• Show Date: 06/09/2024
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Toni Jackson Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 30/11/2024

Richmond Dog Show Society

Breed: Welsh Corgi (Pembroke)

VD/B (1,1) absent. PD (1) 1. WYER’s Brynlea Creslow Paint It Black At Cottivy, what an exciting puppy, gorgeous tri, with rich colours. Excellent presentation and shown in excellent weatherproof coat. Super boned legs to strong tight oval feet. Firm top line and good reach of neck, well angulated front and rear. Clean wedge head, broad in skull, moderate stop and exquisite dark large round eye to give alert expression. Good depth and breadth to chest. Lovely bold character. Super on the move from all directions. Shall watch his progress with interest, has exciting future ahead BP/BD. PGD (2,1) 1. WYER’s Cottivy Coronation Prince, good size attractive r/w. Good top Line and waist. Well boned legs. Little narrow in chest which shows on move. Enough neck, good angles front & rear. Head is correct proportions with dark eye and good pigment. Good length of stride. Not as showy as younger kennel mate. OD (4) 1. BLANCE’s Penliath To The Point, paler r/w, excellent presentation. Super reach of neck, to attractive head, good width to flat skull, dark pigment and eye. Muzzle shorter than skull and completes the wedge. Well-developed chest, good bone to legs held tight to body. Covers ground well, RBD. 2. WYER’s Cottivy Fernando, Rich r/w with excellent boned legs. Not quite the reach of neck of winner. Firm top line. Attractive head, well set ears and dark eye and pigment. Good angles front and rear and has good stride length on the move. 3. AYLOTT’s Barwal Bager Boy NBT

PB (2) 1. RUTHERFORD’s Unita Mentale Khambatta At Potbelli, shown in good weatherproof coat. Well boned, firm top line to well set tail of good length. Needs to grow up a little on leg to be better balanced, hopefully still has growing to do. Head had good width and flat skull. Needs to be more positive on the move. 2. THACKER’s Peritye Amber Belle, not as mature as winner, slightly narrow in skull – need time to develop, dark pigment. Sufficient bone for bitch, firm top line, shade long in back. Moved ok. PGB (3,1) 1. GORDONs Ryslip What The Future, r/w good bone to oval feet. Strong top line, with sufficient neck. Rather wide in chest which tend to give 10 to 2 stance. Moved ok, good reach in profile. 2. HOLLAND-WASHINGTON’s Kenzduo Cych, pretty tri colour. Shown in good coat and condition. Built on smaller frame and not the bone of the winner. Head needs to mature and broaden through skull & muzzle. Good pigment and large ears. Little erratic on the move, BSB OB (3) 1. BLANCE’s Ch Penliath Bill Me Later (ai) excellent outline and proportions, super reach of neck, firm top line. Excellent angulation front and rear, tail set on level with topline. Gorgeous head, clean wedge, flat broad skull, slight stop and slight taper to muzzle, nothing snipey here. Dark eye and pigment. Attentive to handler, standing four square, and presenting a lovely image in profile. Well developed in chest. Moves freely and with plenty of reach, BB/BOB and pleased to see her not only top the group but take RBIS. 2. WYER’s Cottivy Chiquita, r/w, attractive in profile, with correct proportions for overall balance. Well angulated. Firm topline. Feminine head, good skull and muzzle, large ears set well relative to eye. Eyes are large and dark, well pigmented. Alert in character. Moved soundly from all directions, RBB. 3. AYLOTT’s Holly Pippin At Barwal. SBD/B (2,1) 1. Kenzduo Cych.