• Show Date: 24/09/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Tammy Louise James Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 26/09/2023

Field Spaniel Society

The Field Spaniel Society Open Show Sunday 24th September Special Award Classes

Judge T L James:

Firstly, I want to thank the Society for the invitation to judge, the exhibitors for their support and for accepting my decisions sportingly and finally my Steward Sophie who worked hard to keep the ring running smoothly.

Junior (4,0)

1st Holgate’s Nadavin Neala

11 month old bitch, mature for age.

Pretty, feminine head, well chiselled, melting expression, dark hazel eye, low ear set.

Strong neck, good lay of shoulder, deep chest, moderate length leg, straight flat bone.

Strong level topline, ribs sprung, good bend of stifle, hocks could be shorter.

Moved well, strong front put to effective use on the return.

Gleaming black coat, good amount of feathering for age.

2nd Angus’s Elgert Queen of Hearts to Sparkenhoe

7 month old bitch, immature but plenty of potential.

Gentle expression, dark hazel eye, lovely chiselling, low ear set, Stop could be slightly more pronounced.

Well laid-back shoulders, enough chest for age, straight flat bone, tight feet.

Level topline on move, lost slightly in stack when unsettled, Correct tail set.

Settled on the move, very together for age, possibly best mover in class.

Gleaming black coat, good amount of feathering for age.

3rd Mosses Elgert Dancing Queen at Ewtor

Post Grad (1,0)

1st Mosses Ewtor the Wizard

2 ½ Year old male. A lot to like about this boy, obviously a slow maturing type but is one to watch.

Good length muzzle, nicely chiselled, eyes dark enough, low ear set, liked his head.

Clean neck, good lay of shoulder, deep chest, moderate length leg, straight flat bone.

Level topline, good hind angulation and muscle, correct tail set.

A little erratic setting off but soon got into his stride, used his hocks to his advantage to drive and moved well.

Needs his coat to complete the picture.

Open (6,2)

1st Adams and Lewis SH CH Nadavin Yaden at Irisbel

4 Year old male. Full of breed type, loved his overall picture of strength and substance.

Good length of muzzle, dark and kind eyes, nicely chiselled, well pronounced occiput, low ear set.

Clean neck, well laid-back shoulder, deep chest, moderate leg length, straight flat bone.

Strong and level topline, shown in hard condition, good bend of stifle, correct tail set.

Drove out with purpose, moved well.

Nicely feathered, excellent coat order, beautifully groomed

2nd Mosses SH CH Fecimus Chase the Dream to Ewtor JW

5 Year old male, slightly smaller type than 1st but matches for quality.

Slightly shorter muzzle than 1st, dark and kind eyes, nicely chiselled, noble head, low ear set.

Clean neck leading to well laid shoulders, deep chest, moderate leg length, straight flat bone.

Level topline, lovely angulation throughout, correct tail set.

Moved out cleanly, at one with handler.

Abundant feathering, excellent coat order, beautifully groomed.

3rd Adams and Lewis Irisbel Cherish You