline and low set tail. He is well-muscled throughout and moved with long easy strides covering the ground with ease. Presented well and in excellent flashy coat, BOB. pleased to watch him get shortlisted in the Group.

2. Allery’s Dexbenella Final Frontier, 4 year old L/W dog has a masculine head with correct chiselling beneath eyes, good width and depth to muzzle and well set ears. Slightly arched neck with good shoulder placement, is straight in front, well developed chest with good ribbing, is compact with firm topline. Stands on good bone and tight rounded feet, is balanced throughout with muscled quarters but moved a little close behind today. Just preferred the more refined head and more positive movement of class winner.


PG. (1)

1. Hawkins Harasteorra Betelgeuse, 2 year old dog of good breed type, well constructed and balanced in outline. He has a masculine head with correct width of skull, well defined stop, good depth to muzzle and kind expression. Strong neck into well placed shoulders, has depth to chest, a body of substance with ribs carried back to strong loin and muscled hindquarters. He has plenty of bone, large padded feet and good bend of stifle. Well presented in coat of good colour and texture and moved on a steady stride, a very happy boy enjoying his day out in his home County, BOB.

O. (1)

1. Hawkins Harasteorra Betelgeuse as before.


Y. (1)

1. Barkley’s Jacranella Galahad Of Cherryheath (AI), 15 month old dog, balanced in outline with good construction throughout. He has a lovely marked head of good shape with rounded skull well worked and dark alert eyes. Clean neck of good length leading into sloping shoulders with good return of upper arm, good depth to chest, has a body of substance and is well ribbed back with slight rise over his loin and well set on tail. He stands on strongly boned legs, has tight feet and moderate bend of stifle, presented in rich red and white coat and moved with real drive, BOB.

PG. (2,1)

1. Naunton’s Trenzalore’s Princess Leia, 2 year old bitch, has a very feminine head of good proportions, dark eye and kindly expression. Good length of neck into well placed shoulders, she has well sprung ribs, elbows in and muscular quarters that she used to drive around the ring with correct topline held on the move. Very well presented in lovely red and white coat, RBOB.

O. (3,1)

1. Naunton’s Trenzalore’s Princess Leia, as before.

2. Barkley’s Cherryheath’s Mr Mojito, 9 year old dog has a pleasing masculine head with a soft expression. Muscular neck into well placed shoulders, compact body, good depth of brisket, with good spring of ribs carried back to strong loin, has good bone and muscular quarters moved out well.

A.V. BRACE (15,9)

1.Lucas & Dargonne’s Deerhounds, well matched both displaying similar breed features of quality in shape, size and type and moved in unison with handler.

2. Knight & Poolton’s Scottish Terriers, both similar in appearance and good representations of the breed, shown in lovely gleaming coats and moved well.

3.Stewart-Brown’s Dachshunds (Min Wire-Haired).

Graham Stirk