- Show Date: 23/04/2023
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Toni Jackson Contact Judge
- Published Date: 28/07/2023
Pontypool & District Canine Society
Special thank you to Debra Roberts and her committee for a lovely show, well run, and with great hospitality, the gifts were much appreciated and wholly unexpected, as they say, “We’ll keep a welcome in the hillside”. Thank you to the exhibitors in the pastoral group who accepted me as a substitute judge.
Welsh Corgi (Pembroke)
GD/B (2,0) 1. Hutchings’ Marvelguard Flower Fairy for Tycon, mature for age, good body proportions, and well angulated and with firm back. Head of correct proportions, ears carried little close together. Moved well. 2. Bale’s Limbonsnest Apollo for Balletcor, rather unsettled on table so did not give her best, pleasing in outline, well boned and good angles. Attractive head with good width to skull, eye a little loose. Not happy to move on floor, should do well once gains more confidence, BP & PG4. OD/B (2,0) 1. Jones’ Ceranda Surf’s Up - 8years old , very masculine, strongly built. Good length to back, good chest. Well angulated. Alert to handler with correct expression well placed ear, broad skull. Moved well, BOB/BV 2. Bale’s Goldgrove Seren Y Wawr into Balletcor Ir Jun Ch B, feminine in expression, with well placed eye and ear. Prefer little more strength to muzzle. Tended to stand with hind legs well under body affecting outline, needs to mature in chest. Moved ok in profile but not as positive as winner in front.
Welsh Corgi (Cardigan)
GD/B (1,0) 1. Langford’s Caprian Adrianna JW, promising bitch, feminine but strongly made, with well boned legs and in good coat. Level firm topline. Attractive fox-like head, well places typical ear, and dark eye. As expected, skull to broaden a little more as matures, but is promising. Moved well but would prefer little more bend of stifle. OD/B (2,0) 1. Williams & James’ Ch Bwthyn Headliner JW ShCM ShCeX VW, strong boned dg of good length to height, firm topline to tail carried low. Very good angulation front & rear, dep chest with defined sternum. Masculine in head, broad flat skull, ears little lazy, but when used they are correctly placed in respect of eye and nose. Moved well, BOB/BV. 2. Langford’s Keerside Palmaddy Burn of Caprian, good length to body, with deep chest and firm topline to well set tail. Head to mature but has good proportions with dark eye and well set ears. Needs to strengthen behind.
Old English Sheepdog
OD/B (1,0) 1. Jones’ Leader Dei Nobilpazzi, stands well, square in outline, would prefer shade more neck, strong masculine head, square skull, large well pigmented nose leather, large eye and neat ear. Stands on well boned legs to tight neat feet. Moved well in all directions. BOB.
AVNSC Pastoral
PD/B (2,1) 1. Lusty’s Blamorder If Only, ASD, attractive pup, perhaps a shade long in back, but still has growing to do. In excellent coat and well presented. Correct bone and angles. Skull and muzzle balanced, defined stop, dark oval eye contribute to alert expression. Moved very well, BP. OD/B (5,4) 1. Roux’s Domburg New Love at Willowfrost, terv, stand out winner of the day for me, square in outline, firm topline, chest is deep. Stands four square on tight feet, balanced angles. Good reach of neck to lovely head, showing parallel planes and good length to muzzle. Dark almond eye and high set ear. Light and easy on the move. Handled and presented to perfection. BAVNSC & G1 2. Lusty’s Birkcross Simply the Zest for Blamorder, border c, stands well, with strong angulation, and good reach of neck, feminine throughout. Head has good width to skull and well-defined stop. Good chest and moderate bone. Moved soundly though has tendency to crab. 3. Thomas’ Mournebrake Bad Biscuit JW, H Puli.
AV Pastoral
PD/B (2,1) 1. Patterson’s Eltimaris Jubilee Hoorah, Beardie, lovely bl/w of correct proportions, very good angles and neck which give her correct good reach on move. Excellent presentation. Head is broad and square with balanced muzzle. Good topine – still to develop in chest but to be expected at this age. Soft expression, good pigment. BP/PG1, I see she went onto RPBIS. GD/B (3,1) 1. Domburg New Love at Willowfrost. 2. Thomas’ Chesmes Kutya Magyar Gryff at Mournebrake, Hun Puli, lovely character, square in outline, well set neck, good rib cage, high set tail. Head well proportioned with muzzle but skull a shade flat. Ex pigment. Good bend of stifle, tight round feet. Lively short action on move. OD/B (2.1) 1. Thomas’ Mournebrake Bad Biscuit, hun puli, fawn in colour, well corded, correct small domed head for body, neat ears, good pigment. Good neck to defined withers, well developed chest. Short light action on move, prefer little more positivity behind. VD/B (7,1) 1. Ceranda Surf’s Up. 2. Ch Bwthyn Headliner JW ShCM ShCeX VW. 3. Lusty’s Ch/AmGrCH CanGrChEX Cardcross Red Dirt Road to Blamorder (Imp Can).
Pastoral Group
1 Domburg New Love at Willowfrost, Terv, sound and alert, correct outline and angles, easy mover. 2.Philhope Summer Heights at Sherkarl, Sheltland S, graceful in outline, with correct coat, not over done. Lovely head planes and ears to give sweet expression. 3. Leader Dei Nobilpazzi, OES, well boned, square in outline, with lovely broad square head, strong muzzle, typical on move and sound. 4. Serenlas Chloe, Rough C, feminine in head, with good length to muzzle, good topline and moved well.
Pastoral Puppy Group
1 Eltimaris Jubilee Hoorah, Bearded C, excellent height to length ratio and correct reach of neck, moved with lovely length of stride, one to watch. 2. Blamorder Eva Peron, Smooth C, good wedge head, well set eye, ears little wayward, well angulated and with good neck, another who is good on move. 3. Blamorder If Only, lovely head, good skull, correct bone and feet, just to come up a little on leg. 4. Limbonsnest Apollo for Balletcor, pembroke, sweet feminine expression, more settled on move in group, good bone and topline.
Pastoral Veteran Group
1 Ceranda Surf’s Up, pembroke, never stopped showing. Alert to handler and with strong toline and goog movement. 2 Ch Bwthyn Headliner JW ShCM ShCeX VW, cardigan, lot to like, so strong and sound, but was losing interest as the day progressed. 3. Starvon You Got it at Conningsbear ShCM, Swe Val, correct length to firm back and good wedge head, just carrying a little weight.
PD/B (4,0) 1. Evan’s Amazon She is Adored, stands for square presenting square outline, and with good angles front & rear. Good reach to neck. Head in feminine with skull and muzzle balance. Clean wedge head of parallel planes. Dark almond eye. Good depth the chest and developed forechest. Stands on well knuckled feet and good pasterns. Moved well with correct hind action, BP/BOB, pleased to hear she went on to G2/PG1. 2. Evan’s Amazon Just Let me Adore You, difficult decision between these and I see they are sisters, Again well proportioned and with good topline and angles. Heads are very similar, good length and clean lines. Moved well, just felt brown had slightly more condition. 3. Moore’s Torcheney Takah. GD/B (3,0) 1. Amazon She is Adored. 2. Amazon Just Let me Adore You. 3. Reid’s ZZ Dreamgirl V Nobel Line (Imp Nor). OD (1,0) 1. Jojavik Bombs Away at Asteri, strong built boy, good length of neck to firm sloping topline. Rounded bone to legs, but feet/pasterns could be better. Head is of good length with parallel planes, ears set well. Needs little more forechest and found him rather broad in chest which affected movement, BD. OB (1,0) 1. Goodwin’s Supeta’s Perfect Rose, correct square outline and good rounded bone to tight correct feet. Topline slopes gentle from withers but would prefer little more neck. Good forechest, and rib. Attractive head, good planes and balanced skull & muzzle. Moved soundly.