- Show Date: 04/02/2023
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Simon Luxmoore Contact Judge
- Published Date: 28/07/2023
Isle Of Ely Canine Society
04 FEB 23
P 4(1)
1. Bramley/Moore’s Coalacre Do The Hokey Cokey. Nice male, balanced angulation, as much back length as I would like, good shoulder, level top-line, easy gait, BP.
2. Richards’ Wildan’s Dark Sky at Elemark. Feminine head and expression, good dark eye, correct reach of neck, balanced throughout, good reach and drive on the move, not quite the condition of 1 on the day.
3. Kennedy-Jackson’s Wildan’s Sky Catcher.
J 5(2)
1. Bevis’ Beabeardies Xtra Special. Nice 13 month old with well angled front and rear, keen dark eye and appealing expression, could do with a little more practise which will serve her well on future occasions.
2. Richards’ Wildan’s Dark Sky at Elemark. Repeat.
3. Kennedy-Jackson’s Wildan’s Sky Catcher.
PG 5(1)
1. Jay’s Talraz Song of Summer. Very nice bitch, good head and expression, nice reach of neck, shown in good coat, balanced angulation and moved to advantage.
2. Stead’s Clovabrae Villanelle. Preferred the head of 1 but this bitch has good shoulder, nice turn of stifle and moved to advantage, lacked coat on the day.
3. Nolan’s Talraz Badge of Honour.
O 7(2)
1. Jay’s Matamata Lorien Lady at Talraz. A lovely 2 year old bitch, super head and expression, excellent angulation, strong top-line, easy ground covering gait with excellent reach and drive, a lovely example of the breed, BOB.
2. Edwards’ Kelham Like Dreams Do at Roxilyn. Another nice bitch, super head, balanced throughout, well held top-line, not quite the reach and drive of 1, RBOB.
3. Cooper’s Tybury’s Song of Ice and Fire.
P 1(0)
1. Wescott-Smith/Smith’s Vivienne De L’Arena Noir at Rozimba. Very masculine attractive head and expression, good overall balance but ring size was not conducive to him being able to show off his movement on the out and back but nice prospect, RBOB & BP.
PG 1(0)
1. Stevenson’s Lactantius Diamond Fire among Almahistoria. Well angulated and ground covering on the day but I would prefer more body and more condition on future occasions.
O 1(0)
1. Rual-Keogh/Rual/Wescott-Smith/Smith’s Int/NL/Bel Ch. Gilcoru Sauvignon D’Brie at Rozimba. Nice 5 year old male shown in good coat and condition, well muscled and powerful throughout, covered plenty of ground with good reach and drive, BOB.
P 4(1)
1. Blake’s Corydon The Baron. Super young male puppy, classic head and expression, excellent angulation fore and aft, displayed perfect balance, parallel ground covering gait and one I wanted to take home, RBOB & BP.
2. Cooper’s Kelekona Hearts Of Gold. Placed 2nd over 3rd on his parallel gait and reach and drive, head of good proportion but as much back length as I would like and struggled to hold his top-line on the day.
3. Wray-Ramsden’s Gataj Once Upon A Dream of Takhisis.
J 3(0)
1. Wray-Ramsden’s Takhisis Lady of Mystery. Correct head, well set ears, good shoulder, balanced, I would prefer a stronger top-line but moved with a parallel ground covering gait.
2. Radford-House’s Chelborn’s Betting List for Fivejays. Feminine head, correct eye, more compact in type, shown in full coat and good condition but not quite the gait of one.
3. Corben’s Wisewyn All The Time In the World via Caprioara (imp PRT).
PG 3(0)
1. White’s Mejola Main Event JW. Excellent head, well set ears, balanced throughout, well held top-line, shown in good coat and condition, easy light footed gait.
2. Corben/Moore’s Welanga Winter Carols via Caprioara. Well balanced blue merle, good angulation, well proportioned head, parallel on the move.
3. Chaplin’s Takhisis Lysander.
O 5(0)
1. Blake’s Corydon Pol Roger. Very nice blue merle male, 3 years old, shown in full coat and good condition, correct bone, excellent angulation fore and aft, level top-line, correct croup, tail set and carriage, BOB.
2. White’s Mejola Main Attraction. Very nice bitch, excellent proportions, not quite the condition of 1 but lovely feminine head and a good example of the breed.
3. Radford-House’s Ingledene Midnite Skye with Fivejays. 203
P 1(0)
1. Baverstock’s Kalkasi Star of The Stage. Lovely 11 month old bitch, attractive head and expression, good reach of neck, good shoulder, strong top-line, nice turn of stifle, good croup and an easy ground covering gait, nice prospect, RBOB & BP.
J 1(0)
1. Baverstock’s Kalkasi Star of The Stage. Repeat.
PG 3(0)
1. Baverstock’s Kalkasi Star of The Stage. Repeat.
2. Kennedy’s Pyrcot Spirit of Hanai. Nice male, masculine head and expression, balanced angulation front and rear, good bone, level top-line, coat rather soft on the day, ground covering parallel gait.
3. Challinor’s Shanlimore Marvin.
O 4(1)
1. Pollard/Maggs’ Ch. Gillandant Thief of Hearts at Dewyche. Wonderful example of the breed, impressive masculine head, good reach of neck, powerful shoulders, strong top-line, good croup, excellent balance throughout, well angulated front and rear, long, languid easy gait, BOB.
2. Hopkins’ Lisjovia Sweet but Psycho. Feminine head and a fair reach of neck, powerful shoulders, level top-line and a good parallel gait on the out and back.
3. Kennedy’s Pyrcot Spirit of Ohana.
P 2(0)
1. Taylor’s Tamlin Razor Crest. Impressive young male, typical head, good forechest, strong bone, well held top-line and well angulated front and rear, good croup and tail set, parallel on the move covering plenty of ground.
2. Taylor’s Tamlin Rogue Shadow. Very feminine head but not quite the front of one but balanced angulation and moved with an enthusiastic gait.
J 1(0)
1. Taylor’s Tamlin Millennium Falcon. Impressive young male, nice front, good angulation, strong top-line, absolutely sound on the move, RBOB & BP.
O 3(0)
1. Down’s Elessar Howling Moon. Strong male, masculine head, powerful throughout, good reach of neck, well held top-line, absolutely parallel on the move, good forechest, BOB.
2. Taylor’s Wildcard Lilibet at Tamlin. Feminine head and expression, balanced angulation, good reach, would prefer a little more croup and consequently a lower tail set.
3. Burgoyne/Goddard’s Ch. Waterdeep Ranger One JW ShCM ShCEx.
P 2(1)
1. Hulse’s Bananeira Kensington. Nice male, attractive head, well set ears, correct front, good bone, moderate angulation, parallel on the move, with conditioning he will be able to better hold his top-line, BP.
J 2(1)
1. Hollingworth’s Highashes Plan Bee. Feminine head, high set ears, good reach of neck, good front, top-line a little loose on the day, good feet, moved to advantage, RBOB.
O 2(0)
1. Down’s Elessar Royal Coronet. Preferred the head and overall balance of 1, good forechest, balanced angulation, strong top-line, absolutely sound on the move, BOB.
2. Hollingworth’s Ryslip Dolly Daydream at Highashes. High set ears, good reach of neck and moved with a parallel gait.
O 2(1)
1. Banks/Betancor Carasa’s Hidden Dark De Wolfmont with Snowbeach (imp ESP). Large male, strong masculine head, good reach of neck, moderate angulation front and rear, level top-line, shown in good coat and condition, languid ground covering gait, BOB.
P 1(0)
1. Bennet/Rankin’s Wildax Johnny Boy. Lovey male puppy, nice head, high set ears, excellent overall proportions, well angulated with an impressive ground covering gait, BP.
J 1(0)
1. Ward’s Wildax Liverpool Lover of Frenbosen. Super 12 month old male, excellent head, good muzzle, nice reach of neck, absolutely balanced throughout, impressive on the move, BOB.
O 3(0)
1. Walker’s Ch. Image Catcher of Ziost. Very feminine head, nice 6 year old bitch who won the class on her movement, balanced angulation, strong top-line, nice example of the breed, RBOB.
2. Ward’s Frenbosen Rockaby Lullaby. 2 year old with much to merit, not quite settled on the day but sound on the move with a good head and muzzle.
3. Guy’s Wynele Trooping The Colour.
P 2(0)
1. Coates’ Gladstyle Tell Me When. Two nice puppies, just preferred the front assembly of 1 but as much back length as I would like, good turn of stifle, attractive head and expression, RBOB & BP.
2. Hardisty’s Blunderhal Pickle Pot. Very much a baby at this stage with good overall proportions and charming feminine head, balanced throughout.
J 5(3)
1. Coates’ Gladstyle Crystal Clear. Won the class on her tidier rear movement going away, feminine head and expression, balanced fore and aft, with as much back length as I would like, BOB
2. Hardisty’s Blunderhall Kiss Me Quick. Very nice head, good front but very untidy on the movement away.
J 2(1)
1. Wolstenholme/Moughton/Farleigh’s Kinabula Rouge Diamond at Dekris. Cirneco Dell’etna. Very nice male, super head and expression, balanced angulation, correct bone, impressive moving in profile, absolutely sound on the out and back, a very nice prospect, Res Best AVNSC.
O 3(2)
1. Maun’s Ch. Bowerhinton Bassanio. Norwegian Elkhound. Very nice 3 year old, impressive head, correct neck, powerful shoulders, correct tail set and carriage, shown in excellent coat and condition, absolutely sound on the move, Best AVNSC.
J 11(8)
1. Maxwell’s Maccus Fire Will Reign. Very nice Whippet, attractive head and expression, balanced angulation, correct bone, impressive in profile, absolutely sound throughout.
2. Catharell/Larkin’s Asharaa’s Perfect Match with Faahac. Masculine Rhodesian Ridgeback, moderate angulation, correct bone, very ‘aware’ of his surroundings on the day but moved to advantage.
3. Moulding’s Nykarth Touch of Class.
PG 11(6)
1. Thomas/Halliday’s Brochinbelle Ooh La La at Bowdonia. Very nice Whippet, good head, good reach of neck, correct feet and pasterns, clean profile, absolutely sound on the move.
2. Coote’s Andeysson Cape Verde. Very nice Mini Smooth Haired Dachshund, good head and expression, nice overall proportions, correct length to height ratios and good clearance, absolutely sound on the move.
3. Moulding’s Nykarth Quite The Surprise.
O 3(0)
1. Ward’s Carina Manantena at Backtor. Saluki, 4 year old male, good balance throughout, nice reach of neck, correct bone, nice turn of stifle, good ground covering gait.
2. Coote’s Andeysson Cape Verde. Repeat.
3. Prior’s Houndseeker Dauntless.
V 8(3)
1. Virgo/Hicks’ Am Ch. Suni Asia Wish Upon A Star by Sumahari ShCM ShCEx (imp USA). Wonderful Afghan Hound, a dog I have admired and judged previously, super head and expression, excellent angulation, strong top-line, correct croup and tail set, moved with great style and a springy, ground covering gait, remains a credit to his breed as a veteran.
2. Cross’ Stargang Sansa. An extraordinary 12 year old Mini Smooth Haired Dachshund, absolutely balanced fore and aft, moved to advantage, extremely well handled and presented.
3. Makey’s Ch/Int/Bel Ch. Gairside Good Lord JW ShCM ShCEx CW19.
A very strong group with a number of Champions in their midst, all of whom were an absolute credit to their breed but the Dachshund (Long Haired) took it on the day by not putting a foot wrong, he was extremely well handled and presented.
G1Cross’ Ch. Loggeta Trouble in Texas ShCEx. Dachshund (Long Haired).
G2Freudenreich’s Lockkolea Rocket Man. Basset Hound.
G3Mycroft’s Ch. Supeta’s Little Darlin’ JW. Whippet.
G4Maun’s Ch. Bowerhinton Bassanio. Elkhound.
PG1Newton’s Nevedith Gold Ingot. Whippet.
PG2Freudenreich’s Rangali Shimmy Jimmy. Basset Fauve de Bretagne.
PG3Cox/Musgrave’s Carlincox Jersey Royal. Rhodesian Ridgeback.
PG4 Odell’s Donskoi Prince of Darkness. Borzoi.