• Show Date: 25/11/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Simon Luxmoore Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/11/2023

Northern Boston Terrier Club Of England

NORTHERN BOSTON TERRIER CLUB OF ENGLAND 25 NOV 23 SPECIAL AWARD CLASSES I would like to thank the committee of the Northern Boston Terrier Club very much for their kind invitation to judge their Special Award Classes at their open show on 25th November 2023 and was delighted with my entry although not everybody was able to be in attendance on the day. Class A - PD/B 4(0) 1. Ward/Hale’s Frenbosen Let It Be. Displayed overall balance and excellent angulation when viewed in profile, the head was correct with a square skull and correct muzzle and in this respect was a comfortable winner of this class, level top-line, well set neck on shoulder, correct croup, good turn of stifle, an excellent, confident, ground covering parallel gait, good prospect. 2. Rankin/Spenser’s Wildax Shut That Door NAF TAF. Not quite the head proportions of 1 however good overall balance, correct top-line, moderate angulation behind and sound ground covering gait. 3. Wildman/Davis’ Wildax Rowendale Stan Francisco. Class B - PGD/B 7(3) 1. Ward’s Wildax Liverpool Lover of Frenbosen. Good head, correct ear placement, good dark eye, good moderate length of neck, well set on shoulders, level top-line, nice turn of stifle, good fit feet, shown in excellent hard condition, easy ground covering positive gait. 2. Rankin’s Wildax Jurgen Klopp. Nice properties in the head, balanced angulation, parallel throughout, moved with a purposeful gait but not quite to the condition of 1 on the day. 3. Walker’s Ziost Rebel Commander Snips. Class C - OD/B 7(4) 1. Rankin’s Wildax You To Me. Correct head, good dark eye, well placed ears, correct muzzle to skull proportions, parallel throughout, well angulated front and rear and took the class with my preference for the head. 2. Walker’s Ch. Image Catcher of Ziost. Very nice veteran, well angulated and compact, super coat and condition but lacked the overall head proportions for me. 3. Rankin/Hale’s Wildax Schubert. SIMON LUXMOORE