• Show Date: 30/08/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Tania Gardner Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 22/11/2023

Norfolk & Norwich Canine Society

Norfolk and Norwich CS 30th August 2023


Thank you to the secretary and committee for the invite to judge at your lovely show , good size rings , which helped me assess movement. I was lucky to judge some lovely dogs of excellent type and all exhibitors accepted my placing with good grace .

Many thanks to my stewards , it was a long full day .

Lunch was delicious. Thank you .


Basset Fauve De Bretagne

Class Limit . (1)

1st Fauvehoy Sea Shanty , very much liked the overall outline and balance of this bitch , typical head , good forechest, deep through rib cage , chest meeting elbows , strong well muscled rear end . Shown in harsh coat , steady on the move covering the ground with sound side gait. RBOB

Open (1)

1st Rangali Gretel At Shimmeree

Young bitch with super outline , all in moderation , loved her head and expression, strong underjaw. Straight front , chest deep and wide, ample spring of rib , with well muscled rump. High set tail . Shown in correct short harsh coat. Strode out well , sound from any angle . Preferred her front movement coming towards me. BOB


Basset Griffon Vendeen ( Grande )


Class limit (2)

1st Soufriere Paserelle Bateau

Good outline stood , well made front and deep through chest , strong muscular rear end. Body of good length , tail set high . Rough coat not to long . Moved out steady. BOB

2nd Soufriere Tourbillon At Woolybassets

Preferred the head on this bitch , kind expression . Good layback of shoulder , little long in loin , strong quarters , moderate rear angulations. Coat of harsh texture . Not as tidy behind today.

Class Open (1)

1st Soufriere One Vision JW

Mature lady , shown in good coat of harsh texture , outline correct height to length proportions. Head of nice type with furnishings. Sweet expression. Just moved closer behind today. RBOB



Class Yearling (1)

1st Jamar Miss Skylar , pretty girl, head of nice type, dark eye with feminine expression, good furnishings, moderate in angulations, tail set high. Coat still changing from the softer puppy coat to rougher coat. Moved steady if a little close.

Class Limit (1)

1st Jamar Ina The Countessa , liked this bitch , head lovely in type ,large dark oval eyes giving a soft expression, muzzle square and defined stop. Ears of good length , longish neck ,balanced front and rear angulations. Shown in good muscular condition with rough coat, very happy on the move . BOB


Basset Hound

Class Yearling (2)

1st Armardio Ride Like The Wind Among Kumamatata , young dog , strong in bone and body , excellent forechest, not overly wrinkled , head of correct type , long ears . He moved out well, showing reach and drive. BOB

2nd Kenzduo Shore , much smaller overall , I would like to see a male dog a little stronger . He wasn’t very confident and didn’t want to be gone over at first but he grew a little in confidence. Moved out okay . True in rear quarters . RBOB

Class Open (1)

1st Kenzduo Shore


Class Puppy (2,1)

1st Nictoney Gingerbread , sturdy little hound , head of decent type , fairly large eye giving kind expression. Still needs to drop in front and ribs to spring but has time on her side. Moved out well RBOB

Class Yearling (1)

1st Nictoney Gingerbread

Class Limit (2)

1st Nictoney Intuition

Very much liked this puppy , compact puppy , with good bone and substance , head very much to type, slightly domed skull , well defined stop and good finish to muzzle , chest well down to elbows , straight and level topline, which he held on the move , merry little puppy who moved very well to win BP & BOB , PG1 and delighted to watch him go BPIS .

2nd Molesend Dice JW , another nice dog , head okay with soft expression, decent length of neck , rear end was well muscled and moved okay but a little wide in front.



Class Open (2)

1st Ina’s Fashion Finest Of Chosovi , beautiful red brindle , feminine head , flat skull , long , elegant neck sitting into well placed shoulders,super curvy topline over loin , well muscled rear quarters and stood on well knuckled feet . Won BOB on her smooth ground covering stride . BOB and GRP 1 and delighted to watch her go RBIS

2nd Zoraden Your Precious Love At Shimmeree , stunning veteran bitch , slightly taller , very balance in outline. Flat skull, beautiful expression, elegant arched neck into well laid shoulders, deep through chest and well angulated rear, hocks well let down. Coat was in great condition. She moved very well . RBOB

Class Special Open Racing bitch (2)

1st Satteo Jet , upstanding mature dog , curvy outline and shown in super muscular condition as you would expect , coat was in excellent order and he moved well driving from his powerful rear quarters. A handsome boy.

2nd Weeber Hi Ho NAF TAF , Young bitch , not as confident in the show ring at the moment but she is worth the effort , good topline and nicely balanced angulations front and rear. Deep chest and good width to second thigh . More soundly and steady .



Class Puppy (1)

1st You can Let Them Stare at Silverstre

Squarish puppy , with good bone , typical head needs to break as he matures . Neck short and strong and a decent forechest, needs chest to drop as he matures . Good feet . Moved very well , powerful long strides.

Class Special Yearling (4,2)

1st Canemamans Primo Al Fine JW, lovely young dog , almost square , head of good proportions, long and angular in type and a lovely large spongy nose. Slight rise over loin and well angulated rear quarters. He was a little unsettled on the move today. RBOB

2nd Valcor Killer Queen , quality bitch , decent head with correct planes , well angled front and rear , would prefer a little more substance . Moved steady and true.

Class Open (1)

1st Valcor The Confessor At Canemamans JW , balanced in outline , well boned and shown in great muscular condition, head planes correct , strong neck , moderate angulations, front and rear. Stood on good feet. Won BOB on his movement extended fast trot , true coming and going. Grp 4


English Setter

Class SpYearling (3)

1st Mariglen Wave Dancer For Bondgate, only young but looking quite mature , very pretty balanced head and expression , square muzzle and big nose . Decent length to neck, well set shoulders and ribs of good length . Level topline and well muscled rear . She is an elegant bitch, she is very exuberant on the move but sound.

2nd Pernickety Quartz , smaller overall but good balance , feminine head , needs time to finish. Good layback of shoulder , firm topline and moderate rear angulations. Moved okay .

3rd Sharnyx Here’s Bonnie

Class Limit(4)

1st Sunspake Close To The Edge At Yessandi , mature lad , masculine head with soft expression, good length of neck , level topline and correct tail set . A little overweight today but moved well to win the class. RBOB

2nd Mariglen Wave Dancer For Bondgate

3rd Arabin Sikver Panda

Class Open (1)

1st Pernickety Quiddity, Orange Belton , liked this quality young dog , head of good type , correct finish to muzzle, ample reach of neck , balanced front and rear angulations. He moved very well , head held proud and true in his action , lashing tail . Shown in lovely coat and condition. BOB


Hungarian Vizsla

Class Puppy (2)

1st Wallaroo Duncan Disorderly, liked his head , masculine but not course , slight stop, muscular neck , straight front. Good bone and substance, moved with purpose.

2nd Silvestre IM Not Perky , nice size bitch , feminine head with soft expression. Balanced in outline. Chest needs to drop. Moved steady.

Class Sp Yearling (1)

1st Ambravittoriya Art Of Love For Marghele ( imp Rus ) JW, bitch , liked her head , typy and feminine. Would prefer chest to be deeper but she was very good on the move , covered the ground well . Just be careful not to overstretch her.

Class Limit (4)

1st Roughshoot Quantum Theory At Silvestre , liked this young male for overall type and balance , shouen in good muscular condition, head masculine, a tad more stop than I prefer . Movement won him the class , reach and drive , particularly good side gait BOB

2nd Feldkirk Moon River , preferred his head for type , balanced dog , I would just like a little more substance , moved true and steady . Shown in nice condition.

3rd Oxanaember Thai pumpkin

Class Open (1)

1st Ranchstar Vyvyan , handsome lad , good muscular condition, tight skin , upright pastern, he looked very good stacked , nice side gait, just moving a little close behind today.



Class Limit (3)

1st Jilony Brown Velvet, upstanding dog , head of good type , kind eye , deep though his chest with good front and well angulated rear quarters , he came alive on the move and covered the ground well , showing reach and drive BOB

2nd Wilchrimane , another nice boy , not quite the rear end of the 1st but liked his head , soft eye and kind expression. He moved well showing lovely open side gait.

Class Open (2)

1st Amiryck Get Up And Run , not as typy in head , little too strong for me , decent forechest, ribbed well back , would prefer elbows closer to chest. Moved okay .


AVNSC Gundog

Class Yearling (4)

1st Herlinga Hextilda HWV , only just over a year , I loved her , very nice head type , just the right size , super front , balanced all through , moderate angulations front and rear , super harsh coat , movement was true from all angles , she must have a bright future .

2nd Affilato Just You wait , Italian Spinone , overall a good shape , nearly square , typy head lovely big nose , powerful neck , slight slope from shoulders , well muscled loin and hindquarters.

Just would not settle on the move.

3rd Fecimus Son Of A Gun JW

Class Limit (3)

1st Talpaluop Lafayette , Italian Spinone , pretty head , correct in type , pronounced occiput, good strength to neck , large nose. Slightly longer in body . Moved well and kept her topline on the move, correct coat RBOB

2nd Fynder Reacher , iWS , pleasing type , liked his head ,good length of muzzle and domed skull . Strong neck , deep through ribs ,nice width to second thigh. Dense coat of good curl and ringlets . Moved okay just a little untidy behind .

3rd Molokain Ilusia

Class Open, Am/ Can/UKC Ch Fecimus Written In The Stars , Field Spaniel , fabulous bitch , so balanced with no exaggerations . Pretty head with lots of work , dark eye with soft expression arched neck into super front , well ribbed, strong rear quarters . Very sound on the move BAVNSC and delighted to award her Grp2

2nd Bazzy Inti Anka At Molokain ( Imo Cze) CC Retriever , quality dog , unlucky to meet the 1st , well made , moderate angulations front and rear . Moved true with good drive .


AV Import

Class Open (2)

1st Khyannes Vilette At Canemamans ( Imp Hun) , little bit worried at first but settled , nice bitch with good body proportions, nice depth and ribs deep . Strength in rear quarters , once settled moved well . Best Import

2nd Nantiderri Hubert , head of decent type , but this boy needed more body condition . Movement was okay but close behind .


Gundog Group

1st Cocker Spaniel , Sh Ch Oakbeach DareTo Dream Big With Alhambian (Imp Swe) , lovely quality boy, clean in outline and super cobby , ideal head with good chiseling, loved his expression. Strong front with plenty forechest and well sprung ribs. Well-muscled rear quarters , good width to second thigh . So sound and stylish on the move , showing that typical merry cocker action . Delighted to award him Grp1.

2nd Field Spaniel , Am/ Can/UKC Ch Fecimus Written In The Stars , loved her.

3rd GSP Pinseeker Pep Guardiola , super type , good in outline , stands over plenty of ground, head masculine and clean finish to muzzle , neck slightly arched , strong front , well laid shoulders , shown in super muscular condition, moved well showing a super side gait .

4th Bracco , Valcor The Confessor At Canemamans JW ,


Gundog Puppy Group

1st Clumber Spaniel , Bebecova Scarlet Witch , loved her , head so typical , well set eyes with good brows , large ears, good length of neck , body still maturing but she has all essentials to go the top, on the move she was the stand out in the puppies , very correct from all angles ,delighted to award her puppy group 1.

2nd Cocker Spaniel, Reemif Blue Velvet At Popebel , typical merry cocker , feminine head , square muzzle , ears low set and decent length of neck , compact body , moved with style and tail was wagging all the time . She should have a bright future.

3rd Golden Retriever Altindan User Friendly , good type , loved how she moved around the ring , very true .

4th Bracco, You can Let Them Stare at Silverstre


AV Gundog Puppy

1st Tiroen Typically Braego , I’ve judged this bitch before and she is coming along nicely , kind expression , good reach of neck , ribs well sprung , very nice on the move with typical Springer action.

2nd Berrymeade Winter Love , nice Golden Retriever , plenty of substance, head masculine and sweet expression , straight front , good layback of shoulder. Moved well .

AV Gundog Sp Yearling.

1st Cravessa’s Bottoms Up , nice shape on stack ,head of good type , parallel planes withers slightly higher into good topline , coat of correct texture. Moved well showing lots of drive.

2nd Laurellakes Dream Come True With Freestone , lovely compact little girl , she was very happy on the move showing typical cocker action , she was shown in a good silky coat.


AV Gundog Limit

1st Fynder Reach IWS (2nd in AVNSC )

2nd Danehaven Madeleine , NSDT , good size presented correct outline on stack , balanced in angulations front and rear and stood on good feet . Moved very well .

AV Gundog Open

1st Toberworthy Little Lies ,Large Munsterlander , typical in outline , head in balance with body , strong bone , moderate in angulations, moved well to take this class

2nd Danehaven Kovik, mature male, strong in head , good depth to body and rear end well muscled , stood on good feet and moved true.

AV Gundog Veteran

1st Roanjora Montepulciano , IRWS, 8 yrs old and shown in super condition, level through topline into well muscled rear quarters , she has a pretty head with sweet expression, she won this class on her movement , very true in footfall .

2nd Phenset Firefly , lovely English Setter bitch , shown in super condition and coat of silky texture . She has the prettiest of heads . Straight front and well laid shoulders . Moved well just not the drive of the 1st .


AV Veteran Dog

1st Int Ch Layoli Dazzled By Smoke ShCM BE JRCH , Tibetan Terrier , super in type , square in outline handsome head with kind expression v shaped ears , muscular neck and strength through body , shown in super coat and moved very well to win a lovely class .

2nd Portnall Elrick Zu Sarocal ShCM GSD , nice male with plenty of substance , good outline stood . Very good in front movement , little loose in rear pasterns. Shown in good body and coat .


AV Veteran Bitch

1st Shumllea A Saint She Ain’t Chinese Crested , PP super condition for her age ,

Good size ,fine boned , good length to body . Coat of correct texture Moved well , long stride and covered the ground easily .

2nd Layoli Spoilt N’Smokin , TT , beautiful bitch , good head and body of good proportions, shown in excellent coat , moved well .

AV Vintage

1st Ir Ch Badamtam’s Via Baltica At Follypaws ShCM ( ImpFin) LHD , 12 years old and in super condition, shown in a lovely coat , he is good size with strength all through . Head conical in shape and correct eye shape . So true on the move , loved him .

2nd Braego Gladys Alyward ShCM VW , PBGV , another super veteran , correct size , shown in the best muscular condition , this showed on the move . She was true from all angles.



Tania Gardner (Danwish )