• Show Date: 30/04/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Toni Jackson Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Portuguese Water Dog Club Of Great Britain

Was delighted to judge the Special Award Classes at the PWDG of GB and grateful to the exhibitors for their entries. The owners (and dogs) were very welcoming, and it was a breath of fresh air how everyone was happy for me to learn more about the breed, and I had the opportunity for a lovely informal mentoring session. I was also able to go over several other dogs who had not been entered in the SAC. Certainly, a breed who take care to help educate judges and understand the value of giving access to a range of dogs in both terms of quality and age. I also took the opportunity to watch the main show judged by Anthony Bongiovanni, and was pleased to see my winners feature well under him.

SAC J(4,1) 1. Kirk’s Bellville Crazy in Love, well matured pup, promising head, has strong skull and well rounded muzzle with good stop, dark round eye and ears set on high. Well developed in chest for one so young. Good angulation, and well muscled. Tail strong at root and carried well. Was most settled on the move. 2. Thompson-Morgan & Morgan’s Belleville Salva Vida, baby pup showing excellent angulation, and well developed over rump. Head has good length to skull and defined furrow, correct eye, and ear. Chest width good, ribs still to spring as expect at this age. Moved soundly. 3. Smith’s Oldeely Hope and Glory, less mature at present, has good short neck and firm back. Head has good length with dark eye and well set ear. Chest needs to broaden which affects front movement. SAC PG (1) 1. Graham’s Ricci José well angulated with short strong neck, but felt he was carrying a little too much weight with affected movement. Head is masculine and has well defined stop and furrow. Excess hair on muzzle tends to make his head look dished. SAC O (6,2) 1. Thompson-Morgan & Morgan’s Ch Belleville Anjo De Noite, I don’t generally ask age when judging except in SAC classes, and you could have knocked me down with a feather to find this bitch is 11 ½ years old. What a credit to owner/breeder for such great condition. She is well boned for bitch and still very well muscled for a dog of her age. Has the best angulation of the day. Head is strong and with strong muzzle and correct stop and furrow, good brown eye colour for brown. Well developed chest and good length to rib cage. 2. Samuelson’s Aquafortis Semper Fidelis at Nazare, a lot to like about this younger brown bitch, well angulated, strong neck and firm topline, to good tail. Well boned legs to round feet. Good head and very well rounded muzzle and correct eye. Ears set high. Moved soundly but felt winner just had more power behind. 3. Smiths, Ch/Ir Ch Gemson Alfamar of Oldeely, all male and larger in size, firm back, more moderate in angles, muscular neck. Masculine head, good strength to skull which is longer than muzzle, which is well developed. Stands on well boned legs. Think would have appreciated bigger ring to show gait better.

Judge Toni Jackson (Elbereth)