• Show Date: 08/10/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Suzanne Keree-Bartolo Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 10/10/2023

London & Home Counties Terrier Club

The London & Home Counties Terrier Club Open show

Held on Sunday 8th October 2023 at Lockmeadow, Maidstone.

Cesky Terriers

Many thanks to the Committee for offering me a chance to judge this lovely breed for the first time and to the Cesky Terrier Club for their support and sponsorship. I had a small but high-quality entry for my first appointment since passing the BAD & MCE for the breed. I am very grateful to the exhibitors for allowing me the honor of judging their dogs. And I was thrilled to hear that my BOB Burrage’s Ch Komidion Prima Donna Of Sametova ShCEx, went on to get BIS 4 Under BIS judge Alison Kenny Marriott (Millingford). Many thanks to my steward Jane Hillden.

Puppy (No entries)

Post Graduate (1) Goundry’s Komidion Symphoniques At Sarminija, Grey 14 Month old bitch, Triangular head, dark eye, high set triangular ears, correct bite, good length of neck leading into a good lay of shoulder, strong boned forelegs. Rising topline, moved well on a slippery floor. Well presented and handled.

Limit (1) Komidion Sonata For Sametova JW. Lovely feminine Grey bitch, nice dark eye, good bite, well set triangular ears and a nice feminine head, giving a friendly expression. Elegant length of neck leading into a very well laid shoulder, strong boned forelegs and well padded round feet, well sprung rib good length of loin with a slight tuck up, correct topline and good tail set. Moved with Extension and rear drive when she felt like it, the floor was not good today and many dogs did not give their best. She had a good shape and balance. RBOB.

Open (3) a nice class to judge, 1 Burrage’s Ch Komidion Prima Donna Of Sametova ShCEx, Dark Grey feminine bitch, I liked her shape and balance, she coped very well with the floor today and her movement was sound and stylish with good front extension and rear drive. She had a lovely feminine head with a slight but distinct stop, large nostrils, good pigment and a lovely dark nicely shaped eye, lovely expression, well set triangular ears that were carried well, a strong jaw with a complete scissor bite, good face furnishings and a good length of neck with very well laid shoulders, she was well muscled throughout and in beautiful condition, well boned but feminine and so well balanced, she had a good topline which was rising slightly towards her well arched loin, well sprung rib with a long and muscular loin with a slight tuck up, well muscled hindquarters which she used so well on the move, tail well set and carried well on the move, loved her movement and showmanship, shown in beautiful coat and condition BOB so glad to see that she got BIS 4 under the BIS judge. 2. Burrage’s Sametova Bacary, light Grey male with a nice head, nice eye, correct bite and well set ears, good length of neck and well laid shoulders, well balanced a nice shape, just preferred the bitch for topline, balance and movement. 3. Goundry’s Komidion Rimsky Korsakov At Sarminija.

Judge Suzanne Kerée-Bartolo (Shirkeira/Middletune)