• Show Date: 14/07/2024
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Caz Horton Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 26/07/2024

Dorset County Canine Society

Dorset County Canine Society

14 July 2024

I would like to thank Dorset and County Canine Society for inviting me to judge part of the working breeds and a big thank you to the exhibitors that entered under me. I must say that all dogs shown were in fabulous condition with amazing temperaments. I had a wonderful day and the weather stayed perfect.

Bernese Mountain Dog

Special Yearling, Dog or Bitch (1/0)

1. Meakin’s - Bellatrix Do Monte Dos Ursos (Imp Prt). Bitch, 11 months old, happy young lady with excellent temperament, pleasing feminine head, with dark eyes, correct bite, nicely constructed, good length of neck and good lay of shoulder, good depth to chest, level toppling, compact body, with lovely markings, good rear angles, moved well and true both coming and going. RBB and BPIB. Was pleased to see that she took Working Puppy Group 2

Post Graduate Dog or Bitch (1/0)

1. Meakin’s - Bernsego Saburban (Imp Rus) - 3-year-old dog, excellent temperament. Super coat with dark markings and rich tan. Masculine head, correct bite, good length of neck and layback of shoulder, well off for bone. Good angles to the rear, rounded rump with correct tailset. Moved out really well both coming and going. BOB


Post Graduate Dog or Bitch (1/0)

1. Irwin’s - Whitebull See The Stars – Red bitch 3 years old, excellent temperament, pleasing feminine head and expression, broad skull with a kind dark eye, well developed cheeks, excellent stop definition, dentition good, bite slightly undershot, enough reach of neck. Good front assembly, standing on neat tight feet, good spring and depth of rib, level topline, which she held on the move. Moved and handled well, shown in excellent condition. BOB

Great Dane

Special Yearling Dog or Bitch (2/0)

1. Bartlett’s – Goldania’s Queen of Destiny – Brindle bitch, 17 months old, very muscular, strongly built with excellent bone. Her head has great length and depth, broad muzzle plus a strong jaw, lovely arched neck leading to firm level topline which was held on the move, correct tailset, good front assembly with depth and breadth. Her quarters are well muscled, good underline, she moved round the ring powerfully with good reach and drive.

2. Hayters- Lola Love Lace – Mantle bitch, 10 months old, still very much a baby who is developing nicely, shown in excellent condition. She has a pleasing well- proportioned head, correct ear placement, with a beautiful arched neck, leading into a level top line which was held on the move correct tailset, straight front with correct shoulder placement, correct rear angulation, lovey markings, good underline, moved well. BPIB, was pleased to see that she took Puppy Working Group 3.

Post Graduate Dog or Bitch (1/0)

1. Hayter’s- Damarkann Secret Dare with Stevarah – Mantle bitch, 16 months old, beautiful profile, presented in fabulous condition excellent markings , lovely feminine head with correct planes, kind dark eye, correct bite long arched neck leading to a firm level top-line which she held on the move, correct tailset, lovely straight front with tight elbows, standing on neat tight feet. Excellent lay of shoulders, deep chest, which is developing nicely excellent angulated hindquarters, good underline, moved with style and drive around the ring, well handled. BOB, was pleased to see her take Working Group 4.

Open Dog or Bitch (1/0)

1. Hayter’s – Tayscar Stele Mini with Stevarah - 2 year old blue bitch, with good head planes and ears, correct bite, beautiful arched neck leading to level topline which was held on the move, lovely straight front with excellent lay of shoulders, good depth to her ribs and chest, well muscled quarters, good angles both front and rear, stands on lovely tight feet moved powerfully with reach and drive. Preferred the movement of the PG winner. RBB.


Junior Dog or Bitch (1/0)

1. Low’s- Harbourcove Once Upon a Time in Bearisland- just 12months old, black bitch – beautiful profile, presented in fabulous condition, feminine head with lovely kind dark eyes giving her a fabulous expression, correct scissor bite, ear set correct. Body developing nicely with good ribbing and a strong loin, excellent topline with strong hindquarters with good rear angulation, moved well both coming and going, with good reach and drive carrying her tail well. Nicely presented and handled. BOB, was pleased to see that she took Working Group 2.

Caz Horton (Gertlush)