• Show Date: 20/07/2024
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: graham hill Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 24/07/2024

Hound Association

Breed: Basset Fauve De Bretagne


Show Results - Hound Group



Judge: Graham Hill

BEST OF BREED : 135 ROBERTSON, Mrs S & ROBERTSON, Miss E & ROBERTSON, Ch Dyfrgi's Explosion W With Soletrader (Swed Imp)

Dog CC : 135 ROBERTSON, Mrs S & ROBERTSON, Miss E & ROBERTSON, Ch Dyfrgi's Explosion W With Soletrader (Swed Imp)

Res Dog CC : 124 FREUDENREICH, Miss C Rangali Shimmy Jimmy

Bitch CC : 141 THORNTON, Mrs Elizabeth & LEECH, Dr Antonia Ch Mochras Mahgaux JW

Res Bitch CC : 139 STEVENSON-BRAMLEY, Messrs M And J Revenite Mrs Bridges

Best Puppy : 120 ELLRICH, Mrs Debbie & ELLRICH, Miss Rebecca Malrich Firecracker

Best Veteran : 132 PERRY, Mrs Jo Ch Blevwil Nick Nack Sh.CM

Best Special Beginner : 125 HAYES, Miss Jessica & HOOK, Miss Amanda Rangali Yum Nut

Class 35 PD (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 120 ELLRICH & ELLRICH’s  Malrich Firecracker a well grown 8 month old having pleasing bone and body and satisfying overall development. A very promising youngster who has a pleasing head both in shape and proportions, True front, desirable fore-chest and well-made body possessing notable breed quality. Balanced in front and rear angulations with moderate angulated hindquarters of good width. Stands a little bottom high at the moment. Tight coat of correct texture. Moved confidently in typical puppy style and when settled was lively, true and positive. Best Puppy in Breed.

Class 36 JD (3 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 129 JONES & JONES’ Blevwil Helter Skelter a well grown 15 month old who has an attractive overall side profile. Very pleasing head both in shape and expression which I preferred to 2nd and he possesses plenty of breed characteristics to note. He has promising conformation being well boned in frame and having a firm well developed body. He is of good size and proportions with so much scope to improve. Could have more bend of stifle. Moved out well with an active free and easy action.

2nd: 126 HAYES & HOOK’s Rangali Dennis The Menace a 12 month old well developed young male who is breed typical in appearance but needing to firm up all through and be more alert in expression. Masculine head, tended to stand and move overly wide in front. Overall, he is well boned with adequate substance of body which is of moderate length. Typical harsh coat. Unsettled in rear action and wide front action.

Class 37 YD (2 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 125 HAYES & HOOK’s Rangali Yum Nut a well-proportioned 21 month old young male who is workmanlike in appearance. Attractive head of medium length with typical features and a friendly expression. He is pleasing in bone and body and is well made in front which I preferred to 2nd with good fill-in across the chest. Would prefer more definite stifle angles in hindquarters which would present a better side profile. More settled on the move than 2nd.

2nd: 140 STEVENSON-BRAMLEY’s Revenite Mr Hudson a well-made male of pleasing size and overall appearance with a harsh dense coat. Masculine, breed typical head, tended to be close in front and I would prefer to have shorter nails. Stands well over the ground. Unsettled movement especially in rear action.

Class 38 SBD (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 125 HAYES & HOOK’s Rangali Yum Nut as previous comments

Class 40 LD (2 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 118 CARTER’s Gouvier Espresso Martini JW a breed typical rising 3 year old male who is moderate in construction all through with nothing in exaggeration. He has quality all through with all the basics in conformation and is a good example of the breed. I liked his head, expression and when standing correctly, he presents a very pleasing profile picture. He is sturdy in body with plenty enough width across the loin. Pleasing coat and coast texture. Moved well especially in rear action.

Class 41 OD (4 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 135 ROBERTSON & ROBERTSON & ROBERTSON’s Ch Dyfrgi's Explosion W With Soletrader (Swed Imp) a 2 year old super quality ‘houndy’ male who has an attractive head and expression with dark oval shaped eyes, correctly set ears and characteristic furnishings. He has an impressive side profile presenting an eye-catching picture with all his parts fitting together so perfectly. He is of ideal size, balance and proportions length/height. He has depth, spring of rib and is tight in elbows. Harsh, flat coat on a firm body with pleasing muscle definition.  Moved with a true, striding action. My Dog CC and Best of Breed Winner.                                                                                                                               2nd: 124 FREUDENREICH’s Rangali Shimmy Jimmy an impressive, breed typical 2 year old who is pleasing in outline and side profile. Workmanlike in appearance and is of excellent size, height to length proportions with an attractive head and a lively, alert expression. He is balanced in angulations front and rear and has moderate length of body with pleasing firm body substance and a dense, harsh coat which enhanced his breed typical appearance. He moved well with a free, striding action and notable side gait. My Reserve Dog CC winner.

3rd: 116 BLEVINS & BLEVINS’ Blevwil Now Or Never Again

Res: 142 WEDERELL  & WEDERELL’s Rangali Jedi Master He Is

Class 42 VD (2 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 132 PERRY’s Ch Blevwil Nick Nack Sh.CM a quality 8 year old male who is in creditable condition and has the look of one much younger. Pleasing in coat with typical coat texture. Attractive, masculine head, true front with good width and fore-chest. Satisfying in standing profile, conformation and shape of body which I preferred to 2nd. Striking in body length, ribbing, spring, depth, hindquarters and top line; moderate angles front and rear. Moved with a free, true action but needing to stride out more.

2nd: 130 LEECH & LEECH’s Ch & Ir Ch Gavelkind Conquistador By Jamchala VW a 9-year-old mature male of heavier build than 1st. Overall of pleasing appearance but tended to lose shape and top-line. He is satisfying in size, overall length and proportions. Carrying more substance of body than I would prefer. Free moving although tended to be high stepping in rear action.

Class 43 PB (2 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 121 ELLRICH & ELLRICH’s Malrich Atomic a very promising 8-month-old who obviously has feminine qualities. She has an attractive profile with pleasing overall balance which I preferred to 2nd. Attractive head and lovely expression, dark well-shaped eyes, body proportions length/height, balanced in front and hindquarters angles. Firm in body and in top line and tighter in front than 2nd. Moved well with very good hind action when settled.       2nd: 134 REVENS & HYDE’s Beabass Usha a 10-month-old who has desirable bone and body but needs to tighten and firm up in body. Slightly heavier in build than 1st. Pleasing in overall construction and shape, typy head and expression, head set on neck of good length. Needs to mature, settle and gain confidence to give of her best. Free moving but not settled in front action.

Class 44 JB (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 115 ALLENBY & ALLENBY’s Rangali Pixie a smart looking 12-month-old who has an attractive overall side profile. Very feminine but breed typical in head both in shape and expression and she possesses plenty of notable breed characteristics. She was a bit sensitive today but did enough to show off her merits in conformation having a well boned frame and a firm well developed body. She is of good size and proportions and still young with so much scope only to improve. Moved enthusiastically with a free and easy action and pleasing side gait.

Class 45 YB (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 139 STEVENSON-BRAMLEY’s Revenite Mrs Bridges a 19-month-old impressive bitch of good overall conformation and shape. Attractive head of breed typical appearance and having desirable breed characteristic head furnishings. Well made, true front and good width across the chest. Moderate in body length and is firm in cover. Notable coat and coat texture. Standing she presents a very satisfying well balanced, ideal proportioned picture. Moved with a free and easy gait and positive extension which edged her the Reserve Bitch CC.

Class 48 LB (4 Entries) Abs: 3

1st: 131 LEECH & LEECH’s Mochras Mahmalade By Jamchala JWa 2-year-old pleasing quality bitch who is well bodied and tends to look a bit long on the leg. She is pleasing in head both in shape, proportions and expression. She is well boned and is sturdy in body but is of good size and overall proportions Moved out well but needs to settle in front action and was close hocked behind. She has an active free and easy side gait

Class 49 OB (2 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 141 THORNTON & LEECH’s Ch Mochras Mahgaux JW an Impressive 2-year-old bitch who is eye-catching in appearance and has a balanced, well-proportioned overall profile She is of pleasing size and is soundly constructed. Attractive in head which is of proportional length and width with moderate stop and dome of skull. Strong, good length neck all in proportion to the rest of her. Soundly made in front with pleasing forechest and is well ribbed back and with good spring. Firm, well-constructed body; She is a harsh coated workmanlike hound. Active free moving, true action front and rear with notable side gait. My bitch CC Winner.