• Show Date: 27/08/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Sophy Pashley Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 26/09/2023

Salisbury & South Wilts Canine Society

Salisbury & South Wilts Canine Society Open Show 

Sunday, 27th August 2023

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers 

My sincerest thanks to the Secretary, Officers and Committee for their invitation to judge Tollers and for their excellent hospitality today. It was a great honour to be afforded this, my first, judging appointment. Thank you to my very efficient stewards who kept the ring moving all day. Finally, my deepest thanks to the exhibitors for giving me the honour of judging their dogs, and for their excellent sportsmanship. 

Puppy (0, 0) 

Special Yearling (0, 0) 

Post Graduate (1, 0) 

1. Strevens' Tollisty You Can’t Decline. Rising 2 year old dog with rich red double coat. Good head of nice proportions and ears well set on. Lovely kind expression with almond shaped eye. Neck well set on with excellent angles both front and rear. Strong, straight front. Deep brisket with well sprung ribs leading to a strong loin. Tail well feathered and constantly moving on the move. Moved effortlessly with good reach and drive. All is in balance but would prefer a little more height. In the challenge, he drew the eye, presenting a more complete picture both stood and on the move. BOB. Delighted to see him go on to take Gundog Group 4. 

Limit (3, 1) 

1. Nevers' Tollelkin Dream Cove At Sheldrake JW. A mature 2 ½ year old dog with deep red jacket and lots to like. Compact and powerful. Broad, balanced head with nice expression. Medium length neck leading into a good lay of shoulder and excellent rear angulation resulting in good drive. Lovely straight front. Deep chested, ribs well sprung. Strong back with level topline both standing and on the move. Thick double coat. Well feathered tail with lovely white tip. Moved well and handled beautifully. Pushed hard for top honours. RBOB. 

2. Vaughan-Walker & Creasey’s Weyfrome Under A Waterfall. A pretty 2 year old bitch with rich orange coat. Lovely feminine head with kind expression. Would prefer eye to be a shade darker. Nice straight front and with good angles. Ribs well sprung. Moderate tuck up. Level topline held when standing and on the move. Hocks well let down. Lovely, well feathered tail, constantly moving. Will develop further as she matures. Moved nicely. 

Open (2, 0) 

1. Fuard's Tollelkin Bay of Ice. A close decision. 7 year old orange dog who is at the top end of the height scale. Nice wedge shaped head with kind eye and confident expression. Good neck of medium length leading into well laid back shoulder. Deep brisket, with ribs well sprung, a strong loin and moderate tuck up. Well-muscled hind end with hocks well let down. Tail well set on with good feathering. He moved well with good reach and drive and level topline. 

2. Strevens' Sh Ch Tollelkin Caife Gaelach At Tollisty. A lovely 4 year old bitch of medium size with a rich orange coat. Beautiful triangular head with nice expression and kind eye. Excellent angulation both fore and aft. Ribs well sprung with strong loin and level topline both on the move and standing. Tail well set on, but rather lacking the feathering today as she’s somewhat out of coat. On the move she showed a jaunty action with good drive. Judge: Sophy Pashley