• Show Date: 16/10/2024
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Hazel Dewhurst Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 08/12/2024

Gundog Society Of Wales

Breed: Spaniel (Cocker)
Gundog Society of Wales 16th October 2024 Cocker Spaniels Judge: Hazel Dewhurst Many thanks to the Officers and Committee for their kind invitation to judge at this show. To all the exhibitors I thank you for bringing your dogs for me to judge, I throughly enjoyed judging a lovely entry of super quality cockers. A special mention to my very efficient steward for keeping things running smoothly. Minor Puppy Dog (10, no absent) Pretty & Palmer-Irani Joaldy Mister Coffee Crisp masculine headed and well developed 7month old c/t. Good in neck, shoulder with a well developed front for age. Well sprung ribs, short wide loin and good quarters. Strongly boned legs and neat feet which he used to move soundly and happily. Harrison Glenbrows Black Jack promising 7 month black with super head and dark eye. Just not as forward in body development as yet of 1st, he moved so soundly and happily and is a real showman. Fairbairn Carmelfair Cesare Puppy Dog (2, no absent) Roberts & Smith Rayol The Journalist 2 lovely puppies in this class but this 10 month black won today due to his superb well sprung ribs. Masculine in head with a dark eye and appealing expression. Good in neck, shoulders with a well developed front. Compact and well sprung ribbed body into a short strong loin. Wide well developed quarters strongly boned legs and good feet. Moved soundly, happily and with drive. BPD and was pleased to award him BP today over a very nice B/W bitch puppy. Whitehead Ryallcourt Twis Tan Shout this 11 month BWT gives a lovely outline when stacked. He is masculine in head with tight dark eyes. Good in neck and shoulders and short in loin. just not quite the body and rib of 1 today in my opinion but shows so much promise for the future. Muscular well angulated quarters. Moved soundly and is a very happy boy. Junior Dog (5, 1abs) Harrison Glenbrows Blue Sherbet JW everything is in moderation in this quality light blue from his masculine head and tight dark eye giving an appealing expression. Good in front, compact body and well sprung ribs. Short in loin with lovely wide muscular quarters. He was sound and very happy on the move. Beautifully presented and in really hard muscular condition. Pushed hard for top honours today. Pearce-Gudger Pearkim Pietro masculine headed dark blue, compact well bodied and ribbed up body. Lovely well boned legs and good feet. Wide muscular quarters which enabled him to moved soundly with drive. Randall Fengrange Defender Boy Yearling Dog (2, no absent) Darby Sh Ch Classicway Call Time JW top quality light blue that excels in head, eye and expression. Good in neck and front construction. He has a superb compact, well sprung ribbed body leading into a short wide loin. Wide muscular quarters lovely well boned legs and tight feet. He moved soundly, merrily and with drive keeping a level topline. Put down in good coat and hard condition. Was pleased to award him the Res CC today Williams Wilmerella Highlander JW Dark blue that I liked a lot just not the rib and body development of 1 as yet. Lovely in head with an appealing expression. Moderate in neck with good shoulder and well developed in front. Well boned legs and tight feet. Wide muscular quarters which he use to moved soundly. Beautifully presented in good coat. Novice Dog (5, 1absent) Shapland Deracor Duty Paid well bodied dark blue with a masculine head and tight dark eye. Good front and well boned legs, well sprung ribs and wide quarters. Moved soundly with drive. Glendinning Plaiglen Mojito orange that I thought would be my winner but did not have the body of 1 today and was a bit unsettled on the move. Lovely in head and eye with a good neck and shoulder. Short in loin with wide muscular quarters. Moved soundly when he did settle. Put down in lovely coat. Beddows Glowhill Stairway To Heaven Graduate Dog (2, no absent) Shapland Deracor Duty Paid Jones Oktumi Star Chaser taller dog that had a good head and eye, wide well muscular quarters, sound moving though would like him to have a bit more width all through. Was in really hard muscular condition. Post Graduate Dog (5, 0 absent) Whitehead Ryallcourt Step In Time JW b/w of just 18 months this boy impresses for his overall excellent conformation. Good in head and with a good neck and shoulder placement. Compact in body with a short strong loin. Good width to his quarters with well boned legs and good feet. A sound happy mover. This boy will only get better with time in my opinion. Share-Jones Sharemead Golden Spark judged this lovely golden as a minor puppy and liked him then and still do. Is so good in head with a typical melting expression, strong in neck with well placed shoulders, well ribbed body with short loin. Wide quarters, strong bone and good feet. Moved soundly with drive. Put down in lovely coat and condition. Palmer Shansart Sky Dancer Limit Dog (9, 2 absent) Roberts & Smith Rayol Look Hu’s Talkin very impressive mature masculine headed blue. Excellent in neck, shoulders with good width to his front. Compact well ribbed sturdy body leading into a short strong loin. Has really good width to his quarters with well muscled thighs. Strongly boned legs with tight feet he moved soundly and happily. Put down in good coat and well muscled condition. Pushed hard in the challenge for top honours. Hackett & Sheridan Lindridge Star Attraction JW Bel JCH beautifully presented light blue who is good in head but not quite the overall masculinity of 1. Strong in neck with good shoulder placement. Compact and well ribbed in body, wide quarters, moved soundly, happily and with drive around the ring. Saunders Carmelfair Coroncenzo At Oxfordogs Open Dog (6, 1 absent) Hackett Sh Ch Lindridge Front Runner I just loved this O/R who has a superb head with a lovely expression. He’s so well made in front with a short, compact well ribbed body into a strong wide loin. Wide muscular quarters with well boned legs and lovely feet. He moved so soundly, happily with drive keeping a level topline on the move. Put down in good coat and lovely well muscled condition. So pleased to award him the CC today from a lovely line up. Williams Sh Ch Wilmerella Outlander JW judged this boy as a puppy and he has matured on so well. He’s a real merry cocker with a masculine head, good in neck and shoulder placement. Well ribbed body to wide muscular quarters. Strong bone and tight feet. A very sound and happy boy on the move. Was another that was close up to the Res CC today Keely Sh Ch Oakbeach Dare To Dream Big With Alhambian (imp Swe) Veteran Dog (4, 0 absent) Pearce-Gudger Sh Ch Cachel Prince Charming Of Pearkim JW I judged this lovely O/R boy as a youngster awarding him a BIS, so it was nice to judge him again at 9 ½ yrs. He possesses a lovely head and eye giving a soft expression, good neck and shoulder placement. Well ribbed compact body into a short loin. Wide quarters, well boned legs and good feet. He moved soundly and happily, put down in beautiful coat and condition. Pleased to award him BV today, another I considered for the Res CC. Robinson Wilmerella Perfect Storm Dark blue of 7 ½ and another I have judged before. Masculine in heading into a good front, short coupled body with well sprung ribs. Wide well muscled quarters, strong bone and good feet. Moved soundly and happily. Mason Sandlauga Soul Man Special Beginners Dog/Bitch (14, 5 absent) Dean Sandlauga Sherbet Pip With Tisabelli pretty, feminine headed blue bitch, good in front and has a compact well ribbed body and short strong loin. Excellent quarters that are extremely well muscled. A very sound and happy mover, put down in excellent coat and condition. Pleased to see her take Reserve Best Special Beginner In Show well done. Stokes-Harrell Claramand One Vision Between Chezza’s sweet headed orange that was short, compact and well ribbed in body, strong quarters. Good bone and tight feet, moved soundly. Kitchen Annilann Bhama Mama Minor Puppy Bitch (7, 1 absent) Thomas Claramand Black Fancy 9 month feminine well made black with a lovely head and expression. Good in neck and shoulders, well ribbed compact body. Wide well angulated quarters, good bone and feet. Moved soundly and happily in this class once she settled. Stokes-Harrell Chezza’s Nobody But You 9 month golden that had a compact well ribbed body, wide rounded quarters, well boned legs and tight feet. Moved soundly and happily. Just preferred the head of 1. Pretty Joaldy Miss Galaxy Puppy Bitch (9, 2 absent) Nuttall Rosecourt Petitoes really liked this just over 9 months sweet feminine headed B/W. Moderate in neck with well angulated shoulders, compact well ribbed body and short strong loin. Well boned legs and wide muscular quarters, she moved soundly with drive commanding attention due to her out going merry nature. In gleaming b/w coat. BPB Share-Jones Buttered Toast Of Sharemead another lovely puppy, a sweet headed golden with a lovely expression that is good in neck and shoulder, compact body with well sprung ribs. Short in loin with wide rounded quarters, well boned legs just needs to settle on the move. Beautifully presented. Wildman Glantraeth Ovation To Oktumi Junior Bitch (12, 2 absent) Master & Dott Manchela Pollyanna JW pretty headed blue with a correct front and compact body with well sprung ribs. Short strong loin to well angulated quarters with good width to her thighs. Well boned legs and good feet. Moved soundly with drive showing her merry cocker nature, in lovely coat and condition. Nuttall Rosecourt Romance another lovely blue that I liked a lot, just not the maturity of 1. Feminine in head with a lovely expression. Good in neck and front, compact in body, strong quarters, well boned legs, moved soundly and happily. Keely & Ekstrand Oakbeach Crash Boom Bang Into Alhambian (imp Swe) Yearling Bitch (10, 2 absent) Williams Wilmerella Memphis Belle JW dark blue that presents a lovely outline when stacked and on the move. Pretty and feminine in head with a lovely dark eye, good neck and shoulder placement, well sprung ribbed and compact body. Rounded muscular well angulated quarters, well boned legs and tight feet. Moved soundly and happily, put down in lovely coat and hard condition. Was pleased to award her the Res CC. Bowen Glowhill Annika At Lararth another lovely blue that was very close up to 1 today. She possesses a lovely head with an appealing expression, muscular in neck into a well made front. Compact well ribbed body and short strong wide loin. Muscular quarters, good bone and tight feet. Moved happily and with drive. Darby Classicway Chiming Bells Novice Bitch (12, 4 absent) Nicholas Nickarlyn Voodoo Magic pretty B/W of just 12 months. Good in head and eye, well made front, compact well sprung ribs, short in loin. Wide rounded muscular quarters. Good bone and tight feet. Moved soundly, happily with drive. Darby Pearkim Pompadora Dargess sweet headed blue that has a moderate neck and good front. Compact strong well sprung ribbed body, rounded muscular quarters. Moved soundly off good legs and feet. Burnet Granrose Three Times A Lady By Charmwen Graduate Bitch (9, 2 absent) Craig Alisma Astirist compact deep bodied blue with well sprung ribs, feminine in head, well made in front, well boned legs and good feet. Sound, happy, driving movement from wide rounded quarters. Holland Kyna Touch Of Magic To Holchancer sweet headed blue that has a compact well ribbed body, good bone and feet, moved soundly with drive from well angulated quarters Beckwith Sheigra Special Secret With Balaambeck Post Graduate Bitch (4, 1 absent) Craig Alisma Aloonah very typical sweet headed blue, good in neck, shoulder with a good well made front. Compact well ribbed body, short in loin, wide rounded quarters, well boned legs and tight feet. Moved soundly when she settled. Beckwith Sheigra Special Secret With Balaambeck Well ribbed compact black with a sweet head and dark eyes. Rounded wide quarters, moved soundly Wheatley Amaroanne Aphrodite At Melandroy Limit Bitch (13, 0 absent) Morris Riondel Solitaire this dark blue headed a lovely class and was my star of the day, she was everything I was looking for in my entry. Beautiful well proportioned head with the darkest of eyes giving such an appealing expression. Well made in neck, deep in front, with correct angulation to her shoulders, compact in body with well sprung ribs and short in loin. Lovely width to her thighs, super bone and the best of feet. Sound driving movement with that typical merry cocker attitude holding her topline. Beautifully presented in fabulous coat and condition was the icing on the cake. So pleased to award her the CC and ultimately BOB. Fairbairn, Nuttall & Madigan Heluin Blue Jay (imp Rus) really liked this unexaggerated blue and called her back in for to challenge for the Res CC, she has the prettiest of heads, strong in neck, good width to her front. Compact body with well sprung ribs, short wide loin, rounded well muscled quarters with well boned legs. Moved soundly keeping her level topline but couldn’t quite match either of my 2 top winners today Ward Wensum Dancing In The Dark JW Open Bitch (9, 4 absent) West Sheigra Simply A Star JW a sturdy well made black with the sweetest of heads and expression. Well developed in front with well placed shoulders. Compact, strong body with well sprung ribs. Short wide loin, well developed muscular thighs giving well angulated quarters. Moved soundly with drive from well boned legs and correct feet. In lovely coat and condition. Bowen Lararth Midnight Blue blue that was close up to 1. Well proportioned and feminine in head, strong in neck with a well made front. Compact body with well sprung ribs, wide muscular quarters, strong bone, moved soundly with drive Kew Withiflor Bird On The Wire Over Wyleview Veteran Bitch (3, 1 absent) Davies Kerriglow Honesty JW this black is aptly named as she is a very sound and honest cocker. Has the sweetest of heads with a lovely expression, good in neck with well placed shoulders, compact well ribbed body, well angulated rounded quarters, moved soundly, happily with drive. Put in a good performance in the challenge for best veteran and was unfortunate in meeting the lovely orange boy who was in such good form. West Sheigra Stars In Her Eyes JW OSW ShCEx good headed black that was carrying a little extra weight over her neck. Compact well ribbed body, lovely width to her thighs giving good angulation to quarters. Sound and happy on the move.