- Show Date: 17/12/2023
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Tim Ball Contact Judge
- Published Date: 30/12/2023
East Anglian Border Collie Club
East Anglian Border Collie Club
Open Show – 17th December 2023
VD (1,0)
1. Brierley’s Goytre First Edition P-Beg Ex. 8 yr old B/W standing alone here but more than worthy of company. Moderate lad with pleasing outline and was good to go over. Neck of good length, firm topline, ribbed well back, muscular loin, correct croup and tail set on low and of good carriage. Well proportioned head with good skull, stop and ears but eyes a tad rounder than preferred. Soundly constructed and standing straight in front on oval-shaped feet. Moving freely all through with good carriage.
SVD 10 yrs and over (4,0)
1. Walters’ Goytre Smokin Gun. 12 yr old B/W who pleased for overall type and presented a well-balanced outline with muscular neck of good length, correct topline, excellent ribbing, firm loin, desired slope to croup and tail set on low. Masculine headpiece with good skull to muzzle proportions, distinct stop, dark eyes, good ears and scissor bite. Good angles front and rear and stands nice and straight in front but feet a little rounder. Moving freely with particularly good profile action and correct tail carriage. Best Veteran Dog and Reserve Best Veteran in Show.
2. Harlow’s Sh Ch Simaro James Bond JW (Imp Deu) JW. 10 yr old B/W who has lots to like and was very well handled. Muscular neck but not quite length of that of winner, firm topline, well ribbed back, broad loins, slope to croup and tail set on low and of correct carriage. Head of good proportions, fairly broad skull, eyes of good colour and correct ears but overall preferred expression of 1. He stands true in front and has good feet and moved freely on the down and back but could not quite match profile action of winner.
3. Cooper’s Dreamwork A Star Is Born
MPD (3,0)
1. Tiller’s Foxdawn Fantastic Fox. A somewhat varied class which saw this 8 mth B/W come out on top. Good length of neck, firm topline, rib developing well for age, muscular loin, correct croup and tail set on low and of correct carriage. Good skull to muzzle proportions with sufficient stop, eyes of good colour and correct dentition but would like to see some lift in the ears. Pleasing angulation front and rear and he stands on correct oval-shaped feet. Moves out pretty well on the go around and is true when going away.
2. Durrant’s Rosmarinus Ash. 7½ mth black tri. Balanced pup with muscular neck of good length, correct topline, good length to ribcage, firm loin, slope to croup and tail set low and of good carriage. Head of good proportions with correct dentition, better ears than the winner but eyes a tad rounder than the ideal and could be a shade darker. Stands pretty well in front and has good feet. Moving true on the down and back but not quite profile action of 1. Well handled.
3. Tandy’s Borderbrook Stollen Affair
PD (3,1)
1. Woodrow & Oliver’s Tambuzi Ride The Storm. 11 mth B/W who won this class with some room to spare. He appealed for overall type and pleased in outline with slightly arched neck of good length to balance, firm topline, ribbed well back, correct croup and tail good for both set and carriage. Well proportioned head with masculine expression; distinct stop, good eye and ear and scissor bite. Pleasing angles front and rear, straight forelegs, good forechest and oval-shaped feet. Goes well when viewed in profile with good carriage, true when going away and good enough coming towards. Best Puppy Dog and Reserve Best Puppy in Show.
2. Tandy’s Borderbrook Stollen Affair. This 6 mth B/W is only a baby but he pleased for type. Neck of good length, firm topline, rib developing well but would like to see some slope to croup, although tail carriage is ok. Balanced headpiece with good ears, eyes of good colour but a little rounder and correct scissor bite. Stands on oval-shaped feet. Moves pretty well on the go around, is true when going away but needs to tighten in front.
JD (2,0)
1. Woodrow & Oliver’s Tambuzi Ride The Storm
2. Jaskolski’s Piece of Happiness Mickey JW (Imp Hun). This 17 mth B/W is a completely different type to the winner and with a little more bone and substance than I was looking for. He also differs in outline, having a touch more length of body but he has a super neck, firm topline, correct slope to croup and tail of good length which is set on nice and low. Head of good proportions, correct skull and scissor bite but preferred expression of 1. Soundly constructed all through, standing on oval-shaped feet and moving freely. Presented in immaculate coat and condition and very well handled.
YD (3,0)
1. Mitchell’s Bordabears Strike It Hot. This 19 mth B/W has lots to like and was good to go over. He appealed for type and presented a very nice outline with muscular neck of good length to balance, correct topline, well sprung ribs, firm loin and correct croup and tail set. Nicely proportioned head with masculine expression; correct shape of eye, pretty good stop and scissor bite. Well laid shoulder and good return of upper arm, standing straight in front and has correct shaped feet. Moved out very well on the go around with good carriage. Not entirely settled with the music next door but did more than enough to win this class.
2. Jaskolski’s Piece of Happiness Mickey JW (Imp Hun)
3. Durrant’s Rosmarinus Rodeo
GD (2,0)
1. Carley’s Jupavia Phoenix Fire. 19 mth B/W who has lots to like and was so good to go over. He appealed in outline with slightly arched neck of good length, firm topline, excellent ribbing, muscular loin, slope to croup and tail of good length and set on low. Good skull to muzzle proportions but could use a tad more stop, correct ears and good dentition but not quite expression of 2. Soundly constructed lad with good angles front and rear, standing true in front on correct feet and firm muscular hindquarters. Gaiting freely with good carriage and very well handled.
2. Woodrow & Oliver’s Tambuzi Ride The Storm
PGD (1,0)
1. Spurr & Cooper’s Dreamwork My Perfect You. 5 yr old lilac/white. Scopey chap with neck of good length, correct topline, pleasing rib and sufficient slope to croup. Skull and foreface proportionate in length, ears carried erect, eyes a tad rounder than would prefer, correct dentition. He stands on oval-shaped feet and moved freely when coming and going and went well enough on the go around but not quite the characteristic carriage of the breed that I was looking for. Well handled.
LD (3,0)
1. Chance’s Goytre Chance to Reflect. 3 yr old B/W. Upstanding masculine boy who was so good to go over. Scoring in outline with slightly arched neck, firm topline, excellent ribbing, muscular loin and correct croup and tail for length, set and carriage. Most attractive, well proportioned headpiece with dark oval-shaped eyes, good ears, distinct stop and scissor bite. Soundly built and stands true on excellent feet. Moves out freely with good length of stride and typical carriage of the breed. Shown in super hard condition. Reserve Best Dog.
2. Castle’s Jupavia Divine Dream. 19 mth B/W of completely different type to the winner but he too has much to like. He has a touch more length than the winner but I didn’t see him as unbalanced; muscular neck, correct topline, well sprung ribs, firm loin and good croup and tail set. Head of good proportions with good ears, dark eyes but not quite shape of winner and correct scissor bite. Pleasing angles front and rear and stands true in front on very good feet. Moves well all through but not quite profile action of 1. Very well handled.
3. Aston, Large & Rackham’s Janbell Just The Ticket for Edwinoak
OD (3,0)
1. Oliver’s Simmovon Shockwave at Tambuzi JW. The first two here very much appealed although they are really quite different to one another. This 2 yr old B/W was my winner. Masculine all through, he was a delight to go over and presented here in first class condition and shown to advantage. He presented a smooth, well balanced outline with muscular neck of good length, firm topline, super ribbing, rather broad loins, correct slope to croup and tail set on low. Quality head with the best of expressions; good skull to muzzle proportions, distinct stop, dark oval-shaped eyes, semi-erect ears and correct dentition. Soundly constructed, gaiting true with excellent profile action and carriage and using himself at all times. Best Dog & Best in Show.
2. Fawcett’s Sh Ch Laceway Ready to Rumble. This 4 yr old B/W is another full of quality. He appealed for overall type and presented a super outline with strong, slightly arched neck of good length, correct topline, well sprung ribs which extend well back, muscular loin, slope to croup and tail set on low and of correct carriage. Masculine headpiece with proportionate skull and foreface lengths, distinct stop, semi-erect ears set well apart, eyes of good colour but not quite shape of 1 and scissor bite. Stands true in front on very good feet but not quite forechest of winner. Certainly didn’t disappoint on the move; covering the ground with good carriage. Excellent muscling throughout.
3. Beaumont’s Kanamaren Trick of the Tail at Borderbeau JW ShCM
GCD (3,0)
1. Chance’s Goytre Chance In a Million (AI). 8 yr old B/W who comfortably won this class for me. Carrying good bone, he was good to go over and shown in firm, hard condition. Lovely outline with muscular neck of good length, firm topline, excellent ribbing, sloping croup and tail set on low. Masculine head of good skull to muzzle proportions, distinct stop, correct ears, eyes of good colour but a tad rounder and scissor bite. Soundly constructed and stands nice and straight in front on good feet. Moves freely all through with excellent foot fall. Quite heavily coated.
2. Tiller’s Foxdawn Fantastic Fox
3. Spurr & Cooper’s Dreamwork My Perfect You
SO Working D (1,0)
1. Chance’s Goytre Chance to Reflect
SO AOC than B/W D (3,1)
1. Tiller’s Foxbarton Kings Knight. 10 yr old sable/white who carries good bone and presented a pleasing outline with lovely length of neck, correct topline, good length to ribcage, muscular loin and sufficient slope to croup. Masculine headpiece with fairly broad skull which is proportionate in length to that of muzzle, correct ears, eyes of good colour but not quite the shape I was looking for and scissor bite. When gaiting he moves particularly well when coming towards, is true behind but would just like to see him open up more on the go around. Reserve Best AOC in Show.
2. Spurr & Cooper’s Dreamwork My Perfect You
VB (7,1)
1. Fawcett’s Sh Ch Laceway Echo Falls JW. 9 yr old B/W who was a standout in this class for me. She scored for type and presented a super outline with good length of neck which is slightly arched, firm topline, ribbed well back, muscular loin, graceful slope to croup and tail set on low. Feminine headpiece with proportionate skull to muzzle lengths, distinct stop, ears set well apart, eyes of good colour and scissor bite. Well made all through and moves freely but head carriage could be lower if I were to be picky. Very well handled and shown in excellent coat and condition.
2. Greening’s Kanamaren Hold On My Heart. 7 yr old B/W who was good to go over but a different type to the winner and a little more than moderate. Strong neck of good length, firm topline but a tad longer cast, well sprung ribs, slope to croup and tail set on nice and low. Well proportioned head with feminine expression; good ears, distinct stop, eyes of good colour although a touch rounder and scissor bite. Well laid shoulders with good return of upper arm, standing true in front on oval-shaped feet. Moves very well all through and with excellent carriage. Another so well handled.
3. Wettern-Bloomfield’s Alpana Strike A Pose
SVB 10 yrs and over (4,0)
1. Walters’ Sh Ch Goytre Daddy’s Saucie Girl JW. 10 yr old B/W. I thought this girl something special and she was a delight to go over. Moderate and feminine throughout, she presented a smooth, flowing outline with slightly arched neck of good length to give balance, firm topline, muscular loin, slope to croup and tail good for set, length and carriage. Quality head of correct proportions, super eye and ear, distinct stop and scissor bite. Well made all through, with her front assembly particularly impressing. On the move, she was true both fore and aft and moved out so well on the go around with typical carriage. Very good coat. Reserve Best Bitch, Best Veteran Bitch and Best Veteran in Show.
2. Newman’s Goytre Daddy’s Story Teller. This 10 yr old B/W turned out to be the litter sister to the winner and she is another who was so good hands on. Very well balanced with a super neck, correct topline, excellent ribbing, muscular loin and sloping croup leading to low set tail. She too has a head of good proportions, very good ears, dark oval-shaped eyes, correct stop and dentition but overall winner had the edge in expression. Standing nice and straight in front and she also covered the ground when viewed in profile with correct carriage. Just pins a tad coming at you but nothing untoward.
3. Tansley’s Bilyara Ice Maiden
MPB (8,3)
1. Wettern-Bloomfield’s Alpana Summer Storm. A rather varied class which saw this 8 mth B/W win quite comfortably for me and I thought her very promising. She pleased for overall type and is well balanced with a smooth, flowing outline. Slightly arched neck of good neck, firm topline, ribcage extends well back, muscular loin and correct croup and tail set. Feminine headpiece which is well proportioned, fairly broad skull, good eye and ear and scissor bite. Stands true in front on oval-shaped feet and moved out well with very good carriage. Well handled.
2. Bartlett’s Cwnhapus Jewel In The Crown. This 7 mth old B/W also pleased for type but she is a scopier girl having a bit more length. Muscular neck of good length, topline needs to firm a tad, pleasing rib development for age, slope to croup and tail set on low but she can carry it a little higher. Attractive head of good proportions, distinct stop, ears set well apart, eyes good for colour and correct dentition. Moving freely all through and an attentive showgirl who was very well handled.
3. Newman’s Borderbrook Stolen Moment
PB (4,1)
1. Oliver’s Tambuzi The Heat Is On. 11 mth old B/W with lots to like. She pleased for type and presented a very nice outline with slightly arched, muscular neck of good length to balance, firm topline, well ribbed back, muscular loin, slope to croup and tail set on low and of good length. Well proportioned head with feminine expression; semi erect ears set well apart, good stop, dark oval-shaped eyes and scissor bite. Pleasing angulation front and rear, standing well naturally but feet a tad rounder. Moving true when coming and going and moves out well when viewed in profile. Very well handled. Best Puppy Bitch and Best Puppy in Show.
2. Wettern-Bloomfield’s Alpana Summer Storm
3. Jaskolski’s Rollingbones Morningstar
JB (2,0)
1. Wells’ Amkamel Chamber of Secrets. 14 mth old B/W. Feminine youngster who has so much to like and was good to go over. Lovely outline with good length to her slightly arched neck, correct topline, good length to ribcage, firm loin, graceful slope to croup and tail set on low. Most appealing head and expression; fairly broad skull which is proportionate in length to that of foreface, pricked ears set well apart, dark oval-shaped eyes, distinct stop and good dentition. Pleasing construction both front and rear and she stands true in front on oval-shaped feet. Moves freely all through with good carriage. Well handled.
2. Bartlett’s Cwnhapus Jewel In The Crown
YB (3,1)
1. Mitchell’s Bordabears Strikin Liaison. 19 mth old B/W with lots to like. So very feminine, of pleasing type and she presented a super smooth, flowing outline. Slightly arched neck of good length to give balance, firm topline, muscular loin, graceful slope to croup and tail set on low. Most attractive head and expression with good skull to muzzle proportions, distinct stop and very good eye and ear. Standing true in front on correct feet and moved out well on the go around. Good coat and shown in excellent condition.
2. Jaskolski’s Rollingbones Jamaica. Soundly constructed 20 mth old blue merle who was good to go over and very well handled. Neck of good length, correct topline, slope to croup and tail set on low but she didn’t have quite the smooth outline of the winner. Well proportioned headpiece with feminine expression, ears have just enough lift and correct dentition. Pleasing angles front and rear, straight forelegs and firm, muscular hindquarters. Moves so well coming towards and although she goes well in profile, winner had the edge.
GB (8,1)
1. Carley’s Jupavia Silver Flame. I particularly liked the first three in this class. My winner was this 19 mth old B/W. Feminine all through, I thought her an excellent type and she presented a well balanced, smooth outline, flowing from the back of the skull right down to the tip of her tail. Head of pleasing proportions with feminine expression; fairly broad skull, ears set well apart, oval-shaped eyes and scissor bite. Soundly built both front and rear; standing straight in front on good feet and well-muscled all through. Moving true on the down and back and really covers the ground on the go around with correct carriage. Very well handled.
2. Oliver’s Tambuzi The Heat Is On
3. Mitchell’s Bordabears Western Style
PGB (4,1)
1. Fawcett’s Laceway Déjà Vu. 3 yr old blue merle who comfortably came out on top in this class. Feminine girl who is so very well balanced with super neck, firm topline, excellent ribbing, muscular loin, slope to croup and tail set on nice and low and of correct carriage. Attractive head of good proportions, ears set well apart, distinct stop, eyes a little rounder and good dentition. Shoulders well laid back with good return of upper arm, straight forelegs, oval-shaped feet and firm, muscular hindquarters with hocks well let down. Impressed on the go around. Very well handled.
2. Turns’ Fyglia Mei Titania. 7 yr old blue merle with neck of good length to give balance, firm topline, well sprung ribs, muscular loin and sloping croup but overall could not compete with smooth flowing outline of winner. Well proportioned headpiece with very good skull and ears, dark eyes but a tad rounder than preferred and scissor bite. She stands well naturally in front and has correct feet and when gaiting she went pretty well all through.
3. Jones’ Sianworth Rustic Flame for Keltiklan
LB (4,2)
1. Welch’s Simmovon Sheer Delight JW. 2 yr B/W who appealed for type, was so good to go over and presented here in firm, hard condition. Well proportioned in outline with strong, slightly arched neck of good length to give balance, firm topline, good depth to chest, excellent ribbing, well-muscled loin, graceful slope to croup and tail good for length, set and carriage. Most attractive head with feminine expression; dark oval-shaped eyes, ears set well apart, distinct stop and correct dentition. Well laid back shoulders, good return of upper arm, elbows close to the chest and stands straight in front on the best of feet. When gaiting, she covered the ground with characteristic carriage. Best Bitch and Reserve Best in Show.
2. Wettern-Bloomfield’s Alpana A Statement of Style. This 3 yr old black tri couldn’t be more different to the winner. More refined all through but she still pleased in outline with excellent neck, firm topline, good length to ribcage, muscular loin and correct croup and tail set. Feminine headpiece with good skull to muzzle proportions but a little less stop than preferred and not eye shape of winner. She stands true in front on correct oval-shaped feet and moved freely on the down and back. Super temperament. Very well handled.
OB (1,0)
1. Greening’s Kanamaren Take These Pearls. 3 yr old B/W presented in excellent coat and condition and handled to advantage. Muscular neck but could be a touch longer, firm topline, nice spring of rib, slope to croup and tail set on low and of good carriage. Head of good proportions with feminine expression; fairly broad skull, distinct stop, ears set well apart, eyes of good colour but a little rounder and correct dentition. Soundly constructed all through and standing foot perfect in front at all times and has the correct shaped feet. Moves true when coming and going and covers the ground with correct carriage when viewed in profile.
GCB (4,0)
1. Turns’ Fyglia Mei Titania
2. Tansley’s Bilyara Ice Maiden. 11 yr old B/W. A little more than moderate but she has lots to like. Strong neck which could use a tad more length, firm topline, well ribbed back, muscular loin and correct croup and tail set. Feminine headpiece with proportionate lengths of skull and foreface, semi erect ears set well apart, dark eyes and good dentition. Moves out pretty well but age just beginning to catch up with her.
3. Turns’ Fyglia Cherish Mustardseed
SO Working B (1,0)
1. Wettern-Bloomfield’s Alpana A Statement of Style
SO AOC than B/W B (9,3)
1. Fawcett’s Janbell Out of the Blue at Laceway. 6 yr old blue merle who was an easy winner in this class. Feminine throughout and scoring in outline with excellent neck, firm topline, ribcage carried well back, well-muscled loin and sloping croup leading to low set tail. Attractive head and expression with approximately equal skull to muzzle lengths, super ears, correct stop and scissor bite. Pleasing angulation both ends and stands straight in front on decent feet. Moving out well on the go around with good drive from the rear. Shown in first class condition. Best AOC in Show.
2. Wettern-Bloomfield’s Alpana A Statement of Style
3. Turns’ Fyglia Mei Titania
Judge: Tim Ball