• Show Date: 25/06/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Tony Allcock Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Southern Dachshund Association

Southern Dachshund Association Club Show Sunday 25 June 2023

I was honored to be invited to judge at this friendly and welcoming show, held outdoors, on short level grass surrounded by ample tree cover for both exhibitors and dogs. There was a real garden party atmosphere and it was all organised in military fashion. What was so pleasing was the sporting behavior demonstrated by all, irrespective of receiving honours or not. There were a few new exhibitors competing who I know they enjoyed their day as much as we all did. Congratulations to the Officers and Club for a wonderful event.

Dachshund (Smooth-Haired)

Minor Puppy 2,1

1. Chapman-Reith’s Hayvenhund Hissy Fit, Bitch. 8 months old and most promising. Dark attractive eyes. Strong lengthy neck leading to well-placed shoulders, body was ribbed well back to short strong loins. Lovely disposition. Moved superbly. Best Puppy & Reserve Best Puppy In show.

2. Cranford’s Lejini Grand Admiral, 8 months, Dog. Long neck leading into good shoulders and neat forehand assembly with ample depth of chest and good length to ribs, strong loins. Moved OK for age (as she proceeded through other classes this greatly improved). Just preferred head of 1.

Puppy 2

1. Chapman-Reith’s Hayvenhund Hunky Dory, Dog 8 months. Well balanced head giving typical expression. OK for neck length. Body with good length of ribbing. Correctly set tail. Secure topline. Super coat and condition. Steady mover.

2. Cranford’s Lejini Grand Admiral, Dog

Junior 3,1

1. Gentle & Young’s Craimose Freesia, Bitch. 14 months, not the largest but beautifully proportioned. Classic head with a sweet expression. Well filled front. Well ribbed. Held a secure topline. Excellent rear angulations. Moved out well keeping a good outline. Just needs to gain confidence.

2. Graham’s Marval Chancellor At Ravold, Dog. 11 months. Upstanding and muscular. OK for length of neck, well placed shoulders, upper arm close to ribs, level back, excellent length to ribbing, full rump, strong well-made feet. Preferred hind movement of 1 but a close call.

Post Graduate 3,1

1. Stark’s Adberbs Not on your Nellie Gobannium JW. Two years old and of pleasing outline and proportions. Attractive head/eye. Nicely angulated throughout. Well filled thorax, chunky bone, well ribbed back. Well-muscled. Moved soundly and scored in hind movement.

2. Valentine’s Amlida Tamora To Tiffwazz. 4 year old B/T. Expressive head, good reach of neck. Well filled front with depth of chest and ribbing. Secure backline. Not the movement of 1.

Open 5,2

1. Stark’s Adberbs Won Vision of Gobannium JW OSM. Looks balanced in profile. Correctly shaped eyes, strong jaws and correct dentition. Balanced length to neck over well-constructed forequarters. On the move she is free, easy and accurate both fore and aft, which really excelled in the challenge. Presented in lovely condition. BOB

2. Chapman-Reith’s Wanderhund Lets Celebrate For Hayvenhund JW Bitch. Mature at 5 years. Larger bitch, lovely head with plenty of strength and depth of jaw, ears set well. Appealing eyes. Good keel. Strong rounded rump. Beautifully conditioned. Moved well although I suspect was feeling the heat. RBOB

3. Cranford’s Lejini Grand Admiral

Dachshund (Miniature Smooth-Haired)

Minor Puppy 1

1. Strange’s Bronia’s Armand At Cazdachs, Dog 7 months old baby of super breed type. Masculine yet has a certain refinement, glorious conical headpiece, good front assembly, snug fitting elbows, firm in topline, smooth in underline. Moved superbly. A most promising puppy. PBIB

Junior 5,2

1. Forge’s Normpug Apricot Beauty. 13 month old bitch. Attractive headpiece containing appealing eyes. Excels in forehand and particularly well angulated all through. Of balanced bone, well sprung ribs carried well back and firm strong loin. Moved well.

2. Rudkin’s Crossop If I Could Dream for Dynastydax. 15 months old and another with a lot to like particularly that glorious headpiece. OK length of neck, above well-laid shoulders. Nicely bodied. Good angulation fore and aft. Well held topline. Close call.

3. Oakley’s Ardenrun Must Dash

Post Graduate 5,3

1. Fairchild’s Ardenrun Falling Leaves. 20 months. A feminine but strong bitch. She has an appealing headpiece. Super neck that fits cleanly into her well laid shoulders. Well bodied; ribbed back and stands four square. She moves accurately keeping her firm topline and has good drive and extension. Coat OK.

2. Forge’s Normpug Tiger Eyes. 4 year old B/T. Kind eye. Would prefer more neck. Good depth of keel and well ribbed. Secure backline, well set tail. Moved really well.

Limit 6,2

1. Rudkin’s Dynastydax Tarquin Dog, 3 years. Loved his colour. A real showman. Lovely houndlike head giving typical expression. Reachy neck. Good depth of keel and length of ribs. Secure topline and great hindquarters. He is a proud confident mover.

2. Fairchild’s Ardenrun Black Velvet 2 years. Another nice one being typey and and of quality. Feminine head giving typical expression. Would just prefer a touch more ground clearance. Secure topline. Accurate, (albeit a rather reluctant) mover.

3. Forge’s Normpug Prairie Moon

Open 9,3

1. Gentle’s Dimogen Stargazer Black and Tan, 3 years. A smart masculine dog which cannot fail to attract. Proportioned head. Strong, lengthy neck above well laid shoulders. Super depth to chest and well ribbed leading into strong loin. Nicely angulated throughout and unexaggerated. His front is clean with super reach and his rear angulations are superb. His rear movement therefore, is exemplary and I asked him to move twice in order to enjoy it again! Having previously judged this dog a year previous, today he was a completely different entity. Delighted to award him BOB in good company. His owner very sportingly withdrew from competing for BIS due to the close friendship with the judge.

2. Rudkin’s Dynastydax Alfeda JW. 2 years. Black and Tan. Another outstanding exhibit with a glorious feminine headpiece. Everything in the right places and nothing overdone. Clean front, correct shoulders and tight elbows. Well-muscled hindquarters aided true purposeful movement. Easily RBOB

3. O’Connell’s Hollybirch Glowing Gold for Llennocor