• Show Date: 20/07/2024
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Tim Ball Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 20/07/2024

Hound Association

Breed: Finnish Spitz

Hound Association Championship Show

20th July 2024

Finnish Spitz

PD (1,0)

1. Knights & Stokes’ Lelaps King In The North. I thought this 7 mth old pup most promising. He appealed for type and was good to go over. Neck of moderate length, straight back with rib developing well for age, muscular loin and tail good for both set and carriage. Pleasing headpiece with dark expressive eyes, ears good for size and set, moderate stop and nice dark pigmentation. Good angles front and rear and stands true in front. Goes so well when viewed in profile, lovely strong rear and looks good in front too from what I could see. Good quality coat and lovely bright red. He is a smidge longer but nothing untoward. Should have a bright future ahead

OD (4,1)

1. Rolfe’s Ch Enkelini Hopeinen Ukkonen. 2 yr old in the middle of casting his coat but a quality boy and was so good hands on. I thought him correct for type and he presented a super outline with muscular neck of correct length to balance, firm straight topline, ribbed well back, good underline and tail pleased for both set and carriage. Quality head and expression with good eye and ear and scissor bite. Pleasing angulation both front and rear and moves so well on the go around, is true when going away and was the best in front when coming towards in the class. CC.

2. Honisett’s Valokki Virmalise. This 3 yr old is quite different to the winner but he also has lots to like and was well handled here. He is a tad longer than 1 but still presented a good outline with moderate length of neck, firm topline, correct spring of rib and tail is so good for set and carriage. Attractive head and expression with super eye and ear and correct dentition. He too went well when viewed in profile and he uses himself as he goes, true when going away but could not quite match front action of winner. Good colour. RCC.

3. Rolfe’s Saisaaren Salmiakki via Valokki (Imp Fin)

PB (1,0)

1. Thompson’s Lelaps Child of the Forest. 7 mth old standing along here and what a lovely youngster she is. She excels for type and is so well balanced with medium length of neck, firm straight back, super ribbing for age, muscular loin and plumed tail correct for set and carriage. Feminine headpiece with the most beautiful expression; first class eye and ear, lovely dark pigmentation and scissor bite. Good angles front and rear and she stands well naturally on correct feet. Moves out freely on the go around with good carriage. Quality coat and a glorious rich colour. Best Puppy, just pipping her brother to the post; nice to see some good youngsters coming through.

JB (2,0)

1. Piearce’s Sukunimi Ali. Both girls in this class were a little unsettled. This 15 mth old was my winner and she very much appealed. I thought her so good for type and she presented a nicely balanced outline with correct length of neck, level back, excellent ribbing, firm loin and tail of good set and carriage. Feminine head with the best of eyes, moderate stop, ears of good size and set and scissor bite. Good angles both ends and stands nice and straight in front on correct feet. Sound all through and I’m sure as she gains confidence she will do very well.

2. Honisett’s Valokki Lillukka. This 14 mth old left her wardrobe at home and although quite different to the winner she has plenty to like. She pleased in outline with correct length of neck to give balance, firm level topline, good underline and tail set on well and of good carriage. Attractive head with feminine expression; lovely eye and ear, good pigmentation and scissor bite. She has pleasing angles both front and rear and moved out well on the go around with good carriage. Nice and firm when going away but front needs to firm up. Looking a little light in bone but in full coat she will look completely different I’m sure.

LB (1,0)

1. Knights & Stokes’ Toveri Evie of Lelaps. 3 yr old who I have seen before. Time and a litter has been very kind to her and she really did look the part today, scoring for type and presenting a lovely balanced outline. Neck of moderate length, strong back with firm topline, excellent ribbing, well-muscled loin and super tail for set and carriage. Most attractive head, full of femininity, expressive dark eyes, ears of good size and set, lovely pigmentation and scissor bite. She stands well naturally and went very well on the go around, was true going away but front action could be better. Quality coat and so rich in colour.

OB (2,0)

1. Rolfe’s Ch Enkelini Kirsikan Kukka. Two nice, but different, girls challenged here. My winner was this 2 yr old who very much appealed, scoring for type and so good in outline with medium length of neck, firm level back, excellent ribbing, good underline, well-muscled loin and plumed tail correct for both set and carriage. Quality head with lovely expression; correct skull, moderate stop, expressive almond-shaped eyes, ears set on well, dark pigmentation and correct dentition. She stands well naturally on good feet and certainly didn’t let herself down when gaiting, moving freely on the down and back and light and springy on the go around. Good quality coat. Very well handled to take the CC & BOB.

2. Piearce’s Ch Sukunimi Tiger Belle. This 3 yr old pushed the winner all the way. She has a tad more length than the winner but she still presented a very nice outline with correct length of neck to balance, firm topline, very nice ribbing, good underline and plumed tail set on well and of good carriage. Feminine headpiece with excellent eye, moderate stop and scissor bite but winner just had the edge in overall expression for me. She also stood well naturally and used herself at all times. When gaiting, she really opened up well on the go around and has a lovely strong rear. Good coat. Very well handled. RCC.

Judge: Tim Ball