• Show Date: 20/07/2024
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Tim Ball Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 23/07/2024

Hound Association

Breed: Norwegian Elkhound

Hound Association Championship Show  -  20th July 2024

Norwegian Elkhound

PD (1,0)

1. Benner’s Barbelka Devilishly Divine (AI). Promising youngster approaching 9 mths who appealed for type and presented a compact outline. Neck of correct length, firm topline, good length to ribcage and tail set on high. Masculine head of good proportions, nice dark eyes, ears set on high and scissor bite. He stands on straight forelegs and moves true when coming towards. Could extend a tad more in front on the go around. Good quality coat and correct colour. Best Puppy Dog & RCC.

JD (2,1)

1. McHugh’s Kamgaard Kloudberry Jam for Conrick. 12 mth old who pleased for overall outline with neck of moderate length, firm topline and curled tail set on high. He is still to drop in chest but he has time on his side and he is a touch longer in the loin. Balanced headpiece, eyes good for shape and colour, ears set on well and good dentition but just a little harsher in expression. Pleasing angles front and rear and when settled he goes well in profile and is true when coming at you, just a little wider going away. Good quality coat.

YD (2,0)

1. Brown’s Graythor Captain Hook. Two completely different dogs competed here with my winner being this 18 mth old. He pleased for overall type and is very compact in outline with medium length of neck, firm straight topline, good ribbing, short broad loin and tail set on high. Pleasing head of good proportions, eyes are acceptable for colour, ears set on high, dark foreface and scissor bite. He stands well naturally in front on oval feet and moved freely on the down and back and was well handled.

2. McHugh’s Kamgaard Kloudberry Jam for Conrick

SBD (2,0)

1. Brown’s Graythor Captain Hook. Best Special Beginners.

2. Astbury’s Seasara Heartbreaker. Hefty 3 yr old who was shown here in good condition. Masculine headpiece of good proportions with pleasing eye, very good ears, scissor bite and nice dark foreface. He carries a lot of bone and stands on good feet. I didn’t quite see him as balanced and would like a tad more neck and length of leg. He has a nice straight back, is well ribbed up and tail is set on high. Moves out well on the go around and is true when going away.

PGD (3,0)

1. Middleton’s Graythor Broadway. 18 mth old who won this class on overall type and outline. Nice and compact and presenting the desired square outline, very good neck, level topline, excellent ribbing and loin and curled tail set on high. Balanced head with lovely expression; good eye and ear and correct dentition. Pleasing angulation front and rear, elbows close to the body, nice straight forelegs and stands on oval feet. Moves well on the down and back but a tad exaggerated in front on the go around. Colour could be better.

2. Benner’s Graythor Loves The Luxor. 3 yr old of good colour with neck of moderate length, firm topline, good depth to brisket and tail set on high but he doesn’t quite present the compact outline of winner. Wedge-shaped head with good skull to muzzle proportions, pleasing eye and ear and correct dentition but overall preferred expression of 1. Good angles both front and rear, nice straight forelegs and correct oval-shaped feet. Moves ok but a tad closer behind.

3. Astbury’s Seasara Heartbreaker

LD (2,1)

1. Friend’s Bowerhinton Boromir of Vennlig. Masculine lad, up to size, using himself at all times and very well handled. Muscular neck, straight back, good ribbing, deep brisket, firm loin and curled tail set on well. Nicely proportioned head with good expression; eyes are dark enough and of correct shape, ears set on high and scissor bite. When gaiting he goes well on the go around with nice length of stride. Good quality coat.

OD (1,0)

1. Cowper & Bingham’s Graythor Augustus at Rothenborg. 18 mth old standing alone here but more than worthy of company. He appealed for type and presented a super outline being compact with correct length of neck to balance, short back with firm topline, excellent ribbing, good depth to chest, short muscular loin and tail set on high. Masculine head with good skull to muzzle proportions, correct stop, dark expressive eyes, ears set on high, dark foreface and scissor bite. He stands true in front on good feet and is well-muscled all through. Moves freely coming towards and was very well handled. Good quality coat and colour. CC.

PB (2,0)

1. Tyson’s Bowerhinton Bright Flame at Starceylon. Two nice but quite different pups challenged here. My winner was this girl, just approaching 8 mths. Feminine all through, she appealed for type, carries good bone and was so good hands on. Balanced in outline with neck of moderate length, correct topline under coat, rib developing well for age, short loin and curled tail set on high. Quality head with delightful expression; good skull to muzzle proportions, excellent eye and ear and good dentition. Super front assembly with good return of upper arm and she gaits freely all through and was very well handled here. Best Puppy.

2. Barganska’s Barbelka Dauntless Spirit (AI). Coming up to 9 mths, this girl also has lots to like. She presents a nice square outline with medium length of neck, firm straight topline, pleasing rib, nice short loin and tail set on high. Wedge-shaped head with feminine expression; skull and foreface approximately equal in length, very dark eye but a tad smaller, ears set on well and scissor bite. Standing nice and straight in front but forechest still to fully develop. Moves well all through but winner had the edge. Good coat and colour.

LB (3,0)

1. Maun’s Bowerhinton Blackbird. Varied class which saw this 22 mth old win with some room to spare. Feminine throughout and good to go over. Neck of correct length to balance, acceptable topline, nice spring of rib, deep brisket, muscular loin and tail set on well. Nicely proportioned, wedge-shaped head with feminine expression, lovely eye and ear, dark foreface and correct dentition. Soundly built both ends and stands well naturally on correct oval-shaped feet. Free, effortless action with good carriage. Good coat and colour. Well handled.

2. Barganska’s Cealdstan Ancestral Voices of Barbelka (AI). Approaching 3 yrs, this girl is so very different to the winner. She is the more compact of the two but I felt that she would have benefited from a touch more neck. Short, level back, good depth to chest, pleasing rib, short loin and curled tail set on high. Feminine head with good skull to muzzle proportions, correct stop, very dark in eye and good dentition but overall preferred expression of winner. She is well made behind but forequarters could not quite compete with that of 1. Good quality coat.

3. Houghton’s Bowerhinton Beegees

OB (3,0)

1. Simmonds & Mott’s Am Ch Kamgaard Klementina. Three different bitches competed in this class, all with plenty to like. My winner was this 4 yr old who I thought quite outstanding for outline and she was good hands on too. Beautifully balanced with powerful neck of correct length, firm straight topline, first class ribbing, short muscular loin and curled tail set on high. Head with good skull to muzzle proportions with very good eye, ears set on high, dark foreface and correct dentition but with more stop than the ideal. Carrying good bone, she was first in line when construction was being dished out and she moved freely and with seemingly little effort and carries herself so well. Quality coat and colour and presented in super condition. CC & BOB.

2. Middleton’s Ch Graythor Gates of the Artic. Mature 5 yr old girl who was also good to get hands on. She appealed for overall type and presented a nicely balanced outline with moderate length of neck, short back with firm topline, excellent ribbing, short loin and tail set on well. Attractive head with pleasing breadth to skull, good proportions, correct stop, very nice eye, ears of good set and scissor bite. This girl is also very well made and stands straight in front on oval-shaped feet. Moving freely with good carriage and so well handled but winner had the edge. Good quality coat. RCC.

3. Threadgold’s Ch Norvin Joyeux Noel

VB (1,0)

1. Lyon’s Branika Frills N Spills. Energetic 8 yr old girl with plenty to like. Feminine all through, she pleased in overall outline with correct length of neck to balance, straight topline, deep brisket and tail set on high but rib to loin proportions not quite the ideal. Attractive head with feminine expression; good skull to muzzle proportions, eyes of good colour but a little rounder, ears set on high and scissor bite. She stands straight in front with a little more width but moves out freely and uses herself. Best Veteran.

Judge: Tim Ball