• Show Date: 04/06/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Victoria Norbury Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 24/08/2023

Riddings & District Canine Society


Firstly, I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to judge, I had a lovely day, and the show ran smoothly, and everybody was friendly and accommodating. I would also like to thank the competitors for giving me the opportunity to go over a variety of super dogs, all shown in great condition.

Junior (3. 1a)

1st Boulton’s Codnorhawk Starlight

Liver and white bitch, 8 months old puppy oozing type. Although she was raw, and gave her handler a run for her money, I loved this bitch and she caught my eye as she entered the ring. With one so young with plenty more to give, her kind eye and her head gave an aristocratic appearance. A long, arched neck leading to clean shoulders, she held her topline on the move. Correct, level and lashing tail. Plenty of reach and drive which will only get stronger with age. Happy to award her Best Puppy

2nd Webb’s Tenshilling Jimmy Mack

Orange and White 15 month old dog. Strong muscular dog for his age, a handsome boy with a pleasing expression. Lovely reach of neck and well placed shoulders, and deep brisket. Four legs straight with good oval bone. Clean outline with a lovely lashing tail. I would have liked to see him move a little quicker around the ring to reach his fuller potential with the drive to his stride, but super reach in the foreleg.

Post Graduate (4. 1a)

1st Ram’s Jilony Brown Velvet

Liver and white dog. A nicely maturing 2 year old who makes a super, graceful and curvaceous shape on the stack with a beautiful tail set. Plenty of work in his head, without being overdone. On the move he had ample reach and drive, just seemed a little off his game today, which was a shame, but I was more than happy to award him Reserve Best of Breed.

2nd Hawkes’ Codnorhawk Brucie Bonus via Tzaziki

Strong liver and white male, son of best of breed. Gave his handler a hard time on the day. Plenty of time to mature further. Giving plenty of reach and drive on the move with a perfectly lashing tail. Shoulders well laid back with chest wide enough for plenty of heart room, leading to straight and firm forelegs and nice oval feet.

Open (4. 0)

1st Smith’s Sniperay Lord Lambourne via Tzaziki

A mature, muscular liver and white dog with the best of fronts. Brisket is well let down with good spring of rib. He fills your eye on the stack with his strong topline and well set tail. Superbly developed hind quarters and hocks well let down allowing him to move with power around the ring. Well deserving of Best of Breed today.

2nd Robson’s Codnorhawk Dinky Stta

Black and white bitch, slighter in build than first, she was a sweet, feminine type who worked well with her handler. She covered the ground effortlessly, whilst holding her topline. Nicely constructed with good oval bone and spring of rib. Still has time to mature. Kind dark eye with well set thin leathered ears. Nice sloping pasterns with good feet.

Victoria Norbury
