• Show Date: 24/03/2024
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Cath Moffat Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 29/03/2024

Herts & Essex Border Canine Society


A lovely line-up of promising youngsters where I was spoilt for choice.

1. Cross’ Breezelyn Long Way To Go to Loggeta. Dachshund (Long Haired). 11 month old red male, long head with almond shaped eye and well set ears, excellent angulation front and rear, liked his sound body proportions, he moved out freely with confidence showing lovely reach and drive, presented in excellent condition with good coat and muscle tone.

2. Middleton-Collins’ Berrymeade A Fool In Love of Jasperleigh. Retriever (Golden). 11 month old male with kind head and dark eye, strong neck and shoulders, nicely angulated with sound top-line, good bone and tight feet, well ribbed with short loin, beautifully presented, he moved out steadily with good reach and drive.

3. White/Hunt’s Virsco Velocity. Dobermann.


P 3(1)

1. Osborn’s Killara’s Pass The Crown to Elgert (imp USA). Spaniel (Field). 11 month old liver and tan bitch, lovely expressive, feminine head, good ear set, strong neck and shoulders, nicely angulated front and rear, sound in top-line, she moved out well and showed lots of early promise, BP, PG2.

2. Wagh’s Dewdhala Sempre Agnese. Italian Spinone. Beautifully presented bitch of nearly 10 months, lean skull with good length of muzzle, good ear set and kind eye, powerful neck with shoulders set well back, good bone and feet, she had nice body proportions and angulation, when settled she moved out well.

J 1(0)

1. Wagh’s Dewdhala Sempre Agnese. Repeat.

L 5(2)

1. Latheron’s Fynder Reacher. Spaniel (Irish Water). 3 year old male presented in beautiful condition, strongly built and compact, head of good size and length with almond shaped dark brown eye, strong muzzle, powerful shoulders and well sprung rib, good top-line and lovely dense, crisp coat, moved out well, Reserve Best AVNSC.

2. Slack’s Bonapartist Snow Goose. Brittany. Smart, showy bitch of 2½ years, feminine head of correct proportions with intelligent expression, well set ears, good neck and nicely set shoulder with good bone and feet, square and cobby, she showed well on the stand and moved easily in profile.

3. Munro’s Talpalupo Monello. Italian Spinone.

O 3(1)

1. Osborn’s Sh Ch. Elgert Private Dancer. Spaniel (Field). 4½ year old liver bitch, beautifully presented, feminine and expressive head with kind eye and well set ears, lovely neck leading into a sound front assembly, deep chest and well sprung rib, sound top-line and strong, well muscled rear, she was balanced and free on the move, Best AVNSC.

2. Gaskin’s Ir Ch. Shadowemane Elderberry Wine at Dovestream (imp BLR). Spaniel (American Cocker). Black and tan bitch of nearly 5 years, another who was beautifully presented, feminine with refined, expressive head, good neck and shoulders, soundly made throughout, she moved out effortlessly covering the ground well.


V 15(4)

1. Pett’s Lady In Red De Ambersclan of Rumwood. Retriever (Golden). Really liked this bitch of 8½ years, no exaggerations, very feminine, expressive head with kind dark eye, good forechest, strong neck and shoulders, good bone and feet, sound in top-line both standing and moving, she was presented in excellent coat and was a credit to her breed in her twilight years.

2. Dunnett’s Hoedun Alexandra of Denmark. Retriever (Flat Coated). 8½ year old bitch presented in super, well muscled condition, nicely moulded head with strong jaws, good pigment, strong neck and shoulders, good forechest and well let down chest, lovely body proportions, she was very fit and moved out freely. 

3. Wilson’s Hameldowntor Music of The Night (imp FRA). Retriever (Flat Coated).


J 2(0)

1. Humphries’ Burrowdown Domino. 12 month old male, just out of puppy, masculine head and expression with kind eye, good legs and feet, he had nice proportions and adequate angles, would like a better croup and tail set, needs to drop in chest which I am sure will come with maturity, moved out ok.

L 4(1)

1. Heath/Robinson’s Pinseeker Pep Guardiola JW. Smart, well presented male of nearly 2 years old, appealing masculine head with kind eye, well set ears and good length of muzzle, long muscular neck leading into a pleasing front assembly, he had straight legs of good bone and compact feet, lovely body proportions, he was very well muscled all through and showed good reach and drive on the move with a free and effortless gait, a real showman, BOB & G1.

2. Blacker/Khan-Blacker’s Zakova Aurora. Bitch of nearly 3 years, kind feminine head and expression, balanced skull, muscular neck, sound proportions in body, not the angulation of 1 and therefore not as free on the move but she was presented in excellent coat with good muscle tone, RBOB.

3. Humphries’ Burrowdown Domino.


Thank you so much for the lovely entry you gave me, I was spoilt for choice in most of the classes and many of your beautiful dogs could have changed places easily, literally had to split hairs but you all made me think and smile too! After growing up with gundogs this is a breed that is very close to my heart and I was both touched and humbled with the comments I received post judging, although it was cold, I really enjoyed my day.

MP 4(0)

1. Seamons’ Messano Snap Crackle and Pop. 8 month old, very feminine bitch with lots of promise, dark expressive eye, balanced skull and well set ears, lovely reach of neck leading into a sound front assembly, she had good bone and correct feet, she was beautifully angulated all through with sound, level top-line, good tail set and carriage, liked her angulation front and rear, she was free and settled on the move.

2. Sullivan’s Standelbec Billie Jean. Another bitch of 8 months who I liked a lot too, feminine head and expression, she equally had lovely angulation and I liked her body proportions, straight legs with good feet, good depth of chest and well ribbed back, in excellent coat and condition, today she just wasn’t quite as ‘together’ on the move as winner of this class.

3. Webb/Smith’s Waterbabies A Sea of Faces to Hectson (imp ITA).

P 6(0)
1. Riley’s Jasrolyn Doe Ray Me among Wylloh. This young bitch of 11 months ticked all the boxes for me and am sure has a promising future ahead of her, the most feminine and expressive head with melting dark eye, she had a good neck and pleasing front assembly, she was well ribbed back with short loin and well muscled rear, she looked so well in her outline, on the move she put it all together to create a lovely profile with an easy, sound gait, in excellent coat and condition, good luck with her, BP & PG1.

2. Middleton-Collins’ Berrymeade A Fool In Love of Jasperleigh. Critiqued in stakes class above.

3. List’s Haydengold Moment In Time.

J 10(3)

1. Green’s Fenpinque Pumpkin Charm. Another lovely bitch of 16 months, feminine head and dark eye with melting expression, strong neck and shoulders with good depth of chest, straight legs with good bone and correct feet, lovely angulation and body proportions, she moved out well with an easy, ground covering gait, presented in excellent condition.

2. Taggart’s Altindan User Friendly JW. Lovely bitch of 15 months, feminine expressive head with melting dark eye, super reach of neck into a lovely front assembly, good depth of chest, she looked beautiful in outline and didn’t disappoint on the move when she settled into her stride showing excellent movement in profile, equally true on the out and back, presented in excellent, well muscled condition.

3. Angell’s Linirgor Seven Up at Millanza.

SY 8(1)

1. Phipps-Baker/Baker’s Maddouse Must Be Trouble. Soundly made bitch of nearly 2 years, who, when settled, showed really well, feminine head and expression with dark eye and lovely disposition, good bone and feet, she had strong neck and shoulders with deep chest, well ribbed back with short loin, lovely angulation front and rear, she was presented in excellent coat and condition.

2. Green’s Fenpinque Pumpkin Charm. Repeat.

3. Fleet/Webb’s Waterbabies Sonic Boom to Eastbury and Hectson (imp ITA).

L 8(3)

1. List’s Haydengold Gossip Girl JW. Quality 2 year old bitch with feminine head and charm, dark eye and the kindest of expression, she had so many things to like about her, she had lovely angulation with sound top-line and correct proportions, deep chest with good bone and correct feet, she was a joy to watch on the move with her free and easy gait, in excellent coat and condition, RBOB.

2. Pett’s Rumwood Three Times A Lady. Another appealing bitch of 5 years, who I now believe was the daughter of my AV Gundog Veteran winner, similar qualities to her lovely mum, she had a feminine head with dark eye, she was balanced in outline standing and moving, good bone and feet, liked her angulation and proportions, level top-line, sound and purposeful on the move.

3. Harding’s Eveninghill Red Sky at Night.

O 7(1)

1. Davis’ Lynste Kindred Spirit. Appealing bitch of 5 years with lots of lovely qualities, she was feminine with an expressive dark eye, skull of correct proportions, good length of neck into well set shoulders, good bone and feet, strong top-line which she carried well standing and moving, super outline all through, she was nicely angulated front and rear, she had the construction, power and muscle allowing her to move effortlessly around the ring, presented in excellent coat, BOB & G4.

2. Harding’s Eveninghill Red Sky at Night. Young bitch of 16 months where she placed VHC in SY and 3rd in Limit, she was feminine with dark eye and kind expression, sound throughout with well muscled top-line, she had good angles and was free and easy in her movement, she just needs to body up and mature all through.

3. Warren’s Coombstock Winter Greeting at Tarnbrook.


G1 Heath/Robinson’s Pinseeker Pep Guardiola JW. GSP. 

G2 Norbury/Adams’ Heartbury Northern Lights JW. Pointer. 3 year old bitch of lovely quality, feminine, expressive head, excellent angulation, she looked balanced and was clean in outline, she moved out with an excellent purposeful gait and was presented in well muscled condition.

G3 Kotanen’s Fin Ch. Triplet Queen of Queens (imp FIN). Spaniel (Cocker). Nicely presented blue roan bitch of 5 years, kind expressive head with good neck and shoulders, good spring of rib and lovely in outline moving and standing, moved out with a beautiful merry action.

G4 Davis’ Lynste Kindred Spirit. Retriever (Golden).


PG1 Riley’s Jasrolyn Doe Ray Me among Wylloh. Retriever (Golden).

PG2 Osborn’s Killara’s Pass The Crown to Elgert (imp USA). Spaniel (Field).

PG3 Clack/Eddery’s Epsilon Adhara at Molokain. Retriever (Curly Coated). 8 month old bitch who was presented and shown beautifully, feminine head and expression, good shoulders, straight legs and good feet, moved out freely and was at one with her handler, in excellent coat and condition.

PG4 Rushforth’s Plaiglen Daiquiri. Spaniel (Cocker). 9½ month old orange roan male, masculine head with kind expression, good neck and shoulders, well sprung rib and nice in outline, moved out well in all directions.


P 2(0)

1. Kuech’s Boese Jiggercelo. Br/white young bitch of just 6 months, dark eye, feminine head and expression, nice outline, she had a sound top-line and her angulation was good, good bone but feet could be better, when she focused she moved out steadily with clean action, BP.

2. Cook’s Boese Jiggerlotti. Litter sister to winner who also had a nice eye and feminine expression, nicely angulated and another with a good outline standing and moving, not quite as settled as 1 today but showing promise.

J 1(0)

1. Harvey/Bole’s Harvlin’s Mystification. Nicely put together bitch of 17 months, feminine head, balanced skull, well padded muzzle, nice arch to neck leading to a good front assembly, straight legs and good angles, she was very distracted by the ‘goings on’ in the other ring and unfortunately just would not settle on the move which was a real shame, presented in excellent condition, RBOB.

L 4(2)

1. Harvey/Bole’s Harvlin’s Mystification. Repeat.

2. Peck/Ames’ Winuwuk Line of Duty for Enesha. Male of 22 months with dark eye and balanced skull, good padding in muzzle, good feet and bone, he was a nicely put together dog in all respects but today he was rather erratic when moving and didn’t move as his angulation would suggest, presented well with good muscle tone.

O 3(1)

1. Gibb’s Conchobar Sirris Of The Sun Miniwonder. 5 year old bitch, dark eye and well padded muzzle, alert expression, good bone and feet, would like better proportions all through but she was sound and fairly accurate on the move, would have preferred more length of leg, nicely handled and presented, BOB.

2. Bole’s Harvlin Hot Toddy. Male of 6½ years where, for me, I found his head overdone, dark eye, strong neck and shoulders, straight legs and good feet, his angulation was adequate and he moved out ok. 


P 11(9)

1. Williams/Newton/Slack’s Rarjo Macduff Making Waves with Megulcie. PWD. 8 month old bitch of lovely quality, beautiful feminine head with the darkest of eye, strong muzzle, good reach of neck into well laid shoulders, straight legs, lovely outline standing and moving, presented in excellent coat and condition and handled well.

2. Jelley’s Piechottka Dark Phoenix. DDB. This owner and young bitch were at their first show together, they are to be commended on their performance as they did everything asked of them and seemed to thoroughly enjoy their day. Bitch of 10 months who had a feminine head and expression, her angulation was good, she had good bone and feet and nice proportions, good depth of chest, strong bone, well ribbed back, she moved out with a steady gait albeit a little close in the rear going away.

J 6(3)

1. Pocock’s Tamzdane Appley Ever After. Great Dane. Well presented Harlequin bitch of 15 months, feminine head and expression, balanced skull with well set ears, lovely reach of neck leading into a good front assembly, good depth of chest with correct rib, sound, strong top-line, good body proportions, her rear was strong which showed in her easy reach and drive on the move.

2. Williams/Newton/Slack’s Rarjo Macduff Making Waves with Megulcie. Repeat.

3. Harvey/Bole’s Harvlin’s Mystification.

L 7(1)

Hunt’s Jojavik Express Yourself at Virsco. Dobermann. Very smart bitch of 3½ years, dark eye and feminine expression, long clean head, good length of neck leading to a good front assembly, liked her outline both standing and moving, compact feet, good croup, free and balanced on the move, she was presented in tip top condition. 

2. Pocock’s Tamzdane Appley Ever After. Repeat.

3. Crooks’ Alfross Tulabo Aberyscir. Leonberger.

O 4(1)

1. Bole’s Harvlin Hot Toddy. Repeat.