• Show Date: 28/07/2024
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Paul Eardley Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 31/07/2024

Leeds City & District Canine Association

Breed: Norwich Terrier

Leeds Ch Show 2024-NORWICH TERRIER

A small but quality entry. Thank you to my stewards Mary and David Robbins who looked after things so well.

It was a hot day and all the dogs coped well in the heat with no heavy breathing so well done to the breeders on that. Credit where it is due.

PD (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 6260 CRAWLEY, Mrs L A Ragus War Paint-what a good puppy to start the day. Super type. Loved his proportions, his balance and his symmetry back and front. 11 months old and really coming in to his own. Super head and expression. He is masculine and a lovely size. Was playing his handler up a little on the move but his quality had to win the day. CC and BOB and delighted to see him place in the puppy group.



LD (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 6262 GRETTON, Ms Sharon & BELL, Mr Ian Elantiz Verde-very typical boy, good proportions, in good coat, nice expression, good rear, a bit proud of his elbows and was a bit unsettled on the grass.

 OD (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 6259 CRAWLEY, Mrs L A Mr Holmes Investigates Ragus-typical boy who is a good size, he powers round the ring and has a lovely temperament. Was a bit wide in front and a bit proud of his tail. Res CC


SBD/B (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 6266 PERLICH, Mrs Laura Ragus Under My Spell-pretty girl, decent jacket coming through, plenty to like about her, was a bit uncooperative on the move and her tail is a bit low set.

PB (4 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 6256 ARMSTRONG, Miss J & LAWRANCE, Miss Pauline Elantiz Autumnal Spice-this one caught my eye when she came in. Developing well at 10 months of age, super temperament and is a real show girl, super outline and proportions and holds herself well on the move. Eye could be a touch darker. Maturity won her the class and her quality won her the Res CC. Should have a bright future.

2nd: 6270 TATE, Mrs K & DRAGON, Miss Oliwia Noragad Fun Run-very pretty baby who shows great promise, really good in profile and not much that you would want to change at this age. Just lost out on maturity but of course time could change that.

3rd: 6267 SMITH, Mrs A Javidel Pillow Talk

JB (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 6255 ARMSTRONG, Miss J & LAWRANCE, Miss Pauline Elantiz I Am Who I Am-a good outline and well presented, decent head, delightful temperament, lacks a bit of rear angulation but is quite promising.

PGB (3 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 6265 MITCHELL, Miss Elaine Javidel Miss Marple At Swalefield-quite a nice girl, compact, head ok, did not cope so well on the grass but put in a steady performance.

2nd: 6266 PERLICH, Mrs Laura Ragus Under My Spell-similar remarks to the above and there was not much to separate them. A little less settled in stance than the winner.

 LB (4 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 6269 TATE, Mrs K & DRAGON, Miss Oliwia Jaeva In The Purple-this girl is a lovely type. Super head, good neck and shoulders and super outline. Feminine but with correct substance and bone. Moved well in all directions. Coat well prepared and she was handled to get the best out of her. Whenever I looked at her she looked the part. Pulled out the stops in the challenge and won a well deserved CC.

2nd: 6257 BATEY, Mrs D Contilly Smoke And Burn-nice type, cobby, tail in the right place, decided to play her handler up which made it a bit easier for the winner.

3rd: 6258 BELL, Ms & Miss Ds & Sa Dorinor Royal Maid-

 OB (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 6268 STEVENSON, Mrs Jill Brickin Mint Edition- typy girl, lovely jacket, beautiful head, lovely when standing but could have been a little more animated on the move.

Class 2507 VB NO ENTRIES

Paul Eardley