• Show Date: 19/02/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Stephanie Twigg Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

St Helens & District Canine Society

St Helens and District Canine Society

Miniature Pinscher

Puppy (2)

Mrs Billington, Aquepins Phryne Fisher. 7 month old black and tan bitch, compact little girl with lots of personality. Correct head with neat ears. Well developed forechest and a lovely straight front. Slight slope to topline and well set tail. Good sweep to stifle. Moved with correct hackney action.

Messrs Hartley & Fahey, Sticmaze Slapstick with Zoomeera. 6 month old red bitch. A little unsettled today, full of spirit and fearless animation. Elongated head with well pigmented nose. Strong, graceful neck free from throatiness. Straight topline and correct rear angulation.

Junior (1)

Mrs Billington, Aquepins Jessica Fletcher. 7 month old black and tan bitch, sibling to 1st in puppy. An elegant girl who shouts look at me. Feminine head with alert expression. Slightly arched neck into well laid shoulders. Ribs well sprung with moderate tuck up. She glided round the ring with true hackney action. Best Puppy.

Post Graduate (3)

Mr & Mrs Scott, Maynell Almost An Angel. Red bitch, just shy of 2 years. A sturdy and square little lady. Pretty head with dark eyes and tidy ears. Short coupled with good depth of chest. Legs medium boned with neat feet. Self possessed on the move with a tail that never stopped wagging.

Mrs Billington, Aquepins Agatha Raisin. Third sibling from this Kennel. Smooth and lustrous black and rich tan coat. Graceful neck into clean shoulders. Elegant when standing and on the move with lift and break at the wrist in front. Longer in loin than her siblings.

Ms & Ms James & Thouless, Jaegerson The Philosopher.

Open (1)

Mr & Mrs Scott, Keljantzi's Zelda to Maynell JW. 4 and a half year old black and tan bitch of lovely size and in great condition. Well balanced, compact and short-coupled outline. Breed typical head. Well developed forechest and straight front. Wedge shaped body. Muscular, well angulated hindquarters. Best of Breed.

Stef Twigg
