• Show Date: 08/09/2024
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Abby Bellamy Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 12/01/2025

Mid Western Gundog Society

Mid-Western Gundog Society 8th September 2024

Flatcoated Retrievers and English Springer Spaniels

I would like to thank Penny Lane-Ridyard and the Committee for inviting me to judge Flatcoated Retrievers and English Springer Spaniels this was my first Springer appointment, I thoroughly enjoyed my day. Thank you to my 2 stewards Joules and Geraldine for keeping my ring in good order. Finally a big thank you to the exhibitors for the entry and accepting my decisions.

Flatcoated Retrievers

Puppy Dog 0 Entries

Junior Dog 0 Entries

Yearling Dog 0 Entries

Graduate Dog 0 Entries

Postgraduate Dog 1 Entry 1 Absent

Open Dog 1 Entry

1st Colson’s Windyhollows Ragged Robin

2.5 year old boy who is masculine without being too heavy. He has a lovely head shape, well moulded with good fill, I’d prefer a slightly more almond shape eye but the colour is dark. He has the correct ear set but his ears are a tad big. He has a good length of neck to be picky i’d like better front angulation but he has good depth all through. He has excellent bone, straight forelegs and the best of feet. He has a gradual spring of rib into a short square loin. He has a moderate turn of stifle, well let down hocks and straight pasterns. He holds his level topline firm on the move and carries his tail level. He is very tidy coming but could be better going, moved soundly in profile. 

Puppy Bitch 0 Entries

Junior Bitch 0 Entries 

Yearling Bitch 2 Entries 

1st Lane & Lane-Ridyard’s Kulawand Cartier

19 month old super feminine bitch, she is balanced all through. Loved her pretty head and expression with the best eye shape and dark colour. She has a good length of neck into well laid shoulders and even return of upper arm. Good depth of chest, straight foreleg of ample bone and tight feet. She has correct body length proportions with her length coming from her rib. She has the correct bend of stifle with good thickness to her thigh, and well let down hocks. She has a level topline held firmly on the move and standing. She moved cleanly going away, she just needs to tighten up in her front wrist action coming, she moved very soundly in profile. Pleased to award her Reserve Best of Breed. 

2nd Lewin’s Vynesbrook Ultimate Choice

19 month old up to size bitch. She has a feminine head and kind expression with a dark eye and correct ear set. She has a good length of neck, I would prefer a slightly better lay of shoulder, she has an even return of upper arm. She is more developed in forechest than 1. She has good depth all through. She has good bone and excellent feet. She has a very well made rear which she used to drive round the ring on an even stride. She has the correct tailset and level tail carriage and was shown in excellent condition. She could be tidier going away but she moved tidy coming towards and in profile. Just preferred the shape of 1 today.

Graduate Bitch 5 Entries (2 Absent)

1st Prior’s Blacktoft Avelino at Finnashember

I first judged this bitch in May and I have always loved her from ringside, she doesn’t disappoint going over her. 2&1/2 and her best I feel is still yet to come. She is super balanced all through. She has a feminine head and dark eye, to be super picky i’d just prefer a little more refinement through her skull. She has a good length of neck into excellent front construction. She has good depth of chest, good bone and tight feet. She has a good length of rib and short loin, I just loved her body proportions. She has a very well made rear with straight pasterns and good muscle tone. She isn’t the steadiest of movers and she does pull away from her owner but as she settles she is so sound showing good reach and drive. She wasn’t in her best jacket today but she moved the soundest today. Delighted to award her Best of Breed and I look forward to watching this pair grow together, you make a fabulous team. 

2nd Clark’s Riverglide Santa Barbara

Another Bitch I judged in May and she just didn’t settle on the move, but she came today with her A game. She presents a beautiful shape and at 3 years old she still has some maturing to do. She has a super feminine head and dark almond eye. She has a good length of neck into well placed shoulders and even return of upper arm, she has a decent amount of forechest. She has straight forelegs of good bone, her feet could be tighter. She has a good length of rib and short square loin. She has a very well made rear which she used to really drive round. She was shown in very good coat and condition. She was quite untidy moving away so just pipped by the younger yearling for RBOB due to this. She moves on a good even stride in profile with that ever wagging tail. 

3rd Eggington & Davis’ Pajanbeck One Moment In Time (ai)

Postgraduate Bitch 1 Entry (1 absent)

Open Bitch 4 Entries (1 Absent)

1st Lewin’s Vynesbrook Deja Bleu

4 year old ultra feminine bitch who is beautifully balanced. She has a kind, dark almond eye and has that twinkling expression. Her lay of shoulder could be slightly better but has that correct length of upper arm. She is very well developed in forechest and has a good gradual spring of rib. She has good bone and stands on tight feet. She has a moderate length of stifle and bend with good width of thigh. She has well let down hocks and straight pasterns. She moved very tidy going away but could be better coming towards, I would prefer a slightly longer length of stride. She wasn’t in her best coat today but understood she wasn’t long off a litter. 

2nd Colson & Fox’s Blacktoft Frozen In Time by Windyhollows (ai)

Up to size bitch of a heavier build than 1. 7 years old and full mature, she has a very feminine head but i’d prefer a tiny bit more width to her skull, she has the correct lenght of muzzle and good eye shape and colour. She has a good length of shoulder, i’d like a better length of upper arm, she has good bone, straight forelegs and stands on good feet. She has a good length of well developed ribs and short loin. She has a moderate bend of stifle, well let down hocks and straight pasterns. She moved well in profile and going away. I’d prefer a little more length of stride, just preferred the build and type of 1. 

3rd Egginton & Davis’ Pajanbeck Georgy Girl

English Springer Spaniels 

Puppy 0 Entries

Yearling 1 Entry (1 Absent)

Graduate 4 Entries (2 Absent)

1st Le-Clerc’s Hunterheck Lost In A Spell

2 year old black and white, balanced feminine bitch with a pleasing head and expression. She has a good lay of shoulder and even return of upper arm, straight forelegs of good bone, her feet could be tighter. She has good body length to height ratio, short square loin and well sprung rib. She has a moderate bend of stifle and well let down hocks with straight pasterns. She has the correct tail set, shown in good coat and condition. Once she settled she moved well showing good drive holding her topline. Please to award Reserve Best of Breed. 

2nd Le-Clerc’s Hunterheck Fade To Black

2 year old up to size black and white male. He has a masculine head of good proportions and well defined stop. He has a good length of neck, okay shoulder and excellent angle of upper arm. Straight foreleg of good bone and better feet than 1. He still needs to develop in forechest, he has a good length of rib and short loin. He has well made rear quarters with straight pasterns. He moved soundly just not as positive as 1 today. 

Open 5 Entries (3 Absent)

1st Simmons’ Dexbenella Frivolity

This is a beautiful bitch who is balanced all through. She has a feminine head, dark enough eye and good stop. Excellent length of neck into a good lay of shoulder and excellent angle and length of upper arm. I’d like her elbows slightly tighter to her chest. She has a good depth of chest, well sprung rib and short loin. Level topline held at all times. She has a good bend of stifle and well let down hocks, she is very well muscled. She has the correct tail set and carriage held level on the move. She moved very tidily in all directions and showing good drive in profile. Pleased to award her Best of Breed.

2nd Kibby’s Trimere Taylor Maid at Pinhays JW ShCEx OSW

Balanced feminine bitch who has a lovely head and expression. I’d prefer a slightly darker eye. She has a good length of neck into reasonably laid shoulders with a good return of upper arm. She has a good depth of chest, good spring of rib and correct rib and loin length. She has good bone and reasonably tight feet. She has well made rear quarters but I’d like more thickness to her thigh. She moved very soundly in all directions but didn’t have the strength of topline as the BOB and RBOB today. 

Abby Bellamy (Moontorn)