• Show Date: 31/08/2024
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Bethan Williams Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 21/12/2024

Newton Abbot & South Devon Canine Society

Breed: Utility Breeds, Group & Graduate Stakes

Newton Abbot & South Devon CS - 31/08/24 Firstly, I would like to apologise to the exhibitors and committee for the delay in submitting my critique, I had unfortunately misplaced my notes following the show. Thank you to the society for inviting me to judge the utility breeds and the group. As always the hospitality with this society is first class. Thanks must also go to my two fabulous stewards Jacqui & Ann-Marie. The show unfortunately the show clashed with utility day at City of Birmingham which meant there were a number of breeds with either no entries or absentees although this did not effect the quality present today. 

 Tibetan Spaniels P (2,0) 1st) Bevis’s Souska Touch The Sky Over Starlance - a promising youngster at just 6m who is so full of quality. Head developing nicely, of good size and proportions. Correct mouth. The best of eyes which are dark, oval and well set. Ears set fairly high and of good shape. Liked his overall shape. Well laid shoulders with the best of fronts and moderate bone. Gives and excellent outline with a level back. Well made hindquarters and good feet. Well set tail. Super mover, free and positive with particularly good rear action. Pushed hard in the puppy group. BP & PG2 

2nd) Quest & Conibere's Back In Black With Devontibs - different type to 1 but another promising youngster. 10m black. Has a well made head of good proportions and a particularly good muzzle. Not quite the eye shape of 1. Super ear shape and set fairly high and carried well. Neck of good length leading onto well laid shoulders, good bone and feet. Good spring of rib and correct length to body. Well made hindquarters with hocks well let down. Not quite the topline of 1st. Moved well. 

 PG (1,0) 1st) Quest & Conibere’s Tiny Winnie De La Valoubiere With Devontibs (IMP FRA) - 2 year old. Super feminine head with a slightly domed skull. Good stop and muzzle of good length. Oval eye which is well set. Good pigment. Medium ears which are well set. She stood on the best of fronts with enough bone. Held her topline stood and whilst moving. Well sprung rib. Moved well in profile and coming, is a touch close behind. Handled to perfection.

L(4,0) 1st) Smith’s Tibbiestars Tutti Frutti At Larcoral JW - Presented a super outline and didn’t disappoint. Ultra feminine throughout but not lacking in substance. Super head which she carried well. Slightly domed, slight stop and good length to her muzzle. Good pigment. Dark oval eye which are set correctly. The best of fronts, with well laid shoulders and ample bone. Well sprung rib. Excellent rear quarters which are strong, good turn of stifle and hocks well let down with good feet. Has the best of toplines and tailset. Quick mover with straight and positive movement. BOB & G4. 2nd) Penny’s Chenrezi Ti Amo - Typical Tibetan spaniel attitude, with an air of snobbery about her. Feminine well made head. Super eye which is dark, oval and well set. Good length to muzzle, which is blunt with plenty of depth to her chin. Well made quarters with good angulation throughout. Well sprung rib but not quite the topline of 1st. Super mover. RBOB. 3rd) Hirstwood’s Quintrelle I Believe 

 O(4,0) 1st) Hirstwood’s Quintrelle I Am I Said With Tibbitude - Masculine head but shows no sign of coarseness, I would prefer a slightly shorter muzzle. Super ear which is well set. Well made front with good shoulders. Strong rear quarters with strong hocks. Good feet. Moved soundly coming and going. Presents a super outline. 2nd) Wayman’s Mynapaw Perfect Symphony - Close up to 1st, Beautiful head with a oval eye and blunt medium length muzzle. Not quite the front or topline of 1st. Excellent rear quarters. Moved soundly. 3rd) Clover’s Chenrezi No Ordinary Love 

 Bulldog O (1,0) 1st) Vosper’s Busterleigh Kinda Magic - my notes start with ‘What a mover!’ Masculine head, square with well rounded cheeks. Eye round and dark, well set. Ears of good shape and set high, broad skull with good width between ears. Broad shoulders, straight front with excellent bone. Plenty of width infront, chest wide and deep. Short back with a rise over the loin. Firm and muscular throughout and in excellent condition. Excellent rear quarters, with hock well let down. Round feet of good size. Excellent mover, super sound with the distinctive ‘bulldog roll’. BOB & G2 

 Tibetan Terrier PG (2,0) Litter mates with very little to separate them. 1st) Charlesworth’s Tiamastae Imagica - Feminine, well made head. Muzzle strong with a well developed jaw. Dark round eye which is well set. Good ear and set. Neck of good length leading onto well laid shoulders, developing nicely through the body. Level topline and well set tail which she maintained on the move. Well bent stifles and low set hocks. Well muscled throughout. Loved her for size and she presents the most appealing outline. Super mover. Just had the edge over her brother today. Pushed hard in the puppy group. BPIB & PG3 2nd) Charlesworth’s Tiamastae Regale - Close up and many of the same comments apply, he is the male version. At this moment he doesn’t quite have the topline of his sister. He really gave his handler a hard time but when he settled he showed his sound movement. 

 O (3,0) 1st) Plummer’s Araki Dream Perfection For Tetsikarma JW - Presents the most pleasing outline and is totally balanced. I would prefer a little less of her all over if I was being critical although she maintains her feminity. Well made head, with round well set eye. Good mouth. She has the best of fronts with plenty of bone and round feet. Well laid shoulders. Good spring of rib, with deep brisket. Well bodied. Excellent rear quarters which are well muscled. Level topline and tail set fairly high and well carried. Touch close behind but otherwise moved well. Turned out to perfection. BOB. 2nd) Meakin’s Loyola Firecracker At Miksang - Black male on the smaller side. Masculine head, not quite the mouth of 1st. Dark eye of excellent shape and set. Touch wide in front. Good shoulders and ample bone, round feet. In excellent coat and condition. Well made throughout the body with well angulated rear quarters. Good movement coming and going but not quite the profile movement of 1st. 3rd) Charlesworth’s Tiamastae’s Starry Sky Poodle (Toy)

O (2,0) 1st) Mayou-Howe’s Afterglow Nutmeg - Brown 12m and full of mischief. Feminine, well chiselled head. Almond eye of good colour. Excellent ears which are correctly set. Strong jaw and correct bite. Neck of good length leading onto well laid shoulders. Straight forelegs with good bone and tight oval feet. Developing well through her body. Well- bent stifles with good thighs which are muscular. Excellent coat for age and well turned out. Sound mover with plenty of drive and excellent head carriage. Has attitude in abundance! BOB. 2nd) Elson’s Stoneside Bryan Ferry At Jomarnelli - Much larger throughout and not quite the head of 1st. Well angulated quarters. Well sprung rib and short back. Well set and carried tail. Showed so well and coat was clean and in excellent condition. 

 Poodle (Miniature) O (6,1) 1st) Sarson’s Arrowflight High Society At Dongara JW - A very stylish dog who caught my eye instantly. Turned out to absolute perfection. Super head of good proportions, well chiselled, tight fitting lips and correct bite. Dark almond eye which is well set. Excellent ears. Good length of neck, leading onto well laid shoulders. Straight, well boned forelegs and tight oval feet. Deep chest and well sprung rounded ribs. Well bent stifles and good muscle. High set tail with thick root. Sound, light movement with plenty of drive. BOB & G3. 2nd) Nash’s Antiquarius Gabriel - A really super baby who showed so well. Another with a lovely head, long with a moderate stop. Good neck, well laid shoulders and straight forelegs with ample bone. Developing well through the body. Good rear quarters with a good turn of stifle and hocks well let down. Well muscled and in excellent condition. Super mover. BPIB & PG1 in good company. 3rd) Cann’s Sunmarca Secret Agent 

 Poodle (Standard) O (3,1) 1st) Crocker’s Lotringham Tenacity - Well balanced, with a feminine head. Almond eye and good ears. Clean neck of good length and well proportioned. Well laid shoulders which are strong and muscular, straight front with good bone. Deep chest and well sprung rib. Well made rear quarters. Good topline and tail set. Moved soundly. 2nd) Elson’s Volgarus Make A Choice At Jomarnelli - Beautiful make and shape. Well balanced throughout. Pushed hard to win the class. Feminine head, good eye and ears. Well laid shoulders but not quite the front of first, she had a tendency to turn a foot ever so slightly outwards. Developing well throughout the body, well made rear quarters. Good coat and condition. Tail set high and well carried. Moved soundly. 

 Dalmatian SY (3,1) 1st) Bridge, Meyer & Britton’s Akoni Butterfly D’Or - Feminine throughout with a balanced outline. Feminine head, flat skull with moderate stop. Oval eye of medium size. Clean muscular neck of good length. Well made front with well laid shoulders and well boned, straight legs. Deep chest with plenty of heart room. Well sprung rib. Good turn of stifle and well muscled rear-quarters. Well spotted. Smooth, powerful mover. 2nd) Saunders’s Popkingsway Lady Of Dreams - Bigger throughout that 1st and not quite her balanced outline. Good head, flat skull, powerful muzzle and not at all snipy. Good head proportions. Well laid shoulders, elbows closely set to body. Straight legs with strong bone. Good feet. Well sprung rib. Not quite the rear quarters of 1st. Moved soundly. 

PG (5,3) 1st) Edens’s Steyndal Diamond White At Dalens JW - The ultimate showgirl with a very talented handler on the end of the lead. Ultra feminine throughout but doesn’t lack substance or strength in any way. Head of good proportions with moderate stop and oval dark eye. Clean neck of good length leading onto the best of shoulders. Straight, well boned legs and round, compact feet. Deep chest, well sprung rib and strong loin. Good rear quarters with well developed second thigh. Smooth, powerful movement with plenty of reach and drive. BOB 2nd) Steventon’s Kystuno Rosemary Russett - Close up and stood much better when having her write up. Well made head, oval eye and good mouth. Well made front, with good shoulders and plenty of bone. Compact, round feet. Well sprung rib with strong, muscular loin. Good rear quarters with a good second thigh and turn of stifle. Moved soundly. 

 O (4,2) 1st) Kaal’s Schunikka Ifor Dream JW - All male but not at all coarse, strong and powerful. Balanced in outline. Well made head with good eye and mouth. Clean, muscular neck leading onto well laid shoulders, round well boned, straight forelegs. Deep chest with plenty of lung and heart room, strong loin and the best of rear quarters with good turn of stifle and well developed second thigh. Super topline and tail set. Moved soundly but just lacked enthusiasm on the move which cost him in the challenge for BOB. 2nd) Steventon’s Kystuno Jasappel - Feminine throughout but I would like her a little stronger in bone. Well made head, good eye. Clean neck leading onto good shoulders. Not quite the depth of chest as 1st. Well made rear quarters with a good turn of stifle. Good topline and tail set. Moved well. 

 Keeshond O (2,1) 1st) Hill’s Whizzkees Silver Spirit - Well proportioned, wedge shaped head which is feminine. Dark, almond eye which is well set. Small ivy shaped ears which are well set. Neck of good length, leading onto well sloped shoulders. Short body with well sprung ribs. Good rear angulation which are well muscled. In excellent coat and condition. Plenty of bone and round cat-like feet. Super topline and tail set. Moved soundly, just a touch close behind. 

 AVNSC Utility G (3,1) 1st) Furse’s Loveliwithy Barbie Girl - Japanese Spitz. Super make and shape. Wedge head, oval eye which is well set. Triangular ears which she used well. Strong neck which is well arched. Good height to length ratio. Straight forelegs with tight elbows and good shoulders. Well sprung rib and firm loin, high set tail which is well carried. Well balanced hindquarters with good angulation and muscle. Small cat-like feet. Moved soundly, straight coming and going with brisk action. 2nd) Heyes’s Dr Wolf Go And Smash It At Chillipaws (IMP BIH) - Akita. Large, powerful and no mistaking that he is a male. Large, broad wedge shaped head. Small eyes of almond shape, thick triangular ears and a strong jaw with correct bite. Short muscular neck leading onto good shoulders, plenty of bone and straight front. Feet could be tighter. Deep through the chest, level back with moderate tuck up. Moderately angulated hindquarters. He struggled to move in the ring he just didn’t have enough space. 

 O (3,0) 1st) Edens’s Ch Snowshoes Hex Girl At Dalens JW - Japanese Spitz. Loved everything about this bitch, she caught my eye as she walked into the ring and did not disappoint. Feminine wedge head with a slightly rounded skull, good length of muzzle and correct bite. Dark oval eye which is obliquely set at just the right distance apart. Small, triangular ears that are set high and she uses to advantage. Strong, arched neck of good length leading onto the best of fronts, shoulder moderately slopping with good upper arm. Straight forelegs with good bone and tight elbows. Height to length ratio spot on, deep chest and well sprung rib. High set tail and good topline. Moderately angulated hindquarters with plenty of muscle. Small, cat-like feet. She is light and nimble on the move, straight coming and going with brisk action. Loved her size and shape. In excellent coat and condition and could not be denied the G1, looked even better in BIS. 2nd) Pearce’s Albionspitz Diphda - Eurasier. Completely out of coat but she has nothing to hide. Presents a balanced outline. Wedge head with flat skull. Dark, oval eyes which are well set. Medium size, triangular ears which are well set. Well muscled neck of good length free of throatiness. Moderately angulated throughout, slightly longer than high. Good throughout the body. Tight oval feet. High set tail. Straight coming and going. 3rd) Furse’s Loveliwithy Kiku Tsubaki 

 Adult Group 1st) Edens’s Ch Snowshoes Hex Girl At Dalens JW 2nd) Vosper’s Busterleigh Kinda Magic 3rd) Sarson’s Arrowflight High Society At Dongara JW 4th) Smith’s Tibbiestars Tutti Frutti At Larcoral JW  

Puppy Group There was very little to separate these 3, it was really splitting hairs. 1st) Nash’s Antiquarius Gabriel 2nd) Bevis’s Souska Touch The Sky Over Starlance 3rd) Charlesworth’s Tiamastae Imagica 

AV Utility P (3,2) 1st) Quest & Conibere's Back In Black With Devontibs 

 O (5,3) 1st) Elson’s Volgarus Make A Choice At Jomarnelli 2nd) Saunders’s Popkingsway Lady Of Dreams  

V 7-9yrs (8,1) 1st) Cooper, Cooper & Critchlow’s Oberitz Sweet N’Spicy For Pavoskas - German Spitz (Klein). So well balanced and totally moderate throughout. Feminine throughout. Oval eye, small triangular ears which are well set and she uses to advantage. Clean neck of good length leading on well laid shoulder. Straight front and neat cat-like feet. Well sprung rib and well developed loin. Moderately angulated hindquarters and hocks well let down. Super sound on the move, brisk and straight coming and going. Totally effortless. 2nd) Denton & Quest’s Lilileian Legally Blonde (IMP FIN) - Tibetan Spaniel. - Feminine head and of good size. Dark oval eyes, set fairly well apart. Medium ears which are set fairly high. Good mouth. Neck of good length leading onto well angulated forequarters with plenty of bone. Good spring of rib and level back. Moderate turn of stifle and hocks well let down. Moved soundly. Unfortunately didn’t want to keep her tail up whilst standing. 3rd) Vosper’s Busterleigh Seven Seas 

 V 10+ yrs (4,0) 1st) Plummer’s Tetsikarma Stargazer ShCM ShCEx VW - Tibetan Terrier. I have always admired this dog from the ringside so was pleased to be able to judge him today and he didn’t disappoint. Presents the most pleasing outline and totally balanced with nothing overdone. Medium length skull, nothing exaggerated, strong muzzle with a well developed lower jaw. Round, dark brown eye. Strong, muscular neck leading onto well laid shoulders. Straight, well boned forelegs with large round feet. Compact through the body, good spring to rib with short loin. Well muscled hindquarters with well bent stifle. Level topline and tail fairly high set and carried well. Moves with reach and drive with a totally effortless stride. Pleased to award him Best Utility Veteran. 2nd) Hill’s Ch Whizzkees Ebony Silver For Plymkees JW ShCM VW - Keeshond. She has personality in abundance and its hard to believe she is 10 years old as she certainly doesn’t look it (or act it!) Short, compact body with well sprung rib and good depth to brisket. Wedge head which is well proportioned, almond eye which is obliquely set. Small ears which are ivy leaf shaped. Correct bite. Well sloped shoulder, straight front with good bone and tight, cat-like feet. Strong muscled hindquarters with good angulation. Super coat of good texture and well maintained. Clean, brisk movement. Unlucky to meet 1st but a very worthy champion. 3rd) Denton’s Chenrezi Love On The Rocks At Tremorvah VW 

 AV Utility Champion Ch (3,1) 1st Bevis’s Ch Skyvana Empty Dreams Of Starlance ShCEx - Tibetan Spaniel. What a dog! Presents the most wonderful outline. Masculine head but free from coarseness, oval eyes which are dark and well set. Excellent ears which are set fairly high and carried well. Correct mouth. Moderately boned, with well laid shoulders. Good spring of rib. Well made rear quarters, moderate turn of stifle and hocks well let down. Excellent feet. High set tail which he carried well. His movement is to ‘die for’ Quick, straight, free and totally positive. Pleased to see him take Best Champion in Show. 

 Guy Horwell AV Grad Stakes (44,20) 1st) Merrick’s Warrentor Tourmakeady - Golden Retriever. I gave this young lad the puppy group some 12 months ago, I was pleased to see him again today and my opinion has not changed. Presents a balanced outline. Masculine head with no sign of coarseness, dark eye with a kind expression. Correct dentition. Clean neck of good length which leads onto well laid shoulders. Straight forelegs with plenty of bone, standing on the best of feet. Short coupled, ribs deep and well sprung. Level topline and tail well set on and carried level with back. Strong muscular hindquarters with well bent stifle and hocks well let down. Moved straight and true with plenty of drive. In fabulous coat and condition. 2nd) Matthew’s Sonham Fire Cracker - Dachshund (Wirehired). Pushed hard. Presents a super outline which catches your eye. He has the most appealing head, medium almond shape eyes which is obliquely set. Correct ear shape and set. Strong jaw with correct dentition. Long, clean neck which is slight arched. Shoulder blades long and broad with upper arm of corresponding length which lies closely to the ribs without impeding his movement. Moderately long in body but well muscled throughout. Strong, prominent breastbone and ribs extending well back. Well angulated rear quarters which are strong and well muscled. Excellent coat and condition. Free flowing, sound movement. 3rd) Groves, Christensen & Lafford’s Lateagain Starstruck