• Show Date: 15/01/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Wendy Pickup Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Nuneaton & District Canine Society

Nuneaton & DCA - 15th January 2023


PUPPY (2, 2 abs)

GRADUATE (1, 0 abs)

1st Corless’ Swiftlark Illustrious JW, BOB, G2.

Preferred her balance over her half brother’s in the next class. Well presented good quality coat, well muscled all through. Kind expression from well shaped eye, slightly oval skull, muzzle of equal length, clean and muscular neck, deep chest, well sprung ribs. Straight front, small feet. Straight movement coming and going and good reach in front, well handled.

OPEN (2, 1 abs)

1st Corless’ Swiftlark Spellbinder.

This male has pleasing oval shaped skull balanced with deep muzzle, strong neck with slight arch and of good length, deep chest, straight front, ribs well back. Excellent turn of stifle, and good long sweep through stifle to hock, small tight feet, well presented quality coat, movement not as accurate today as winner of previous class.


PUPPY (4, 2 abs)

1st Bowen’s Clandrift Bring Me Sunshine, BP.

Very promising youngster. Won here on good quality bone, elegance with substance and a pleasing straight front. Kind eye, intelligent expression, friendly disposition, waggy tail. Pleasing forequarters, well ribbed back, short loin, correct bend of stifle, well let down hocks, good coat. Stood true all round, would prefer more padding to soles of feet. Active movement showing balance, at his first show today and plenty of time for him to settle into his job. Sympathetically handled.

2nd Campbell & Brown’s Ronevorg Firefly Fantasy.

Balanced appearance in profile, good length of neck well set into shoulders and flowing along top line, ribs well back, short strong loin. Well arched toes, neat round feet. Loved his head, more development to come but long and well moulded, confident and kindly expression, wagged the whole time. More together on the move today than 1st, but movement not quite as balanced as 1st.

GRADUATE (8, 3abs)

1st Collins’s Telurn Falling In Love with Steeplehouse, BOB.

Won here on her lovely balance, angles equal at both ends presenting an appealing picture. Attractive well moulded head, intelligent expression, strong muzzle. Good lay of shoulder, strong legs, quality bone. Well ribbed back, gradual spring of rib cage, strong loin. Muscular hind quarters, stifle with moderate bend, hocks well let down, strong tight feet. Moved well and very well handled – thank you for explaining why she couldn’t be present in the Group.

2nd Stevenson’s Feldkirk Rose n Roses.

Feminine bitch with dark eye and appealing expression, small ears hanging close to head and well set on to allow for broadish skull. Deep chest and pleasing shoulders, rib cage of good length and gradual spring. Ever wagging tail showed kindly and confident temperament. At 17 months of age still has time to drop more into her stifles. Preferred the substance of bone of 1st.

3rd Warrington’s Woodavens Water Valet.

OPEN (5, 1abs)

1st Wilson’s Hameldowntor Music Of The Night (imp).

Balanced outline, appealing head with skull and muzzle of equal length. Moderate length of neck which was clean and muscular and without throatiness, well set into shoulders and flowing to top line, ideal shape of rib cage allowing free movement of forelegs, good quality bone, toes close together and well arched. Muscular hindquarters with hocks well let down, well handled and very good coat which was clean and well presented, wagged all the way. Please watch when she is standing because sometimes she can appear to be out at stifle. Would like to see her again on a different floor surface.

2nd Stevenson’s Caci’s Born To Be Miss Universe (imp Swe).

Typical head with slight stop and flattish skull, intelligent expression from kind eye. Deep chest with good width, straight front. Ideal rib cage, gradual spring and with good length to cage, tail set on rather lower, but short and straight. Free flowing movement, very well handled. Would prefer more padding to soles of her feet, coat not as well presented as 1st.

3rd Bellamy’s Bochilbarley Blue Moon (AI).


PUPPY (12, 5 abs)

1st Bailiss’ Tissalian Crepe Suzette, BP and PG4.

Promising yellow bitch took my eye as soon as she entered the ring. Of strong appearance, good bone and substance, active, attentive, biddable and paid attention to her sympathetic handler. Head developing nicely, defined stop, dark eye showing kind expression, ears close to head, dark pigment. Clean neck set well into firm top line, shoulder blade of good length and well laid back, good spring of rib, strength to hindquarters, well padded round feet, quality dense coat, moved well.

2nd Young’s Potterzuri Aramis.

Black male, loved his typical masculine head, broad skull, well defined stop, intelligent expression. Powerful neck, depth and width to chest, straight front, round tight feet, long ribcage with correct barrel shape, short wide loin. Angulation pleasing and equal at each end, typical otter tail, very well schooled and well handled.

3rd Smith’s Flyenpyg Amy Swinehouse.

GRADUATE (4, 2 abs)

1st Young’s Optimist Vision.

Yellow male of correct size, impressive bone and lovely tight feet. Balanced outline, attentive to handler, well schooled and expertly handled. Broad skull, powerful muzzle although would prefer a tad more to length of muzzle to complete the picture. Dark eye showing kind expression, ears well set on and hanging close to head, clean neck well set into shoulders to firm top line and well shaped correct otter tail. Nice width of chest, barrel shape to ribcage, ribbed well back and good depth to cage, short strong loin. Very good coat.

2nd Bailiss’ Tissalian Just In Time.

Impressive outline, make and shape, presented a balanced picture and when I first saw him I thought he would be my winner, but his movement was difficult to assess today. Pleasing head with good balance, neat ears well set on, straight front, movement away and back was accurate and true, tight feet with well developed pads. Good spring of rib, short, strong loin. Yellow jacket not in the best of condition today, busy temperament.

OPEN (9, 3 abs)

1st Smith’s Flyenpyg Porky Pig, BOB, G3.

Yellow male in very hard condition, this was unusual in the entry today. Well muscled throughout, and this showed in his true and active movement. Attractive head with kindly expression, very attentive to handler. Strong bone, straight legs all round, firm, compact feet with well arched toes. Chest with good width and depth, firm top line, well sprung rib cage, strong loin to ever wagging tail. Very well trained and expertly handled, together they make a great team. Well done.

2nd Young’s Potterspiney Killian.

A kind and gentle black male with attentive expression under slightly heavier brow, powerful muzzle. Straight front and back, quality bone, firm top line and correct tail set, pleasing barrel shaped ribcage, strong loin. Ideal angulation which was balanced at each end, handy sized dog who moved very well, was expertly handled and knew his job. Short dense coat and constant wagging tail.

3rd Longhurst’s Hurstmeon Bit Of A Pickle.


PUPPY (14, 5 abs)

1st Brown & Filby’s Desjiem Billy Don’t Be A Hero, Weimaraner. BP and PG2.

Impressive youngster, he had balanced outline with straight legs, strong bone, neat compact feet and ideal bend of stifle for the breed. Classic head with moderate stop, balanced planes, muzzle powerful and deep, intelligent expression. Clean neck into level top line, and slight slope of croup to tail. Deep through brisket, good long rib cage, firm loin. Effortless movement and well trained, eager to please, beautifully handled by gentle handler.

2nd Goode’s Braccorion’s Xpressive at Brackenvale (naf), Bracco Italiano.

Held herself well all the time she was in the ring, impressive make and shape, almost square in appearance. Attractive head, skull and muzzle of equal length in profile, slight arch to muzzle, eyes of dark ochre colour, soft expression. Straight front legs and effortless movement coming and going, stylish in profile, well muscled and powerful. Very well handled.

3rd Green, Martin, Martin & Ryan’s Goviz Spring Rains by Viszaset (AI), Hungarian Vizsla.

GRADUATE (11, 8 abs)

1st Bradbury & Preston’s Harasteorra Big Bear, Sussex Spaniel.

A strong and solid dog, masculine and with plenty of substance, fit and active, true movement typical for the breed with distinctive roll. Pleasing head, wide skull with slight dome from ear to ear, distinctive brows, soft expression from kind eye, deep muzzle. Well boned straight legs front and back, sloping shoulders, deep body, well developed firm loin, muscular hindquarters, well padded feet. Expertly handled. I heard later that this win gave him the final point for his JW – well done!

2nd Goode’s B Xpressive at B (naf).

Please see critique for 2nd in AVNSC Gundog Puppy.

3rd Adshead’s Afonbach Syrax, NSDT Retriever.

OPEN (15, 9 abs)

Strong class, liked all of the first 3.

1st Ward’s Danton Obsession with Tantaraviz, Hungarian Vizsla, Best AVNSC, G1, RBIS – very well done!

Beautiful bitch who’s movement was a joy to watch. She felt so very good to go over, clean coat, firm muscling, she fits together very well, everything flowing together, medium bone. Balanced outline easy on the eye, level top line, short back, deep body, well sprung ribs, equal angulation fore and aft, correct low tail set and tail carried level when moving. Feminine head, moderately wide skull, intelligent expression from medium sized eyes. Prominent breastbone and firm chest with good width and depth, straight legs front and back. Well schooled, sympathetically handled to get the best out of this lovely bitch.

2nd Adshead’s Afonbach Winter Is Coming, NSDT Retriever.

Good thick coat on this 5 year old male, although his coat was just starting to come out. Medium sized, well muscled and powerful, this showed on the move, accurate footfall, good reach in front and good drive behind, straight legs fore and aft, well handled, and knew his job well. Pleasing shoulder placement and complimentary hind angulation, deep chest and well sprung ribs, neat tight feet, a well feathered tail which he used to advantage, attentive to his handler.

3rd Martin’s Laoirebay Steel Blue Ocean at Shannonstyle JW, Irish Red & White Setter.


PUPPY (5, 2 abs)

1st Westaway & Edmondson’s Teisgol Nimue (taf), Portuguese Pointer. BP and Best AV Imported Breed Register Gundog.

Medium sized bitch of pleasing square appearance, good length of neck and balanced body properties, short back and well sprung ribs, angulation equal at both ends. Nicely shaped head with well defined stop, and kind, expressive eye, strong muzzle. Straight legs all round, quality bone, easy free flowing stride, carrying just the right amount of weight, well schooled and expertly handled.

2nd Stilgoe, Stilgoe, Fox & Fox’s Teisgol King Arthur, Portuguese Pointer.

Similar remarks apply to this quality male, although he was not quite as settled on the move today. He is only a young dog and has plenty of time to learn his job. Masculine appearance, wider chest, well muscled all through, handled sympathetically.

3rd Stilgoe & Fox’s Teisgol Morgana, Portuguese Pointer.

OPEN (4, 3 abs)

1st Fox’s Teisgol Calisto of Dappleline, Portuguese Pointer.

2 year old bitch of balanced appearance, good reach of neck blends well to top line, croup slopes slightly down to tail set, angulation equal at both ends, forelegs correctly placed well under body, strength to hindquarters, well let down hocks, strong feet, well arched toes. Stylish movement, easy stride, expertly handled. Would prefer a slightly darker eye to complete the picture.


1st Corless’ Swiftlark First Knight, Irish Setter.

Loved his balance from every angle, classic head, long and lean with parallel lines in profile, intelligent and genuine expression from kind eye. Strong neck flowed into slightly sloping top line. Pleasing angulation and plenty of muscle which enabled him to move well, straight front and back, good sweep through stifle, neat feet. Good coat which was well presented, expertly handled.

2nd Loverock & Waldron-Smith’s Lovissa Space Dust ShCM, Golden Retriever.

Balanced outline, symmetrical appearance, good length of neck in proportion to body, level top line and tail set. Nicely angulated front and rear, impressive body properties, well let down hocks, straight legs, tight cat like feet. Well presented mid golden coat and dark pigment, carried himself well on the move, expertly aided by sympathetic handler, beautifully schooled, a happy dog who wagged all the time he was in the ring.

3rd Adshead’s Sh Ch Danehaven Vermilion for Avonbach ShCM, NSDT Retriever.


1 - Ward’s Danton Obsession with Tantaraviz, Hungarian Vizsla. RBIS – well done!

Please see critique for 1st AVNSC Gundog Open. I found nothing to beat this wonderful bitch today, what a cracker, I would love to take her home.

2 – Corless’ Swiftlark Illustrious JW, Irish Setter.

Please see critique for 1st Graduate in Irish Setters. Will watch her career with interest, was unlucky to meet the fabulous Vizsla today.

3 - Smith’s Flyenpyg Porky Pig, Labrador.

Please see critique for 1st Open in Labradors. Such a good moving dog, fit and strong, well muscled, well handled, deserved his Group place today, was just pipped at the post by the two excellent dogs who were placed 1st and 2nd.

4 – Westaways Teisgol Keep On Going via Penwest JW, Pointer.

Orange and white male, looked a stunner when standing, even better on the move. I appreciated his head, well balanced, aristocratic, defined features, kindly expression. Well laid shoulders, ideal ribcage, nice turn of stifle, oval bone, standing on well-knit feet with arched toes.


1 – Loverock, Waldron-Smith & Zubair’s Thornywait Starstruck with Lovissa JW.

Quality youngster showing balance and natural poise, strong bone, well presented mid golden double coat, happy disposition shown by wagging tail, already knows her job well, was willing and eager to please her expert handler. Most lovely head with dark eye, dark pigment and friendly expression, clean neck flowed to level top line and tail set, deep ribcage with good spring and reaching well back, firm loin. Straight front and back, good bone, round tight feet. Looked a picture on the move.

2 - Brown & Filby’s Desjiem Billy Don’t Be A Hero, Weimaraner.

Please see critique for 1st AVNSC Gundog Puppy. Very promising and held his own in the Group ring.

3 – Jennings Afterglow Bambalam with Alibama, American Cocker.

Stunning make and shape, classic outline, very promising. Most lovely head, kind eye, straight front and complimentary back end, well handled and moved round the ring as though he owned it.

4 - Bailiss’ Tissalian Crepe Suzette, Labrador.

Please see critique for 1st Labrador Puppy. I really fell for her, and she was still showing her socks off at the end of the day.

Wendy Pickup (judge).