- Show Date: 15/09/2024
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: Veronica Mary Green Contact Judge
- Published Date: 28/12/2024
Darlington Dog Show Society Ltd
Judge: Mrs V M Green (Verony)
Best Of Breed : Hearne, Mrs A J Snoanda Wizadora
Dog Cc : Moore, Mrs Sara Silgarhi Quigleys Quest
Res Dog Cc : Hadlow, Ms E Snoanda Doing This My Way At Quidditch Jw
Bitch Cc : Hearne, Mrs A J Snoanda Wizadora
Res Bitch Cc : Willoughby, Mrs K Palshar All That Glitters Jw
Best Puppy : Neum, Mrs Frauke & Hill, Mrs Melanie Sanom Mani Ba-Hjo Jetsun
Best Veteran : White, Mrs L Araki Fabulous Figtal At Trytez
I should like to thank Darlington Canine Association for the Invitation to judge Tibetan Terriers, a breed which I have had and exhibited for nearly 42 years. This was my 10th such appointment, I am pleased to say I did not drop dead in executing it as the RKC obviously thinks someone of my age may well do ! I enjoyed the day and would like to thank all the exhibitors ,who entered under me with their lovely dogs and was pleased to be able to find two such beautiful fully mature Tibetans to award the cc’s too. Also many thanks to my two most efficient stewards for keeping an eye on me !
In general in the breed there are still points that breeders need to be aware of and either ensure they are preserved those points in the breed standard that make the Tibetan Terrier unique, and equally not allow traits to creep further into the breed or specifically breed for them so we end up with a generic flashy show dog and not a Tibetan Terrier. Breeders are responsible to ensuring that the breed remains true to the Breed standard and not allow exaggeration of any feature or form to be the norm, Judges are responsible to ensure that the dogs of correct type and again free from extremes are the only ones rewarded, and not fall into the trap of fashion over form. Eye shape and colour continues to be a concern in the breed in general, and it’s a shame that there is a lack of reverse scissors on display in the breed and aligned with the incorrect shaped and proportion skulls, with too many long snipey heads in the breed the desired resolute expression that give the breed its Tibetan charm is at risk. Presentation on the whole was good with coats in lovely condition, and it was good to see exhibits being moved at the correct speed as defined by the breed standard.
Veteran Dog (3 Entries Abs 0)
1st: White’s Araki Fabulous Figtal At Trytez Gold dog, liked his head & expression of good proportions, pleasing spring of rib. Straight front with nicely placed shoulders, level back which he held on the move, which is what I have always liked about this dog, he has a lovely easy movement totally efficient absolutely no effort to glide around the ring. With overall good muscle tone for age. Best Veteran
2nd: Inwood, & Price Lasang Mister Dick At Bedivere, Very close up to one good head correct shaped dark eyes with a lovely typical expression, good length of neck, level back and overall good depth of bone, nicely textured coat well muscled rear and when settled moves well and is in harmony with his handler
3rd: Crawford’s Silgarhi O'de Chen At Nytechorus
Minor Puppy Dog (1,0)
1st: Kemp & Kemp’s Waterley Stand N Deliver For Yanlan Despite standing alone but a worthy winner here, black/white, 6 months. He has a nice head, good neck, level topline, & well set tail. Moves well, when he wants to.
Puppy Dog (1,0)
1st: Neum, & Hill, Sanom Mani Ba-Hjo Jetsun
I liked this dog a lot, he has a lovely shaped head of correct proportions, dark eyes of correct shape and size, long neck into well placed shoulders, straight front, could carry a bit more weight, but that should come as he matures. Well angulated rear & high set tail. Moved with purpose and covered the ground well BP
Junior Dog (2,0)
1st: Thorolds & Thorold, Zilcan Legend Of Gelert With Lottanber Beautifully presented black/white young boy, he has many worthy features and is maturing very well, on the larger size , but very square, He has a good head shape, level topline well angulated rear, gives his handler a hard time but moves well when settled.
2nd: Pediani, Araki Yubetcha Jw, Smaller type than one but a little heavier in body, liked his head & expression which was very appealing, firm in body and nicely angulated front and rear, carries a profuse white coat which was very well presented. Moved well, close decision between the two.
Post Graduate Dog (5,0)
1st: Thurston, Jalren Midnight Runner Jw, Gold youngster with a good head of nice proportions , with correct dark pigmentation & lovely eyes with great appeal to complete that lovely Tibetan expression, enough neck flowing into good shoulders and level back, well set on and carried tail. Deep enough chest, straight front and well angulated rear, large feet. Profuse coat of nice texture and well presented, moves with purpose at total ease with his handler.
2nd: Buckles, Karshok Amra Jetsang Another well presented dog, slightly taller than one but, but a nice square outline. Good head of pleasing shape and proportion displaying a good strength of cheek bone, correct dentition, lovely dark eyes. Like his lay of shoulder, with enough depth of chest for age, with a good spring of rib. Well angulated rear with good muscle for age, put to good advantage on the move.
3rd: Torlays Nyree Smart Dezine
Limit Dog (5,0) A lovely class to judge with a good depth of quality to choose from , which is promising for the breed.
1st: Hadlow’s Snoanda Doing This My Way At Quidditch Jw, A really beautiful black dog with lovely head & eye, very good dentition, well placed and carried ears. Nice length of neck into good shoulders well laid back, deep enough chest with plenty of lung room with level topline. He is square in outline and ideal for size. In overall good muscular condition, and strength of bone. Lovely coat of correct texture and presented in beautiful condition and looks the part when moving around the ring. Res.cc
2nd: Cooper, Mrs L & Purslow, Mrs L Ahgainst All Odds, Have admired this dog from the ringside and when assessing him he did not disappoint to-day. Very good masculine head but not over done with a lovely expression. He is square in outline well bodied, deep chest excellent angles front & rear presented in great physical condition, moved well and with total ease, and it was a very close decision between 1 & 2.
3rd: Rudderham’s Dejaru Masquerade Jw
Open Dog (9,0) , A really lovely class to judge and one of the best Open classes I have seen for a while, with some lovely examples of the breed which I was honoured to assess.
1st: Moore’s Silgarhi Quigleys Quest, I have always liked this dog but have never seen him looking as good as he did to-day. He is a perfect example of a fully mature TT. He has an excellent head shape enough stop, well set ears and sufficient neck , level topline, high set tail, deep chest ,short loin & well angulated rear with large flat feet. Coat beautifully presented with just a slight wave to it which I prefer to the ironed straight look that too many judges reward. Moved around with ring with total harmony with his handler and covered the ground with assurance and ease, was pleased to award CC. Which made him a worthy champion.
2nd: Cooper & Cooper, Ch Araki Justa Boot Perfect
Another dog great dog which I have always admired, spoilt for choice to-day. He presents a lovely outline, good masculine in head & sturdy and strong body. Well muscled, with a well angled rear and moves with drive. Shown in good hard condition, Beautifully presented. A worthy ambassador for the breed.
3rd: Stickleys Silgarhi's Holy Moses At Walkamile, completed a trio of lovely examples of the breed in this strong class.
Veteran Bitch (4,0)
1st: Hadlow’s Quidditch A Touch Of Sass, Lovely white/gold bitch in full coat expertly presented, most attractive feminine head with a delightful expression, strong neck & level topline, good lay of shoulder deep enough chest, correct body shape, moved with drive, belying her age
2nd: Fenton’s Layoli Spoilt N'smokin Vw, Black bitch of lovely type, good depth and spring of rib with correct short loin, most attractive and sized head & correct size eye, nice length of neck and good shoulders well angulated rear. In Tip Top body condition, moves well. Coat beautifully presented.
3rd: Armstrong, Miss Susan Lynces Love Of My Life At Tizzycharm
Minor Puppy Bitch (1,0)
1st: Ritchie’s Araki The Devil's Candy, charming Gold/sable bitch standing alone but a lot to like about her. Pretty face feminine, good pigmentation, well bodied for age, level back, moved with enthusiasm and with spirit. Coat nice for age.
Puppy Bitch (2,1)
1st: Coupland-Buckley’s Pippalata's Spice Of Life, Gold sable/white, good for size & type, liked her head proportions, dark pigment, straight front , carrying a well presented profuse coat. Moved with drive when she gained her confidence, BPB
Junior Bitch (3,0)
1st: Moore’s Silgarhi Bhotiya, Beautiful black bitch, she catches your eye with her lovely square outline which shows how balanced she is and not overdone in any way. Attractive head of correct proportions with a charming Tibetan expression, good reach of neck into short backed with deep chest , well angulated & muscled rear with large feet. Moved well. Beautifully presented coat of correct texture.
2nd: Armstrong & Cherry’s, Araki Fantasy Funtime At Tizzycharm, another very attractive pale gold sable/white young lady, pretty head, well shaped and carried proudly, nice length of neck and flows into her level topline. Slightly longer in loin than 1st, She has a straight front well angulated rear with low set hocks, and moves well, Beautifully presented coat.
3rd: Knight’s Araki I Am Hot Your Not
Post Graduate Bitch (11,1)
1st: Kemp & Kemp’s Araki Spice Of Life For Yanlan
Much to like about this lovely bitch starting with her well shaped head of the correct proportion and balance good dentition and pleasing pigmentation, nice clean front and lay of shoulder with a level topline and good spring of rib with deep enough chest, short in loin, high set tail, which completed the picture not only when she was standing but also as she moved efficiently around the ring.
2nd: Hargreaves, Karamyst Time To Shine With Islantic, this Black/white bitch presents her qualities for all to see, well made throughout, she is eye catching for all the right reasons as you go over her, constructed with balance and strength in all areas, she is maturing nicely and showed herself to advantage in this quality class.
3rd: Inwood’s Boshanti Yashmina At Bedivere
Limit Bitch (11,0) Another pleasing class with a good depth of quality on display.
1st: Knight, Mrs Y Snoanda Morgan Le Fay
Black/white bitch nice for type and size, feminine but with enough bone and not overdone in anyway, Good head proportions in shape and strength, straight front, nice size and shape feet, level topline with well carried tail, moved well, with a efficient stride covering ground showing how sound she is. Lovely coat texture in good condition shown in full bloom, a worthy winner in this strong class and considered in the line up for higher honours.
2nd: Stuchbury’s Avaness Lights Up Kutula
Close to One and much of what impressed me with that exhibit also applied to her slightly smaller in size but still within standard and with a clean sturdy outline, Nicely shaped head, dark eyes, Good front with good lay of shoulder and nice depth and spring of rib combined with short loin, well muscled rear, moves with ease. Beautifully presented.
3rd: Wilson’s Djankay Starlight Fair
Open Bitch (8, 1) An exceptionally strong class with many of the dogs I have admired, and was a enjoyable class to assess some wonderful TTs
1st: Hearne’s Snoanda Wizadora
Just what I was looking for a fully mature Bitch in first class condition and presented to perfection. Very attractive head and expression, enough neck into well placed shoulders, deep chest, short in loin, level back high carried tail with, good angulations front and rear, large feet which she used to carry herself with ease around the ring. Just enough defiance in her eyes to let you know she knows she is beautiful ! an extremely worthy example of the breed and I was happy to award her the CC & BOB.
2nd: Willoughby’s Palshar All That Glitters Jw
Another well presented mature bitch who pushed the class winner very hard, lovely head feminine but not fine in any way she has that challenging look in her eye, firm body with all the correct angulations needed she has the balance that I was looking for. Presented in lovely coat and condition, moved with her handler to make the most of herself and covered the ground in an efficient manner, Well deserved res.CC, and I am sure her title will not be far off.
3rd: Thurston’s Tetsimi Slave To The Rhythm For Jalren
V M Green